General Discussion

General DiscussionEmber vs spectre

Ember vs spectre in General Discussion

    So basically i lost an another game against a spectre last one happening some time ago. Do you guys know what I couldve done to win this game, maybe i was too defensive going for the skadi and the linkin but had to watch out for kunkka and needed the hp for survivability. I went for the rapier but still my damage was not enough and I couldnt man fight the spectre too, you guys think I shouldve went for an another rapier or something?


      looking at the lineup

      the spectre isn't an issue, IT'S THEIR WHOLE TEAM

      They have a team that wins super late game, no matter what you have.

      you should've closed this game sooner, no different items will help you against a fully slotted spec.

      she has waaay too much hp to be 1 shot, and you can't manfight her as ember.

      Super Speed Snail

        You should never man fight spectre using ember.

        Its more like you should never man fight any hero using ember.

        He fight from far by spamming his low cooldown skill, not with right click.

        Oh, and at late game, spec are one of the best late hero after completing 6 slot lux items. Focus on early game instead when you fight her.

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          I see, other then myself what do you guys think my teammates could have done in order to turn the game?


            what your teammates do doesn't matter unless you're in a 5 man team.

            but, if we look at it objectively, your team has done a total of 3.5k tower damage

            meaning all the pushing was done BY FUCKING CREEPS.


              I always pick chen against specte. Works 90% of times.

              Super Speed Snail

                I like using spec. I lost usually when my jungle and lane ganked hard.

                The only time I lose using complete item spec are the time when I have derp moments. Which is kinda often considering I'm a low skill player.

                The only way to turn the game just try to wait them do mistakes to counter push.

                The one your team mates should do from the start are delays enemies farm then end the game fast.


                  skadis really bad on ember unless u have another hero who does a lot of damage


                    Could've ended the game fast like what cookie suggested
                    Destroy towers quickly, make her unable to farm safely, and win by starving them to death
                    Usually I lose on spec only if we had no outer tower left after 20 minutes into the game or something

                    Giff me Wingman

                      You should have splitpushed. They literally have nothing to stop you from splitpushing and taking their base. Could have been ez gaem but you focused way to much on teamfight instead of pushing like you should have done.


                        Ah I see, i didnt push as much, should've ended the game sooner. Thanks for the help guys!

                        Giff me Wingman

                          You didn't even need to end sooner, just push. Even if games get into ultra late, if enemy has no reliable stun against linkens ember you pretty much won the game.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            i guess kunkka would have been problematic for splitpushing, but other than that they only have 1 reliable stun and even then its not the "point, click, ???, profit" kind of stuns

                            why didnt you just push all tier 1s and 2s, take rosh, and walk down mid. u wasted ur advantage lmao


                              Spectre's passive is really strong and you can fight her alone, get silver edge to disable her p assives and burst her down in a few seconds. Even if you have a while team a 6 slotted spectre will be really hard to kill if you don't have the right items and you guys will still take damage when attacking her. Like the guys said, push early and hard and starve her to death.