General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck at 700 mmr and dont know how to improve

Stuck at 700 mmr and dont know how to improve in General Discussion

    "play mid" seems like a really really lazy advice

    i hate how you didnt just go name people jesus christ

    it's people like these, the goody two shoes, that makes it IMPOSSIBLE TO REPLY AGAINST. they'll just throw passive-aggressive insults and criticisms at you and when you go on about "are you talking about me" they just say "no i didnt call names" even though its already OBVIOUS that theyre talking about you. im so done with these kinds of people esp irl

    as for the advice itself (OBVIOUSLY PERTAINING TO ME) i dont see it in any way or form as lazy because 1) it is exactly that he has so much to learn that i am suggesting him to play this role because it teaches a lot and 2) being familiar with a role is important BUT it should be apporached as one role at a time since it puts too much traffic on your brain to instantly familiarize with multiple roles/heroes at a time

    all im saying is that if he's planning to get better GENERALLY in dota, he's better of learning mid first because it teaches a lot of basic fundamental and it makes transitioning to other roles easier

    not doing it this way is like doing multiple homeworks on different subjects all at the same time

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    doc joferlyn simp

      i actually suggest playing mid most of the time

      trevor u cheeky lil shit

      doc joferlyn simp

        i dont understand why disregarding teammates is a thing. id mute assholes every now and then, but i tried muting everyone at the start like when we were all in the fountain, it sucked balls and i think i ruined the game for my team. actually there are good teammates that are legitimately trying to improve and communicate without all the flame, ive met some during my own grinding

        telling new guys to just mute everyone at minute zero is wrong, dota 2 is a team game why not take advantage of the "team" aspect of the game. who knows you might learn smthng from the team

        mute unsavory characters and report for comm abuse, im all in for that. but why judge everyone bcs of a few bad experiences

        maybe if ur really high skilled when contrasted to your team, things might work out. but noobs (i speak from experience) absolutely need to communicate with the team for them to understand what another dude is gonna do, like ganking, help with warding, going rosh, or some shit. especially since in the lower brackets people cant just infer what another is gonna do with but a single ping, we dont understand the game enough for that

        please consider op's position in the game if u gon give advice. not everything that works well in higher tier dota works just as well in lower bracket dota



          you cant see mistakes because you dont know what they look like

          that is why i suggested having a high mmr player to take a look at your games, trevor guy seems to not mind and he's vhs so you can take a look at your games together and let him pinpoint those mistakes for you and how to apporach them


            im saying it bois

            im so #triggered rn

            doc joferlyn simp

              but trevor has a point though, playing midlane is very taxing esp to relatively newer players. all the pressure to carry team, always be mindful of your situation, mechanical skill and etc might overload the learner since so much is required of him to excel

              i agree in focusing on one role, but i believe the role you are suggesting is not optimal

              support is the best role for starting to learn the game. you are supposed to experience everything from each game, but only in little tablespoonfuls.

              for example the carry must be knowledgeable about lineups in order to fully itemize well in order to carry the game, both in lane and during the acquiring of core items. a support needs to make up his mind regarding how much clarities, tangoes, maybe a salve or a mango he needs so that he can support his carry well without being too much of a nuisance bcs of too little sustain.

              a midder might need to understand which rune to go for, when to stack/kill the hard camp, gank lanes or etc. a support needs to know what to ward (rune spots? jungle camps to hunt that lc?) when to ward (ward rune so that mid can exchange well? start to ward enemy jung when your team now has kill potential?)

              even if im dogshit i could go on and on

              basically since as a support you need to practice every little aspect of the game, you can find out what you are good at and focus on that to improve, be it continue supporting, transition into offlane, try mid, or anything like riki rush dr or phase deso bh


                @ Famous Last Word:

                Even though I agree with the general idea of what you're saying, I will have to disagree on "Less talk, talk only when need".
                To be quite frank, no matter how you slice it, there is a social aspect to the game and this is why it has a community. You mentioned teamwork, but how is that possible if you don't communicate with your teammates?

