General Discussion

General Discussiona request

a request in General Discussion

    I hereby, risking to look like a beggar, would like to ask you guys, can anyone give me their unwanted/unneeded Techies Arcana? I'd like to master that awesome shitty hero, and the arcana would give me more stimulation to do so. Ignore if you are not interested. The reason I'm asking this is that right now I can't afford it. Yeah, that's it


      Please don't spam techies. U might cause good players of dota to kill themselves


        But I like troll enemies. Trolling allies is one thing, but if you can troll enemies - that's beautiful. I come to Techies because I'm not very successful with my other trolling hero - Batrider at the moment. Also that non-cancelling flamebreak thing made me sad


          But u know what they say about techies right, u troll 9 players in a game just by playing that hero.


            Honestly I want that hero removed so bad.

            casual gamer

              it was awful when techies "players" like broxy could pretend they are good at dota


                you will get reported a lot.

                Super Speed Snail

                  Well, early game aside, isnt techies a nasťy t3 tower defender?

                  That guy single handedly can repel enemy push and force the game to the late game. Thus making hard carries can have chance to shine.

                  Yeah, not the stupid ones that gone away and placing random trap and making battle become 4v5 not counting farming carry.


                    My last 100 minut game we didnt have any carry aside from Tinker, But enemy had Slark, Riki and shit but after so many of their failed attempts to end the game we won it.


                      ^those are the games that techies is good for.

                      but there are so many times he makes it 4v5.

                      there is a reason he is unpicked in high tier games/pro games, besides the fact that everyone hates a techies picker.


                        c'mon people, no-one has a non-necessary Techies arcana?


                          u can buy it


                            i said i have no mone o buy it right now. In future - maybe, but not now

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              Skills is what matters
                              I don't get you guys who spend money on useless misc. items
                              You will get bored with the new skin anyways.

                              steve nash mentality

                                Techies is not your most played hero.. Sorry but u dont have the reason anymore to give techies arcana. :)


                                  Just buy it like cm is really cheap idk about techies. Personally i like to play early tank and buy fast gem then ez game. Or use axe and tank the mines using call(idk if the armour thing work but it should) sven is also good .


                                    i fine with techies player and yes he had his place in the team not 4vs5 ,seen push when 3or2 core is killed by a well hinded remote mine trap among tree
                                    ,causes supp and carry to spend money on ward amd gem and yes he is still a OP defender against split push or game changing push and i don't think techies undeserved hate when he can only fight as a trap and defender and gem ward usually mean countered not to mention the sign always prove to had remote mine in is despite of gem or ward.only good mine spot and vision can a techies win game

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      Yeah I wouldn't ask anyone to give me a Nyx immmortal, so...