General Discussion

General DiscussionA new way to play alchemist?

A new way to play alchemist? in General Discussion

    Lately, i have been thinking about offlane alchemist. Honestly i dont think this will be legit but fuck it. So the skill build is pretty much the same but you put 1 skill for unstable concoction in lv 3 or 4. In term of playstyle you play him like dark seer but be more careful because you dont have any escape. You build his item like dark seer too. The good thing about him is he can retreat back to jungle and come out with guardian greaves, crimson guard etc. and i hear that early mek is legit so alch can do that by going to jungle and farm. And yeah agha is good for he can give that to other people.

    Ps. I cant try this because ns and you cant got solo off vs trilane properly and i cant play due to high ping as well.i hope some vhs player can try this :)

    Vem Comigo

      Super Meat Boy is an independent video game designed by Edmund McMillen (pictured) and Tommy Refenes and developed by Team Meat. The successor to the 2008 Flash game Meat Boy, Super Meat Boy was released on the Xbox 360 through Xbox Live Arcade in October 2010 and on Microsoft Windows in November 2010. It was ported to OS X and Linux in 2011, to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in 2015, and to the Wii U in 2016. In the game the player controls Meat Boy, a red, cube-shaped character, as he attempts to rescue his girlfriend, Bandage Girl, from the game's antagonist Dr. Fetus. The platform gameplay is characterized by fine control and split-second timing as the player runs and jumps through over 300 hazardous levels while avoiding obstacles. The game sold over 1,000,000 copies by January 2012, and was critically acclaimed. In 2010, it received awards for Most Challenging Game from IGN and for Best Downloadable Game from GameSpot and GameTrailers, as well as a nomination for the Grand Prize at the 2010 Independent Games Festival. Critics lauded the game's difficulty, precise control, retro artwork, and soundtrack.


        How the fuck do you play Alchemist like a dark seer?


          Skill 1 almost the same as ion shell just put it on a lane duhh its obvious

          doc joferlyn simp

            offlane alchemist = food for everyone

            he has no innate escape, putting him at offlane and at worse in a solo hardlane would mean endless feed

            if you put that hero there for the exp advantage, there are tons of popular offlaners that can do so and offer so much more than an alchemist who has no damage output because he invested in utility items

            basically you just walk fast


              How about you stick him at solo offlane for 4 min and retreat to jungle to get lv6 and farm. He wont die like 8 time in solo hardlane. And he is quite a good ganker if you got unstable on someone with other support. Honestly i put alch offlane for just the utility. I want to make him as a agh giver and early pipe/mek

              Vem Comigo

                No, you cant, because you will only be able to sap xp on lane, alch is pretty weak on lane, even if you use the acid and the creeps, people can pull the wave or even push since the alch cant contest pre lvl 6, them you buy a soul ring and spam that thing, it makes easier for people to gank pre lvl6, you wont have a bottle, you wont have any good item other than the soulring, you will be sitting with -40%HP, you end up with a alch 6 minutes late on farm, and even after his lvl6 he wont do shit on the lane, them he will need to alternate jungle, but there he can be easily ganked as well, and them he will take the farm of teh carry and the mid, that go jungle to clear a creep camp.

                The biggest strengh of alch, is to farm faster, split push and farm multiple places, just like a naga, he needs to do goodish on the early game, suport alch isnt good, he will be 6 sloted to early and them he can only farm aghs for his team, and you cant transition into a carry because you will be wasting the first 30 minutes of the game.


                  The idea is like support alchemist but i want to make him richer by putting him offlanr


                    No way dude. Midas->radiance way better
                    U got it in 15' and at 20 u already have bot and manta


                      Actually you only need rad and manta for agh thats why he is so good. He can rush agh as a first item. He can get it at 15 min and give it to hero like WR which is not possible because both are the mid hero. And wr can buy other item like daedalus and maelstorm

                      Vem Comigo



                          And with alch offlane you can give agh to mid like mirana WR. And legit safelane carry like dr


                            Midas on alch is shit coz i can get rad on 12 min and bot manta on 20 six slot on 35-40 min


                              I remember 1 game where in the tournament alch vs timber mid. The alch cant even have a last hit so he farm ancient and got really big by 15 min rad so its almost guarantee that you can get 15 min agh or 12 min agh


                                Well i like midas alch
                                My gpm always 1k+ with midas 8slotted @35~40 :p
                                If u rush rad:way too risky since alch dont have escape
                                U buy midas u will hav lv2 ulti @11 or less idk for better survivability
                                Im not the type who like stacking jungle duh xd

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                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  lets clear shit up. first midas isnt bought for the gold, its bought for the xp it gives everytime you use it. it multiplies the xp that creep gives by 4, which is why you use it for big creeps/ranged creeps/siege creeps. there may come a time when using it on a small creep is more economical but im getting off track. the point is midas is for xp, not for gold adv

                                  second you know why alch isnt considered op, despite having the ability to make two dr's 12 mins into the game? its because of his shitty stat gain. he can and will transition into a monster once he has items, but if he is denied that in the early game your use is that of visage's familiars. that is, considered as bait bcs you give a lot of gold when killed and hard to capture since runs fast and has stun. for alch, xp doesnt win you the game. gold does

                                  so midas = exp. alch doesnt need exp. alch needs gold. gold which he will use to farm even more gold. and in the process, gain exp. as a side effect, win the fucking game

                                  STE 8-1-8

                                    @ayakami you can get 1k+ gpm without midas if you farm and stack properly


                                      sorry op, i lost you on the first sentence.

                                      guys i need a TLDR so i don't lose the rest of my brain cells by reading the full thread


                                        Play alche like a dark seer spamming skills for harassing and shit
                                        Don't think it's viable at all

                                        rice cake

                                          u shud play darkseer like alche


                                            ah thanks, lmao

                                            have any of you checked alche's starting stats and stat gain?


                                              Alchemist is one of the easiest level 1 heros to gank and he needs solo xp, this is an awful idea and would only be done by people who don't understand how to offlane or play alc.

                                              casual gamer

                                                yeah darkseer starts with 999 armor and has free haste, ion shell stacks and does a million times more damage

                                                without the ability to abuse greed alch is useless. ty valvefrog for nerfing support alch into the grave


                                                  Support alch has no place in the game anyway lmao
                                                  One of the best space abuser hero as a support just doesn't make sense

                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                    I mained support alch before the stun nerf

                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                      Anyway, jungle into ganking alch is actually doable, which would be better than offlane alch


                                                        Why would u stack jungle for 1k gpm when u can have midas for 1k gpm and faster exp
                                                        U got high regen at lv 16 when enemy still lv 9-11, ofc exp is important :/
                                                        I just too lazy to stacking 😀


                                                          ^ omg stack > midas

                                                          Full Давай

                                                            If you ever ganked alchemist you know he's not good at trading hits. Why do you think he has q in the first place.


                                                              Support alch is only legit when u random it at first pick, so enemies build around to counter u. U can off with it, but not solo.

                                                              U go Phase + blink + medalion of courage if u want the game to end in the mid game. U take only 1 point in greed and max stun + cloud.

                                                              If u aim for late game and enemy doesnt have line up for fast push (eg medusa), u go brown boots + mealstorm and afk farm scepters.

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                pre level 6 ofc

                                                                or maybe even if he has depending on the amount of burst you guys brought

                                                                if he has ulti in i think only an ursa can take him in early game


                                                                  Why u dont pick dark seer and kill u self with u alch offlane? 😂