                I would go so far as to say that if you don't try to speak with your teammates even from the picking phase, you have a far greater chance of it backfiring and losing you the game.
                Of course, spamming and flaming are to be avoided at all costs, but generally, if you don't communicate by telling your team what you have in mind when it comes to playing what lane, what role, what hero or suggesting a strat right off the bat, your chances of winning decrease dramatically.

                But then, maybe that was just my experience so far.


                  @ Everyone else: Sorry boys, didn't mean to rustle any jimmies, but I still stand by what I said :^)


                    this new player we're talking about isnt really new though, and playing mid at 700 MMR is less taxing than playing support

                    i am not against playing support and i do agree that mid isnt the easiest role BUT supporting is much more than knowing every ward spot in every situation of a game. its about making the largest impact out of nothing, and that requires a lot of experience and great decision making to pull off

                    but the above only applies IF he tries to play support at a whole higher level, which would make supporting much more of a chore because 1) your decision making decides your impact for the rest of the game and 2) not only do you have to worry about your decisions but you also have to worry about your teammates. as we all know, the role support is the role thats most dependent on his teammates so if your teammates dont know what the shit youre doing, playing like a high level support wont matter except if youre earthspirit or some op ass roamer (but thats a whole lot difficult to learn)

                    now what happens if he doesnt try to play support at a higher level? he'll become a retarded ward bitch. why? because thats all his mmr demands. his teammates wont care whether you made that gank perfectly, whether you disrupted that jungler's farm perfectly, hell if you do everything else perfectly. but if they dont see wards on any point in the map, they'll flip out. so instead of focusing on the "huge impact out of nothing", you instead focus on something more trivial which is warding. IMO warding is very OVERRATED and most of the time its the core's fault of being unaware and not the lack of wards

                    as for mid, again, he's 700 mmr. you dont have to learn all the advanced stuff all at once instantly, because his mmr doesnt demand it yet, not to mentions the basics are so damn easy to learn (which is why theyre called basics). just hit up a 1v0 lobby and practice csing/creep equilibrium until you get it right. mastering the basics alone would guarantee him 1000 MMR since most people at that tier dont even know what the basics are

                    so to round it up, as a support, while you expect yourself to focus on the little aspects and the "do more with less" part, that is not what your teammates demand and understand. as such, it is safe to assume that they can NOT capitalize on the space you make forcing you to play around what they think they "need" which are in fact not an ABSOLUTE necessity. whereas by playing mid, you are forced to practice your mechanics firsthand (if you want to improve at it), which shifts the focus more towards yourself. i really think practicing your mechanics first before anything else is the way to go to improvement


                      Dayum bro. 700mmr. I feel like a god talking to you bro. There's much u have to learn. Learn the OP shit. Learn to be aggressive. Learn to cast ur spells properly. U probably do a lot of incorrect spell casting.


                        @famous last word
                        Those advices are exactly those that are so general and generic...
                        Those advices are what dont help me.
                        I might not have my A+ in my dota 2 homework
                        But I know rather a lot from the mechanics and strategies.

                        What I miss is the training, the skill and the eye to know and instinctively hit my combos, reactions and everything.
                        What I lack is the training to automatically know when I am out of position without thinking, to know it's :45 and I need to stack a camp, that I turn around in the right moment to run or kill and escape or get a kill while I'm still alive.
                        That nuanced feeling and instinctive reflex is what I lack and what I want to train.

                        I've studied enough. I need to now use what i learned. However i most of the time find myself stuck with all that knowledge either cause my reflexes arent there, or most of the time simply cause it doesn't matter in the bracket that i am.


                          @ Jacked: Why you do dis? He already knows what his MMR is, don't be mean ;_;

                          @ Alice : Yeah, it's a lot to take in as someone who isn't even 1K, but doing is harder than talking / suggesting.

