General Discussion

General DiscussionOverall Help

Overall Help in General Discussion

    Hey I've been playing DOTA for a little while now(steam account linked to dotabuff is new) and just recently decided I wanted to take it more seriously. I was wondering if there was anyone who could look at my profile and give me a few tips/pointers.

    Also I was wondering how I can use dotabuff to maximize my learning potential and actually understand what's going on stat wise.

    And last but not least, I wanted to know what things I should focus on making a habit out of other than the obvious last hit/deny/time check.

    Also, I understand some people will probably want to flame me over this post because I'm sure a lot of people post questions like this. But I'm on my phone right now so scouring the forums becomes extremely tedious. Also, I really want help understanding my individual stats. So if you have some input then feel free to tear me a new one


      Other habits than you mentioned should be watching at the mini map, checking enemies inventories and - most importantly - thinking about what you are doing right now and why. The sooner you are getting used to being aware of what your current position in the game is the better. After you get used to that you should start working on planning your moves in advance and always try to develop a gameplan. You should have a general gameplan for the heroes you play before the game and adjust it to your current situation.

      For example, your general gameplan for Invoker is: Go mid, farm passively and play safe for the first couple levels and help your teammates with occasional sunstrikes, while trying to get your Hand of Midas. As soon as the enemy midlaner rotates, push the tower aggressively and transition to jungle afterwards. After obtaining items after Midas (Euls or Drums, maybe both) get active on the map and splitpush or fight with your team. Try to secure roshan as you can get it done easily with your Forge Spirits.

      Also, in the beginning of every match you should be able to predict which enemy goes on what lane and plan your starting items accordingly.

      Just some advice from your average toxic 4k player.


        Feel free to add me , i do coaching lessons and replay analysis for free on my free time.


          The most important thing to maintain in this game is playing consciously. You buy this certain item for this hero because you need it for something specific and not just because you saw it in a guide or from a pubstar. I see that you have a high win rate with sniper and I can't help but notice the lack of hurricane pikes in your games, you don't skip hurricane pike vs gap closer heroes (Ursa with blink like in your last sniper game).

          As a support - Buy wards and place them where you need vision. Early game, vision on the rune spots. Aggressive wards (on the enemy jungle, their side of the map) only when your team is significantly ahead or you want to gank someone who is farming. You place wards with a goal in mind, you don't ward just for the sake of warding. Same goes with smoke and etc.

          Carry - pre 20 minute farm is extremely important. You don't afk farm in the jungle without pushing a lane or helping out teammates. You do more damage in a fight overtime if you keep yourself alive and not stunned, Always have a defensive item as a carry.

          Mid - Snowball as much as you can in the first 20 minutes of the game. If you can't then go farm and play defensively. You don't gank the other lanes unless you have a very good situation (eg. you have a good rune and lanes are easy to gank), your team should gank mid and not the other way around.

          Almost always have a magic stick/magic wand on you in the early game no matter what the hero/position is. TP scrolls are also very very important. Maximize inventory slots in the early game.

          Make a habit out of not dying even if you're support. Always try to change your builds and play style every game even by just a little bit.

          3.8k player here lol


            First thing You need to improve is last hitting / farming you can get 4 k if you can Farm well, dont even need to know any basics.


              Don't worry we only bully "predict my mmr" and "how to get vhs" posts
              Learn to farm
              Spam heroes so you'd notice your mistakes more
              Learn from your mistakes
              Never rely on your teammates in solo MMR
              Be the reliable guy in solo MMR
              Focus on your own mistakes rather than shifting the blame to your teammates


                Also expand knowledge by watching pro matches and reading guides by decent (4k+) players, instead of listening to other NS shitheads who forces you to go void MoM or some shit


                  Thanks a lot for the advice everyone. I'm definitely going to work more on farming and also being aware of all my actions in game.
                  Just curious though, are there any pros that are better to watch than others?


                    yea, we're actually quite nice people towards normal questions

                    but, the thing about stats is that they can't tell you anything

           even gives more stats for free than DB+

                    stats are only left as an impression of your gameplay

                    you'd need to analyze your games to actually see the reason of the low stats,

                    so let's say you've got low gpm:

                    is it bad farm, bad lane, fights etc?

                    that's up to you to find out yourself


                      @Absol-ute Zero coach me when u have free time pls

                      @Yake map awareness is the key, rest coming by playing and improving u doing fine just keep learning the game


                        ^dont listen to him, he's just sexually harassing ppl


                          @Yake, Which pro to watch depends on which hero you're interested in learning. If you want to learn Storm, watch Sumail. If you want Rubick, fy or Kuroky are pretty famous for it.
                          If you just want to learn about Dota in general, I suggest finding games (preferable from big tournaments like TI) where there are casters discussing the game, because you can learn a lot from them. I remember the TI before this one had a "Newbie Stream" where, instead of the regular casters just discussing stuff, they had different casters who explained the game and things like Item choices and team decisions to newer players. I don't know if they did it for this TI, but if they did take a look at that, it might be useful.

                          Also there are plenty of famous Youtubers and streamers who can teach you a lot. People like Purge ( aren't on any pro teams and don't have the same raw skill as some pros, but you learn more from them. Purge in particular explains, decisions and concepts to people watching, whereas you wont always understand why a pro player did something in their games.


                            Once again, thanks for your input everyone. And @TheMaverick427 thanks for your post, I'll look into purge and also try to find who's playing the heroes in interested in.

                            If anyone has any other tips, feel free to drop them. I figure anything will at least help a little, even if it's just a thought provoking tip.


                              People on this forum responding civilly. What's happening. Mate only one thing to say. Git gud u fuckwit.


                                If you'd said your team was holding you back everyone would've flamed you but you didn't. Anyways, I think you already got the help you needed so I won't check your profile :p


                                  @Jacked Will do broski

                                  @Benao.Pringles.Lifedancer Yeah I'd rather focus on doing well myself. But if you change your mind and decide to take a look at my profile I wouldn't complain;)


                                    git gud have 20 games of dota in life still suck go fuck urself noob

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      contrary to popular belief, people in dotabuff actually do give constructive advice and act like another stranger truly wanting to help another stranger, that is of course when the question is a legitimate one and nota braindead no-shit-sherlock kind of question

                                      there will always be shitposters tho not much you can do about that just roll with it


                                        rip haffy penoy