General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat if Dota 2's ranking system was like CS:GO's ranking system

What if Dota 2's ranking system was like CS:GO's ranking system in General Discussion

    i wonder what it would feel like LuL


      In CS:GO, I don't see a lot of people flaming each other all game long bc of their ranks. Surely, they'll flame afterwards, but it takes away a lot of "ammunition" for flame early on. Takes off pressure. I'd love it if in Dota, they didn't show MMR at all until the end of the game.

      If they then also rather put in brackets, than exact numbers.. not sure. I prefer knowing my progress. In CS:GO, up or downranking feels really arbitrary sometimes and you never know how much impact one game had.


        I prefer the MMR system
        You get exact numbers other than images which has a quite huge range
        For example
        I am 500 mmr
        My friend is 900 mmr
        If the mmr system is made to be like CS' then both of us could be silver 4
        Or miracle = BSJ because they're both 6k+ and both counts as global elite

        Johnny Rico

          it would be lol, but the ranks are tha same, in cs the numbers are hidden.

          Mr God

            It would be good to remove party MMR and merge it with solo.


              You couldn't do that. Ez abuse.

              Mr God

                That's how so many players in CSGO got to global, just saying


                  merging solo and party would be sooo broken
                  people would just abuse the system


                    since mods are alive.

                    please fix hero rankings.

                    i made a huge thread with tons of critism from the community and ways to fix it.


                    btw: making mmr better is possible.

                    1) accelerated change. doing well/poorly over a period of time will accelerate your increase or decrease in mmr. if you win 25 games in a row, by the 25th game you're earning 75 mmr/game or something like that. A loss would be -25 and reset the clock. if you start losing many games in a row you will also start losing more points more quickly.

                    - IF there are leagues implemented (which I strongly recommend) then it would be smart to have buffer zones. for example, if "diamond" is 5000+ mmr, once you hit 5001 mmr you are diamond, but you need 4900 mmr to drop down. and then 5100 mmr to go back up again, something like that. it's not really NECESARRY just prevents going up/down a division every game if you're on the edge.

                    - "4head makes boosting easier" ... this is a good thing.
                    --- 1) the easier&faster it is to boost, the less games are ruined by the booster.
                    --- 2) the easier&faster it is to feed/lose mmr, the less games are ruined by boosteds.

                    - also, anyone who improves/decreases in skill, generally due to either not playing, or by playing a lot outside of ranked, or doing literally anything to get better that isn't ranked (coaching/etc.) will not have to grind 200 games to get to their true mmr.

                    the main reason mmr is shit is because it's extremely inaccurate BECAUSE it requires a high quantity of games to be accurate. NOT because it doesn't work. In theory it does, but only with a large and steady quantity of games. acceleration will make MMR less accurate to determining a PRECISE mmr for ONE player, but will make MMR as a WHOLE much MUCH more accurate. which is why you introduce leagues, so that the 100-200 swing that can easily happen due to acceleration won't change your league.

                    2) leagues. I think I pointed most reasons out, also I just think it's nicer to see rather than a number. if people are really anal retentive about a dumb number, maybe they can have a console command to see it. this way it's still viewable for the stubborn kids, but because it's in the console people will eventually move on with their lives and forget about it.

                    alternatively you could just see it if you hover over your league, but then people will still be anal about their number.

                    3) POTENTIALLY stats influence mmr. but IDK, i think it's perfectly fine for cores, as long as you compare to other cores, but it's very difficult to use stats to rate a support player because of the sacrifical nature of the role.

                    personally I don't think it's a horrible idea to use stats for carries and not supports. better to have 3/5 positions more accurate than 0/5. support players mmr will move more slowly and be less accurate, but the system will still work for them. this should probably be an update under the hood valve doesn't tell anyone about, though if the mmr NUMBER is visible then it will be hard to hide.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                    BSJ. LGD

                      lul nice reddit post marlan

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Make the highest MMR you can calibrate to 3.0, guarantee you smurfing goes down by 60+ percent, and most account selling businesses die.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          ya i figured to post it after i already typed this shit out here.

                          and maximum calibration to 3.5k or so for NEW accounts would be good.

                          if they ever implemented recalibration it shouldn't have a max, or at least be +/- 1500 mmr from your current.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Please god no divisions or stats affecting mmr. I am actually so glad Dota just shows raw mmr with no bullshit divisions, you have an exact metric of how good you are and how you compare to other players exactly.


                              And also if dota items behave like csgo items. We can have Battle-Scarred Frost Avalanche or Factory New Magus Apex lol. All drop items are sellable and new drop every level up


                                ^StatTrak(Factory new)Golden baby roshan Lul


                                  And for Every 100$ you pay to Volvo 1k mmr.


                                    I don't want to see 1000 mmr 3000 play hour trading kid running around spamming WTS Stattrak BS but FN look demon eater rare pattern!!!1 every game