                          I think what OP needs is a coach / mentor. I mean, even if we say everything that can be used in his benefit, he may also have to be shown said know: put things into practice.

                          So, OP, if you're still here just add me or anyone else who'd be willing and I'm sure we can figure out something. I will have to take a shower and eat, so I won't be here in the next hour, but I will accept your request afterwards if you add me.


                            @trevor yeah u right we need communicate. What i mean too much talk,is when u start flaming and spamming. U know u lose lane ,or lose one team fight u start saying gg, we gonna lose. İf u gonna be so much toxic its much better to shut up. U know talk positively is always good thing. But in the end if u want winning so much,u just need play as team, and doing best with the role u take, either jungler ,support, carry etc2. İ myself use to blame other,then i watch replay, i watch guide, play with my 3k friends,i realise it was me who need to change. And i need doing the best for team. When i learn to play as a team i start improving. That the most basic thing. Each time u learn something ur chance of winning is increase. After all game i spamming unranked to practice. İ start playing rank and in 5 winning streak :). Haha and i believe winning as team is easier then winning alone. Now im no longer saying im the only reason we win this game. İ start saying we :). Just my thought and experience .


                              @ Haffy-sansamakunchansempai

                              I generally dont mute players, unless they are disruptive. But even then i only mute their voice.

                              And yeah, mid goes give the weight of responsability. Agreed. And requires knowledge and map awareness that you dont need in other lanes.
                              I see the argument Alice made though. You both have a good point.


                              I dont need to know how you feel towards me, nor am I interested in learning the OP shit.
                              I'm interesting in training my shit.
                              And yes, Just had a game with Lux and turns out my spell casting is not as on point as I though. Also I'm to careful generally.


                                ^ yeah true that

                                actually i am very similar to op (forgetting stuff, not enough play time for practice, etc) and i have go constantly remind myself of stuff during the game

                                which is why im suggesting practicing mid, or to a lesser extent his mechanics so that it becomes 2nd nature to him, giving him more time to remember all this stuff and giving him more time to make proper decisions

                                its kinda cool that someone is offering op to be a coach, this is definitely what the op needs


                                  get a coach, or watch some videos where some 1k players get coached/analyzed(purge's videos)

                                  Kill yourself in the name...

                                    SMURF SMURF SMURF SMURF

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      i really like your enthusiasm and will to improve OP, i hope you find a good coach

                                      doc joferlyn simp


                                        this guy teaches people for free, his only bad habit is the unnecessary urge to practice catharsis on 2ks

                                        good luck lmfao

                                        also trevor seems like a cool dude


                                          pick and spam a hero, mute everyone and play to win.

                                          that's the fastest way to get better, except analyising games/getting coached which is the actual fastest

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            ask cookie too he does replay analysis and the best part he streams mc


                                              coach me to 5k cookie, kappa


                                                are you gonna lose your race to 5k tasaina


                                                  @alice, I lost 75 mmr today, fucboi won 75,
                                                  looks like im paying for his beer bois, feelsbadman


                                                    I'm not a particularly good player but here's some stuff I've found useful:

