General Discussion

General Discussionfree trade and give you pause

free trade and give you pause in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I can't get either of this fucking quests done to proceed on this tree. Give you pause sucks cus abyssal rush blows on every goddamn hero so usually game ends at like 35 mins before I build one or we lose. Once I got one on pa but couldn't get crits to finish the target, or I'd crit too much and they'd die before I could stun. Do they have to die while actually stunned? That's tight timing.

    For heroes that abyssal actually works I'm thinking PA, WK, lifestealer and slark, but PA you really need deso and bkb first and shes a shit farmer. WK really needs armlet, blink, bkb and echo is nice, lifestealer needs his similar shit, and slark at least silver edge and echo.

    For free trade, I mean wtf? Do you just pick drow or tinker or np and rat every game? That's a hard situation to make happen.

    I feel like both of these are too hard to be required to get to end of tree.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      Free trade- morph, np, lycan
      Abbysal - Anti mage?

      Dire Wolf

        I should try some rat lycan, might be fun.

        I guess I could try am, but he never seems that suited to my games idk. I'm not really a fan cus you need competent supports. But wraith king and naix are killing me. Wk game AM got banned but their fucking asshole offlane picked nyx and every time I was about to die everyone would stop clicking me and wait for nyx to mana burn me twice more. That cd is so short.

        And then naix, just, I don't even know, I have terrible luck on him. He's a good hero but somehow I get on retard teams with him all the time, no disablers so we get kited or we don't push hard enough and I don't go farming build and we fall behind.


          I have a few friends who tried these quests. But all of them have failed miserably so I guess these quests are supposed to be hard and they are normal skill like me where anything can happen so idk man maybe its rigged

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            Just play like how you used to play when there are no quest to do and you might be surprised that you achieved it in the end without being concerned of it.

            You are lucky you can have a battle pass because I couldn't have one since I can't make money by my own and it's suck and bitterly like a coffee without sugar.

            Massive Dynamic

              I did the Abyssal quest with AM. It's not too bad, just get abyssal right after manta and look for solo pick offs. Just blink in on them, use stun, manta and mana void to finish them off and bam you're done. That questline gets better, it's not too hard. I finished it two days ago :D


                Is free trade the one where you have to do damage to enemy towers while your towers are under attack? Because that carries over multiple victories. So you don't need to do it all in one game. It might be easier to get that one done if the abyssal one is giving you too much trouble.

                Dire Wolf

                  Yes that's the free trade one. The problem is you have to wait for people to hit your towers so it might realistically make the most sense to do on t1s, wait until another lane is pushing and then push yours really hard, but you won't do that much dmg so it could take a while. Otherwise if you're playing a pusher like np or drow they usually tp people in. I guess I could wait until enemy is sieging high ground and tp out with boots of travels lawl let them take our rax. That actually seems like a good idea!

                  The problem with just playing normal is the abyssal blade one won't happen during normal play unless it's a fairly even 50 minute game or so on specific heroes. But right now I can't even get wins on those heroes.

                  I'm going to have to try am I guess. Pa isn't suited to the pace of game to get abyssal and have time for those kills. Naix I just can't win with right now and people have figured out how to counter wk too easily that rushing abyssal doesn't work. I could maybe try slark but not feeling abyssal rush on him either.

                  Or maybe... bristleback? I vanguard on him every game anyway.


                    I like Abyssal on Spectre after a few other items, since I go the vanguard build anyway. Abyssal on BB seems okay, although not if you rush it. Alchemist might be an option for it too.

                    I think the idea with Free Trade is that you complete 1 star so you can get to other challenges, and then when you reach the point where you have 3-starred most challenges you just leave that challenge on and let it slowly accumulate tower damage till you have the 3 stars.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Oh spectre is not a bad idea, I loved vanguard but have never rushed abyssal. It's usually my last item or I sell vanguard for heart. Alch sounds ok. Not sure if he can get the kills but he can definitely farm something suitable by 25-30 mins like phase, s&y, armlet, maelstrom, abyssal. Riki would be a really good hero to do it, just diffusal and vanguard would garuntee kills, but he would never be able to farm that much.

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                          On Spec I would get it after Radiance, Manta and Diffusal, although that doesn't leave you much time to get the challenge done. Maybe before Diffusal would be okay. I think you get it for assists too, so if you go with a bunch of allies an blow people up it should count.

                          Its still a better challenge than the "Rush Heart by 25 minute" challenge we got last battle pass.

                          Dire Wolf

                            I don't like radiance build and would probably go diffusal manta abyssal