General Discussion

General Discussionhelp pls gud serss

help pls gud serss in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    Hiyader friendly NS player here. To be clear, this is not a rant/complain post. I myself participate in the glorious act of shitposting on the rants delusional smurfs, wouldn't want to be the one on the receiving end for sure lmao. Let's get to it.

    Aight I know how to win games with teammates who refuse to push: pick a bossy hero that can manage a 1v9/2v8. So far going mid on Slark, Juggernaut, and Mortred has been letting me do exactly this and I've seen great success with Solo Ranked 1800 MMR to 2600 MMR with this method.

    Problem now is, how do I tell my team to just calm their tits? Scenario goes like this most of the time: we manage to take tier 2 towers very early when compared to the enemy team. So for the moment, we've got the upper hand on resources. Our economy is booming. Our support (or a greedy player masquerading as a support hero) has the same farm as their offlaner. We can farm both jungles, bully basically anyone from the enemy team. All's well. Suddenly, my team wants to end the game ASAP. With their heads big because of early-game dominance, they throw themselves at the enemy hoping to push and end. Comeback mechanics and such, we are now fighting an evenly farmed Sven or Magina, games becomes unnecessarily long and drawn out.

    I believe I can recognize when we have sufficient utility and damage in order to break enemy highground, so I farm for the meantime. We can bottleneck their farm anyway, why rush? Now, how do I communicate that to my teammates? If I continue farming, team whines and attempts to report me. I know we are gonna outfarm them even if they turtle, lineups for both teams are most of the time composed of 4 cores with one dogshit support, so we can come online relatively earlier than them. But even if I'm six slotted I can't go against a team that was fed by my own demoralized teammates. If I go with them, there's a chance we can break HG but an even bigger chance we might feed away our gold. During this stage of the game towers still hurt like hell, and with the absence of utility items (dagon deso phase BH, anyone?) we will just give away our killstreaks, leading to a comeback for the enemy. I try explaining but somehow they don't understand the concept.

    What can I do to ensure that doesn't happen? Intentionally let outer towers live so that teammates can farm without feeling the need to end while I hunt the starved enemies? Or rush a Black King Bar, get Aegis, and just go full YOLO? This might seem like a minor problem, perhaps it is. But so many games I've had could've been won if team was only a little bit more patient, not getting the +25 is so bad for me, knowing I could've easily won.

    tldr what method should i employ so that team and i can storm enemy hg on a timely manner while satisfying everyone?


      Rip Haf .ive already said this a million times but i guess sayin this one more time won't hurt a fly, since you're ns this is a common mistake in this bracket. People tend to want to end a game or force objectives when clearly their farm isn't strong enough in the sense to actually accomplish any of that. Sure you might be a little ahead of the game than the enemy but most of the time forcing objectives will eventually lead to easy and miserable losses.There's nothing wrong with playing passively if needed too many scrubs in ns fail to see this. Say thanks and GL.

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      doc joferlyn simp

        i tried doing that man but teammates go force 4v5 hg while i farm, makes us lose


          Did anyone actually listened to me when you played with me? nope but i still managed to bail everyone out, its times like this only individual skill can save you the game.


            hmmm, tell everyone in your team to take roshan first, this way even if they still insist to break hg, you have a better chance at succeeding.
            plus after taking rosh, your opponents surely must have pushed the waves in all 3 lanes, thus making it tempting to farm, making your braindead carries farm all 3 lanes, giving more time for them to build items.
            but like what zero said, your individual skill will save the game. Basically try hard to carry the retards

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              doc joferlyn simp

                ah shit skill

                does this mean ill just have to play like a dude with 4k mmr as a carry?

                casual gamer

                  focus on gitting gudder more than mmr, esp. as pos 1-2


                    Im losing against 2k because my team is so shieeeet. Draft most likely decide who win or lose. Cuz in 2k win lane-lose game is common.

                    casual gamer

                      draft means nothing unless you are playing at your skill level


                        no need to play as good as a 5k just know what to do at times simple as that, what i did is actually considered high 3k at least haha


                          communication bruh, use some headset or earphones with microphone


                            what do do when your team doesn't listen?

                            nothing, it's ns

                            you don't need a team to win a game up to 6k mmr

                            you're free to mute everyone and play your own game


                              if you know how to win you'll win MOST (not all) of the time with or without your team

                              i think it's more of your mentality being the problem here than anything else

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                ah shit about to pull an all nighter lmfao

                                gotta be ready


                                  Don't think the problem is trying to end early. The problem is diving like retards. Pretty sure trying to end the game when u r ahead is a good idea.


                                    it doesn't matter when you end, as long as you end as soon as you can


                                      Carry your team hard enough so that there is no cumback