General Discussion

General DiscussionI am normal skill, how do I get to VHS.

I am normal skill, how do I get to VHS. in General Discussion

    In my infinite search of reason in this sea of questionable plays and mental breakdowns in all cardinal directions possible and created by mankind or even god himself, I've found what I believe is to be the reason why I am a normal skill trash trenchlord. The next paragraphs will undoubtledly display the kind of resolve I've aqcuired.

    Mental retardation is a condition in which people have significantly below average mental functioning (an intelligence quotient or IQ of 70-75 or less compared to the normal average of 100), causing problems with everyday living. People who are mentally retarded may have problems with communication, taking care of themselves, daily living, social skills, community interactions, directing themselves, health and safety, school, leisure activities, and work.

    Studies in the 1980s suggest that between 2.5 and 3 percent of all people in the United States are considered mentally retarded. According to the 1990 census, 6.3 and 7.5 million people in the United States have mental retardation.

    The condition, which is more common in boys than girls, begins at birth or in childhood. If a person with normal intelligence becomes impaired as an adult, such as in severe mental illness or brain injury, the condition is not called mental retardation.

    The vast majority of people with mental retardation have IQ levels of 55 to 69 and are considered mildly retarded. Mildly retarded children often go undiagnosed until they are well into their school years. They are often slower to walk, talk, and feed themselves than most other children. They can learn practical skills, including reading and math, up to about the fourth to sixth grade level. Mildly retarded adults usually build social and job skills and can live on their own.

    A much smaller number of people with mental retardation have IQs ranging from 40 to 54 and are considered moderately retarded. Children who are moderately retarded show noticeable delays in developing speech and motor skills. Although they are unlikely to acquire useful academic skills, they can learn basic communication, some health and safety habits, and other simple skills. They cannot learn to read or do math. Moderately retarded adults usually cannot live alone, but they can do some simple tasks and travel alone in familiar places.

    An even smaller percentage of people with mental retardation have IQs ranging from 20 to 39 and are considered severely mentally retarded. Their condition is likely to be diagnosed at birth or soon after. By preschool age, they show delays in motor development and little or no ability to communicate. With training, they may learn some self-help skills, such as how to feed and bathe themselves. They usually learn to walk and gain a basic understanding of speech as they get older. Adults who are severely mentally retarded may be able to follow daily routines and perform simple tasks, but they need to be directed and live in a protected environment.

    Only a very few people with mental retardation have IQs of 0 to 24 and are considered severely mentally retarded. Their condition is usually diagnosed at birth, and they may have other medical problems and need nursing care. Children who are profoundly retarded need to be continuously supervised. These children show delays in all aspects of development. With training, they may learn to use their legs, hands, and jaws. Adults who are profoundly retarded usually learn some speech and may learn to walk. They cannot take care of themselves and need complete support in daily living.

    So in sintaxis, I think I'm better than my MMR but I'm still normal skill, fuck valve, fuck peru, fuck dota, and fuck each and everyone of you. Fuck you ugly.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      I actually read them all
      10/10 better story than Transformers

      rice cake

        how can a person have 0 iq?


          brain death


            What's the link between mmr and iq?

            remember to drink water

              If you're NS then you deserve to be in NS


                When in pubs u get matched with 2k but ur MMR is actually sub 1k. PS I know I'm shit thx