General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiance on antimage?

Radiance on antimage? in General Discussion
Free 2 Play Scootz

    Before u check, yes I've played am before.

    What do you guys think about radiance on am? Makes his illusions even more cancer to deal with and gives some evasion. Amps up his split push potential too. Thoughts?

    coco crunch

      instead of radiance why not just bfly?



        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          Whoah this is actually a good idea. But farming a relic early game is probably the biggest problem.


            Kill it before it lays eggs


              u can buy any items if you're stomping even though its shit


                the reason why he goes bfury and not radiance is because radiance has no build up
                Am has to buy the ring of health or else he has horrible laning reg. He needs the perseverance to even stay in the lane and farm jungle etc etc. If radiance was ever changed to be perservance and relic no recipe then ya there might be am who build that.


                  Sounds interesting. U might be on to something. Think I'll try it


                    Maybe against axe if not terrible

                    BSJ. LGD



                        a radiance will farm slower than bfury antimage

                        why would you ever want to buy an item that costs more and provides less?


                          Maybe radiance for butterfly could work in rare cases.


                            Radiance am ... i saw only once again a broodmother



                              registered flex offender

                                hand of midas, radiance, battle fury, mjolnir

                                the realm's delight

                                  yes its a good item. the points u make are valid and make perfect sense, dont listen to these animals


                                    Superb item for sure. LUL