General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for player 2k Ranked gameplay

Looking for player 2k Ranked gameplay in General Discussion

    Looking for the Trench players that want to help get each other out of this terrible mmr. Looking for 3 stack and or 5 stack to play with nightly to raise mmr. Tired of playing with one other person and the rest of the team are morons completely. Hit me up if interested need to speak english and have a mic so we can communicate better.

    Steam url:


    Best Hereos:

    Anything else:



      yung griphook

        feel like playing with players the same skill as you is not a way to improve

        Warren Buffneck

          If you've played 1300 ranked games and are still 2k, there is something wrong about your understanding of the game in general. Your best bet to improve is coaching from better players, not playing with other 2ks


            I need to find decent 2k players to get my pt mmr out of this Trench of misery. Partying with one 3ker isnt helping looking for a couple others to navigate my pt mmr up.


              We are m8s ffs haha.. I got 2.6 k on team ranked atm. To low/high? Cheers m8


                i would like to play
                steam account :
                role :usually carry
                best heroes : u can see my dota buff profile
                mmm don't think there's anything else Except i can play many heroes but they not from my best heroes yet

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                    Perhaps my 2k smurf could assist you in your quest kappa.


                      you deserve 2k, all you do is feed every game every time, actually you deserve 1k, so why dont you stop thinking your any better than any of the complete super duper fucking retards in 2k and start learning