General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to raise my mmr or play

How to raise my mmr or play in General Discussion

    Hi 4k players. I calabrate in 4.1k and i play solo almost 6months every day and i stuck here. Can you Plz give me some tips or guide to up my mmr.

    suck dick for pma

      Watch your replays. Watch replays of pro players playing heroes that you like.

      suck dick for pma

        I got better by watching twitch


          Have a winning mentality, know when you make mistakes and improve/correct them. Know your role, play to win. Go watch good players. Keep pma

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          THE FUCK?!

            git gud git gud git gud git gud

            oh come on, i have seen many topics like this shit everyday

            why u guys not make a interisting topic.. please



              Tl:dr git gud

              no one can write you a post on how to gain 1k mmr, that post would be a 30 page essay

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                  positivity, how do you learn this fast? im sometimes a super tryhard, but even i can't improve 1.5k mmr in a month, there's no way you actually were 3.9

                  did you previously have some other 5k+ acc?

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                    Im so Cute

                      Do you think that i have a chance of 4k MMR to calibrate? I'm level 48 trophy.. gonna calibrate sooner


                        yea, that makes more sense. i actually thought you figured out some new revolutionary way to ''git gud''

                        i mean even at my most super-tryhard, even i can't do more than +1k improvement a month. glad that you got a better net now.

                        @[E]ffect.Plug & Play if you play like a 4k, you'll calibrate 4k.

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                        Besn1q 3.0

                          It's pretty simple. It's about understanding what you do wrong + keeping a cool and calm mind.

                          Don't let teammates flames get to you and understand when you made a mistake and why you did it. If you are unable to see your mistakes, which might very well happen, then you shoiuld ask a superior player to look at your replay and let him explain what you did wrong.


                            Gaining 1k mmr a month is ridiculously high tho from just playing pitlord. Hats off to you.


                              and i only gained 200 mmr this past 3weeks, fuq me


                                Gaining 1k in a month itself is already amazing
                                Let alone with pitlord


                                  @Renshin fam u already 4k
                                  My MMR only increased 200 this month and I'm not even 2k yet :(


                                    @bws, seems like you have a good rank winstreak, meaning your getting better, keep it up man.


                                      u can boost 4k by playing drow od morph beastmaster (if their safe carry is melle beast master rapes) push i mean honestly who can stop that ?


                                        i think, but the problem is it became pretty much impossible to even find people who know more than me

                                        and actually are willing to help others improve, not for money.

                                        99% of the guides i've seen on the internet are made by 3-4ks and 80% of them are basic knowledge a 1k would know.

                                        @renshin, @bws

                                        i don't expect anyone to improve at a 500-1000 mmr a month rate like me, because it's not even healthy.

                                        i literally get headaches from how hard i analyize

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                                        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                          Stop picking phantom assasin against heroes with early dominance with full of magic and pure damage.
                                          Also if you have a bad performance with a carry in certain match, try to do not play a core position.


                                            changed servers. sea is fucking hopeless. i climbed from 4.1k to 4.8k once then fell to 4.1k again. i'm playing at us west now and got 4.5k in no time.

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              once upon a time i was a ward bitch. my friends irl advised me to play support, newest player gets to play support they said. for the team they said

                                              it was good for me, i learned so many new mechanics

                                              then they bragged about how they had 2k mmr while i was still tbd. i rushed my tbd games and got 1400. i deserved it at that time

                                              got fed up about their bragging and mild teasing, decided to prove them wrong

                                              6 months later i was able to climb 1000 mmr by reading dotafire (no kappa)

                                              2.4k may not seem like a big deal to you guys, but it is to me

                                              ive surpassed most of my friends who've played for about a year longer than i have, i only know 4 3ks and 1 4k irl

                                              ive fon from absolute and utter dogshit to has a few good points but still dogshit

                                              my party mmr still 1600 though roflmao dunno how i can even climb back again


                                                some guides
                                                1. learn how to pick (counter and not being countered)
                                                2. learn to laning properly
                                                3. every second every minute u have to make sure ur brain do it job ( alert with ur surrounding, ur teammates ur enemies movement then plan ur next move and decide and react according to the situations.
                                                4. learn to have proper teamfights ( know who should bait/tank/iniatiate, positioning ur hero, timing ur skills, choose proper target)
                                                5.avoid farming lane when 5or4 enemy heroes missing. farm lane creeps when u know u have ur teammates cover u or u can farm jungle when u feel safe
                                                6. sometimes sacrifice ur farm to teleport gank or to push tower with ur teammates is always better choice (its about ur decision making and how u act to the situation
                                                7. learn to understand all roles and large ur hero pool :)
                                                all this guides are useless when u have braindead teammate


                                                  2 years ago i calibrated at 1k with no idea how items go. i don't even want to use manta, or any active item. because i can't use it. now i on 3k and trying to get 5k like get good. shit.

                                                  but this 3k bracket is literally hard to breach. i breach 2k by using sniper all time.