General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with Juggernaut

Help with Juggernaut in General Discussion

    So guys I have been playing juggernaut alot recently and I would like to get tips on how to get even better with the hero, also i can't really seem to famr enough with the difusal build any tips regarding that. You can check out my stats on jugger and my itemization please do help and remember I am just 2k player trying to get better at the game. My aim right now is to get to ~3k so what can i do to make that possible. Also any ideas on how to avoid those red days will also be helpful.
    Thanks in advance guys.


      I would personally avoid BF most games unless you are sure you are going to get space to hit creeps. If you go phase->yasha you can just run at people and make your own space. If it is a BF game you can get BF after yasha, otherwise head into diffusal or manta.

      Main things to keep in mind:

      -make sure you win/dominate your lane. Jugg is a very strong laner and most offlaners should have trouble against you. If you solo kill them or keep them off creeps you set your midgame up to be much easier.

      -ward should be maxed second, usually I max it around level 12 but you can take more stat points before maxing it if you are just afk farming. Ward micro separates good Jugg players from bad ones so make sure you have it hotkeyed and keep it alive.

      -remember spin+tp, if they have nothing that pierces bkb you can usually split push very deep into lanes and just spin+tp if trouble comes along

      -your itemization is really flexible as Jugg, pretty much any dps item works if it is the right game for it, you should never just build items on autopilot as it can make a big difference.


        What copy paste said
        Dont be the kind of retard who still goes for 1313141 even when they got harassed and goes for aghanim


          Normally i would buy an early game bottle for jugg sincei play him aggresively, i don’t always buy bf, it just depends on my team.

          I would always have deso as my 1st item ryt after poor mans/raindrop for guaranteed kills. It just takes a few right clicks then omni then spin tp back to fountain if needed


            My itemization is something like this, start out with a PMS,tango, then get a quelling and bottle, phase then RoA, Bf, Yasha , blink, manta, and the like i will maybe go butterfly, abyssal, skaadi or MKB depending on the situation i personally like skaadi and butter so much agi


              Mid Jugg is different to safelane Jugg which I play mostly. However usually BF jugg from midlane is game losing because you want to make space for your safelaner from mid not take space. Also maxing heal ward is much more important as mid Jugg and because you buy bottle you shouldn't have mana issues at all doing this.


                Noted that
                I only played mid jug once last year and I went with 12121 or smth like that but forgot to buy bottle @_@

                doc joferlyn simp

                  mid jugg best jugg tbh


                    Dude I have no confidence in playing jug mid
                    I fucking suck with mid that everytime I go mid I can see myself doing sub 1000 mmr gameplays
                    Unless I get my hands on storm or SF (but sf is ded lul)

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      i tried going as mid jugg to climb 2.1k --> 2.5k laning easy af press r to win most of the time

                      i found the hero underwhelming sometimes tho, i instead went and tried one of jugg's biggest counters imho

                      ppl know how to deal with jugg relatively well now lmao, im trying mid slark and shit is going great