                                                    1) When you are watching pro games, pick a hero you play and try find the reasoning behind everything they do. "Why did Weaver go Deso instead of Linkens?" "Why did he not join in that fight?" Etc. Blindly watching and copying pros wont make you better at the game. Understanding the reasoning behind item choices and actions does.
                                                    2)Check you opponents items. When you get to lane, See what your opponent has. if they have very little regen then you know your should harass them out of lane. If they came to lane with sentries then you know you should get some sentries of your own Asap to deward them. Also check their items every time you see the courier deliver something or if they go out of your sight for a long time. That way you should never get caught out by a sentry in your lane as weaver. Side Tip: If you know they have a sentry, drop your own sentry the use a tango to instantly eat theirs before they have a chance to react.
                                                    3) Don't stick to the same item and skill build each game. Use what you learnt from my first point to decide what you need most. For Example, Linkens is nice on weaver, but if they have no single target spells, or if they have a LOT of single target then its probably not worth getting.
                                                    4) Don't always join every fight. Obviously if your team is taking a teamfight, its usually a good idea to join in because if you don't they will probably lose. But there are some fights that are just obviously lost from the start, and joining those fights is a waste of time and will probably get you killed.
                                                    5) Know what your hero needs to be useful. Some are useful with just boots while others need a certain item or level to make an impact. An AM is not going to be much help in fights if he's level 5 and doesn't have battlefury. Once he's level 6 he can blink in and ult someone who is low, but doesn't contribute much else. He can only really fight once he has his manta style and even then he might need an Abyssal or BKB before he can truly make a difference. So know what your hero's core items are. Likewise make sure you have your core items before you get situational items to counter enemies. An AM who rushes MKB to counter the enemy's PA will just guarantee a loss. If he gets MKB after Bfury+manta+abyssal then he will actually be useful.
                                                    6) Don't die without a reason. Obviously you should aim to never die. But if you do end up dead there better be a good reason. Getting ganked when youre on the enemy's side of the map and didn't know where they were is a bad reason. Dying to make sure your team gets the last rax and mega-creeps is a good reason. Dying to get a kill on their support is also not a good reason, but of you're a support and you die to ensure a kill on their carry its worth it. If you can avoid death then do it, but of you're going to die, make sure your team gets something from it.
                                                    7) Have fun. If you don't have fun playing the game then theres no point in trying to get better at it.


                                                      "also trevor seems like a cool dude"


                                                      @ TheMaverick427

                                                      Pretty much everything you said applies to anyone except...well, I'll be honest : 4-5k and over means you'll have to tryhard to climb, which literally means sacrificing your otherwise fun, but useless Technies pick in order to counter an enemy hero, or to better fit your team's lineup.
                                                      This doesn't necessarily have to be the case, but it will more likely than not make the difference between winning or losing.

                                                      Still: who is to say that you can't have fun even losing? I remember my team feeding the everloving **** out of the enemy at like 10 minutes, so I just sighed once, muted all my team and started simply Ball-Lightning-Bombing one enemy hero at a time, every time my TP was off cooldown. We still ended up losing, but I ended the game with 39 BloodStone charges, so in my heart, I was the only winner :^)

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        I didn't mean that you cant have fun while losing. I've also had lots of games that I lost where I really enjoyed myself. What it meant to say is that Having Fun is more important than winning. Like if you really hate playing Omniknight but you spam him just to win more then you're missing the point of playing the game in the first place, which is to enjoy yourself.
                                                        You might not be able to play techies above 4K but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still enjoy it in some way.


                                                          Haffy can you not expose my destruction/ babyraging throws in 2k lul

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            Also op from what i gathered after weeks of playing in 2k you can try playing heroes who can nuke down heroes early on such as lina, pugna and zeus just to name a few. getting the early lead on early is crucial in low mmr games and im sure once you start destroying them early their confidence will shatter resulting in constant tilts, anyways gl.


                                                              I climb from 1,3 to 2,4 (and got stuck again), XD

                                                              I tHink THe Best Way to climb 1k Mmr is learn How to snowballing, pick Hero tHat can snowball, and ez Win,. btw i climb Just by using 2 Hero, slark and sven XD

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                slark is life


                                                                  Pugna is better :v


                                                                    No slark no life XD


                                                                      hay OP, well a lot of ppl on this forum are much better than you, they don;t understand teh difficulty of sub1k players. ive been there so i know exactly what u need to work on. reason why i say go for OP shit is because it's easier, simple as that. a lot of the advice u hear is for ppl close to 2k mmr.

                                                                      sub 1k ppl just dont even know how to properly combo spells. go into a practice lobby and practice ur spells. hell play bot matches, that works too. practice last hitting. once u learn how to 1) cast spells properly without being a monkey, 2) you have more farm than ur opponents, you can easily win ur games with being aggressive without worry. learn bout other aspects of the game later.

