General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion


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    doc joferlyn simp



        Hey how are you?


          How come I can't get more than 50 cs /10min in a free farm lane?


            creep control


              Cuz u bad


                I think it's because I always prioritize smacking the offlaner in the face to show dominance. Wth is he thinking just walking up to the creep wave at a disadvantage and my supports are not punishing it?


                  guys imma stop checkin here for next 3 months will definitely miss u <3


                    GL with your studies
                    But you can just cut your dota playtime and still visit DB ocassionally :thinking:

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      yes, come to the light side of education man. who needs dota????


                        it's the time i spend after i check db. like dota i play and turn off pc. but db forum i come and asnwer smth and refresh refresh refrsh fx answered answer fx again refresh refresh refrsh XD so i think i would occasionally as u say come by and say hi but wont be talkin much just to have my study mindset and not smh for not being able to play like u could and dota stuff in general


                          I got over 700 gpm guys PogChamp
                          also does anyone here play dota IMBa the mod?


                            My GPM is higher than your MMR

                            mr. rabbit

                              my hours is higher than my mmr

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                47 + 29 = 76

                                76 > 2690 :thinking:


                                  My MMR is higher than my MMR

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    the value of my skins is higher than my mmr


                                        Hey guys the enemy cores died without buyback lets fucking farm and split all 3 lanes haHAA

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          ^You can solo push 3 lane T3/barracks in middle-late game before enemies ResPaWn if u use the right hero


                                            tell them to ptfo


                                              You got orthus and prince catacombs nuff said. You can basically end most games by turn 6 now

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                sef 2 lif xd


                                                  why did you still play when you know you wont gain +25


                                                    trying to practice farming pattern


                                                      and to untilt myself


                                                        ah, I get the untilting part
                                                        are you racing fx to 3k?


                                                          Kelly race me to 0.1k

                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                            ey renshin just how passive can i play in the offlane

                                                            like how can i get the most out of unfavorable situations where im forced to sit back behind my creepwave sapping exp and pseudo-jungling with talon. should i at least try to poke them out of lane or should i stop going for hard-to-pull-off stuff like that and just go do something else

                                                            and what carries should i most likely be playing aggressively and passively against. i.e. can i afford to play passively against x carry if the situation calls for it even though i know they will hit a huge powerspike if i let them be and cause huge problems

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                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                              by next week summer enrollment starts, i can finally start playing dota on a good pc again everyday without spending my own money HEHE


                                                                sadly I'm not doing well in the race at all


                                                                  3.22 kda AM boysh



                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                      No one wants to race meh to 0.1k feelsbadman


                                                                        FUCKING LAG PACKET LOSS 69% ASDJKBASDBADB D KUASBD UKASYBD KUASB DASVB DKUASYDB IOBHIOUDBH IOAUSDBH OUAWsd

                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                          LMAO BEGGIN UR TEAMMATES HIHIIH


                                                                            Lul ahahhahahahhahahah


                                                                              @apoop, no
                                                                              @yves, thats kinda hard to explain,
                                                                              -I guess its just a gut feeling when to poke them. Depends also what trilane they have.
                                                                              Just back off whenever the carry starts to go aggressive on you and keep track of the supports
                                                                              -You can go aggressive on any carry. If you start to play too passively, you lost the lane. Their supports will start to rotate, which is a big no no.
                                                                              you just develop a kind of feel for these things you know


                                                                                Lmao i need about 2month and a half to get to 3k due to school
                                                                                Anyone who loss the race should feel shame

                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                  yeah my stomach kinda wants to throw everytime i force myself to not play offlane as aggressively as i can

                                                                                  pretty much the same reason i went 1-15 with zero against pa omni lion as axe!

                                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                                    ^ thing is i dont want that to happen again xd

                                                                                    mr. rabbit
                                                                                      Този коментар е изтрит
                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                        ^accidentally sent your nudes so had to delete?

                                                                                        thats okay happened to me as well

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          also one thing i remember from my offlane days is that if someones playstyle in lane drastically changes something bigs up

                                                                                          for example becomes too passive suddenly after trading hits comfortably, probably means hes baiting you to a worse position by making you try to punsih him more. on the other hand becoming too aggressive after a passive laning start might mean a gank is coming for you and the enemies are already in position, they just need initiation

                                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                                            yeah but you activate your trap card and BAM seven tools of the bandit where your mirror force at now


                                                                                              I felt the urge to throw the last game. Diving to 100man


                                                                                                Packet loss is the real counter to AM
                                                                                                Or any hero actually


                                                                                                  I'll always be the throw safety net guy
                                                                                                  Fucking tryhard everygame to enlarge epenis haHAA

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    yeah add having a void devoting his time to farming your jungle you retard and see how you fare