General Discussion

General Discussionis linkens void first major item THAT good?

is linkens void first major item THAT good? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Q2: how teh fuck do you get farm with him without maelstrom?

    doc joferlyn simp

      with position 1 farm guaranteed by great team coordination ofc

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        What about offlane? Farming a diffusal+manta for THAT power spike is so hard. I barely have hero damage nor do I get the space to whack the shit out of someone because I always get focused in fights and I have to weave out instead


          I never go mealstrom first item void, or linkens. Usually linkens for utility but diffusal manta is too
          Good to pass up .


            If you are playing offlane. Get treads, vlads, quelling and hunt the opponents support. It will help you get some item plus when you play offlane you just need to have a good setup of chrono and let your team mates do the rest

            doc joferlyn simp

              as an offlane void, you generally wont be focused on cuz after you pop the chrono you wont be able to do much dmg. better spend your money on a blink or vlads

              shadow got linkens since he was pos 1 carry, and thus had the most dmg output in the team so hell get focused on the most

              linkens allows fv to freely move around the chrono and kill shit and put that pos 1 farm to good use


                Its situational obv. Its a retarded idea to think linkens is core on him.

                I think a really great item on the new void is echo saber, since u no longer rush attack speed items on him. Echo treads into maelstrom diffusal manta is wat i make on him now.

                Only make blink wen u just giv set up chronos and dmg isnt expected from u

                Im not a big vlads fan on him. Id rather skip lifesteal in the early stages and make satanic in the ultra late game


                  If you check the void of sam H from TNC vs OG in TI6 his void is outfarm but the way he setup chrono was really good for the team and the result is winning the team fight.

                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                    If you check top void games in dotabuff right now you would see almost everyone in VHS builds linkens

                      Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                        What "Retired" said linkes is optional / situational item means it depends on the hero of the enemy!


                          farm is not only maelsyrom batle fury
                          farm is killing heroes too u kill 1 hero 400 gold is almost 2 waves of creeps which takes 40 50 sec to clear them while killing hero in 5 sec give u more exp more space for team more everyhing

                          Dire Wolf

                            Void isn't a farming hero any more, he fights early and often. That's why people go diffusal and manta, cus buildup is easy so he can fight while building those items and then hits a big power spike after finishing them. Like for example you have yasha and one alacrity for diffusal, that's still pretty decent dmg considering you have one and a half items built.

                            ur mom

                              First of all, you don't need a maelstrom to be a good farmer. Second, Linkens is used a lot on high MMR brackets because the way fights happen are kind of far more organized than lower ones. Like, if there's a Doom you'll need Linkens (in high MMR brackets) because he's gonna blink and doom you, unlike as in lower brackets, where he has to run to you all the way to Doom you. Also, Linkens is so good for Mana and HP. That's gonna keep you fit all the time. I usually do the - Treads, Preservance, Yasha, Linkens, Manta, Dif. It works hell lot!


                                Pretty much the "if weaver buys linken, morphling buys linken, why shouldn't void?" mindset
                                Weaver is a hero that is good in mid game fights and buys linken because he needs some regen, some mana, and some durability
                                So is morphling
                                So is void
                                It's only good with a coordinated team since you won't be farming that fast and you won't hit that hard
                                Basically makes the enemy confused at which target to handle, the elusive void or his damage dealing teammates
                                Mjolnir is like, too chrono reliant, I still get it if I don't trust my team to fight 24/7 and the game's tempo is very slow (or if the enemy are snails that clumps up together for easy chronos)

                                casual gamer

                                  dont go linkens or mj on void 9/10 games lol

                                  usually even pos 1 i just go vlads diffu manta. same shit as offlaner except as pos 3 when i need to catch 1 or i know i wont get farm i get blink/agh after vlads


                                  nerf void = back to 4k for me 4Head

                                  however 1 game i got super carried by BSJ going linkens first and hes what 7k?

                                  edit: BSJ-god no diffusal void

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                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    im pretty sure i can see a diffusal blade on the 6th item slot

                                    oh wait i realize he bought it late, i understand now

                                    disregard me

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      Everytime I see my teammate picks void I prepare myself to stay like 20 meters away from him
                                      Still gets chronoed :(


                                        Why does void get AC tho with the diffu manta build? It has slightly bad synergy with manta since illusions doesn't benefit from auras, doesn't look like it's worth the cost

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          bsj such a good guy buys a luxury item to benefit the team vs bad ta instead of buying an ultra greedy item like daed

                                          casual gamer

                                            ac for ta also he was ratting because we were heavy lul

                                            Dr. Banana

                                              I'm pretty sure people only build linkens to copy what wing.shadow did in the ti6 final. He got it for situational purposes and linkens isn't a really 'first major item' on void.

                                              M U R D E R

                                                Ppl been building linkens way before that shadow performance

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  dr banan every time wings has drafted void, shadow played it. everytime shadow played void, he buil't linkens. tell me how that is "situational". and hes got a very nice winrate with it i might add

                                                  go confirm it im too sleepy


                                                    I built linkens on void before shadow did in championship . not everyone just copying him .

                                                    Vem Comigo

                                                      people just build linkens because of the perseverance, the passive hp and mana regen is pretty good on any carry

                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                        Coz Linkens had discounts and buffs recently
                                                        LINKENS WAS ALWAYS MY FAVORITE ITEM COZ ITS SO PRETTY MAN
                                                        THAT LIL BLUE CRYSTAL BALL GLOWING FOR ETERNITY


                                                          BSJ went linkens first because they have a lion, a bat, an SD and a nyx, theres literally no reason not to if youre a core hero that needs to kill people in the fucking chrono.

                                                          Honestly, he shouldve gone bkb after the manta, but didn't because the game was in the bag anyway.

                                                          Linkens is a situational item, you get it if you can get shut down inside the chrono or doing one of your void things.

                                                          IDK why you people ask about this seriouskly.


                                                            ^ actually I prefer linkens allowing you to get off a chromo still if initiated upon more so than it helping you while in the chrono. Getting initiated upon by enemy team and killed before you can use chrono disillusioned means huge disadvantage for your team .


                                                              Daedalus is trash on void anyway, at least in the current form of the hero
                                                              Bloodthorn > daed any day


                                                                people dont understand how shadow and wings played which is half the reason linkens was so good for him


                                                                  If you get initiated on before you chorno then you definetly need the linkens. Still a situational item. YOu get it ther ebecause you wont get the chrono off either way.


                                                                    When you can't farm, but need items, you buy Midas.

                                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                      The problem with that is you can't fight with a fucking shiny disco glove