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        spamming a few heroes isnt just good at raising mmr, its good for acctually getting good at them. if you watch a pro baseball player practice his pitches he'll do all one type until he can nail it consistently, then move on to the next type, knowing he can switch back without effort.


                                                                          so cookie now doing illegal boosting. lmao such advertising free calibration and replay analysis to end up boosting scrubs ruining games


                                                                            since when am i doing illegal boosting


                                                                              volvo police cracking down on boosters, watch out

                                                                              its gonna be fun

                                                                                spam your best heroes,, and learn how to last hit, denying, stacking camp, farm more faster, know your heroes skill and use it properly,. your enemy is just like you, if you bad at playing, then they too, if u can play better, than u can win, fyi, im start @700-800, now im @>1100 just by spaming veno, and give a better support in every match,. @800-1000 mmr its very rare to find a good supp player, sometime they play with totally dark map, thats why i can increase a little bit of my mmr, just give my team a good vision, and let them gank enemy heroes that alone, let them fat and GG,

                                                                                FREE PALESTINE

                                                                                  Watch Blue Span's support guide. I learned a lot from it.

                                                                                  La Lumière

                                                                                    Honestly, reading build guides is time consuming and may be outdated according to the meta. Just watch videos on YouTube of pros (I would watch miracle because he likes to experiment) playing and what they build on your favorite hero. Usually in the 100 mmrs, the lanes are almost entirely abandoned so go farm there. Don't just mindlessly walk around looking for a kill when it's not needed. Spamming mid heros usually works for me. Gained 400 mmr in 4 days from spamming ss. And believe me, in 700 mmr, the people don't get better. Just keep your cool, farm correctly, and dominate the game with your weaver plays. (lol)


                                                                                      Hey bro we have the same problem :/ stuck at 500 mmr and such... so i know how you feel Sooo i got a pretty good idea, try to party with your friends with higher mmr (example 5k players) so that you could adjust with your enemies and allies and when you go back to your solo i think you will improve


                                                                                        I played with op yestarday. Maybe it will sound rude but unfortunately he has no talent for this game. And its not only mechanics which is terrible but also simple understanding of what can kill u.

                                                                                        First of all i suggest playing all hero challenge for fun and forget about tryharding to get better. U will eventually get better when u know what all heros do, cos op has a very narrow idea as any newbie dota player.


                                                                                          yea exactly why i say just learn how to cast ur spells KEK


                                                                                            Maybe it will sound rude but unfortunately he has no talent for this game.


                                                                                            \\  VintageR  \\

                                                                                              u just dont get better at dota or end being a good player, u just play because u like it, if u have 700 mmr thats just ur actual skill in the moment, if u really like dota then u will be playing more and more and suddenly u will have 2k + and after than 3, and so on..
                                                                                              basically what i am saaying is, dont stop playing, and dont worry about ur skill u jsut keep playin, then suddenly u will automatically put some skill in the game or have ur golden moment and why u get that golden moment and start really thinking about it and then u are out of 2k xd


                                                                                                Kaitax Do you want coaching? I can give you big discount if u want? Promised 500+ mmr fast, I can give you 3 lessions for only 15$. If interested I can send you link and in 2 days I can coach you and show you all the wrong things you do and how to improve cus you need knowledge in everything with 700mmr.


                                                                                                  CREATE A NEW ID


                                                                                                    Was I that bad? :c
                                                                                                    I thought I at least know somewhat what to do. AFterall, I've been playing dota for over 2 years now. Sure, I didnt play multiple games every day throughout all that time, but still.

                                                                                                    I guess I've been expecting to much of myself then.
                                                                                                    I'm sorry I wasted all of your time.


                                                                                                      mate, no one was expecting much from 700 mmr. at least u know how to improve now, and just focus on it. dont be too sad bro, its just a game anyway. practice one hero combo in a lobby until u can do it really fast. then do what lex says, and just learn every ability of every hero. play more bot matches too, and limited hero. that's what those modes are for