General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
死の恐怖 Haseo


    doc joferlyn simp

      I'd faint if I see real blood. I can handle gore fine but once I see blood dripping from my own fingers even if it wasn't from me I'd just do those movie style faint with my eyes rolling to my head.


        oh he is playing his 3k acount. makes sense. i'm taking notes btw

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          fuck your page

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          doc joferlyn simp

            Anyone using Rainmeter here? I can't seem to get the Honeycomb skin to work.

            doc joferlyn simp

              Oh wait I got it silly me. Carry on.

              i have 5 reports to use

                Golly it's chilly in here


                  nice, the vhs acc i gave became normal skill


                    lol it was only vhs for 2 games


                      once an acc gets vhs, if you play decently it wont drop
                      unfortunately, rose cant play for shit




                          is it the guy who begged for a vhs account, and you were the only one nice to him. but you secretly just want to bring him high for the fall don't you? hehehe


                            I'm pretty sure I can turn any vhs acc Into normal skill extremely fast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                              you got me jacked


                                damn it took a long time in high skill though.


                                  Why are these people not in sub 1k yet


                                    seatards asleep


                                      I'm awake hahaa


                                        seatards asleep calling all ayy lmao to shitpost here

                                        not arin


                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                            not arin

                                              nice error


                                                not arin

                                                  i believe people spamming youtube videos (im looking at u allison) is one of the main reasons why ayy lmao nearly died several times already


                                                    the thing is that usually nobody watches those videos (or at least i don't, or i skip through for <5s) so it results in ntohign to talk about

                                                    死の恐怖 Haseo


                                                      i have 5 reports to use

                                                        3 am bois

                                                        johnny cage era

                                                          Wants to cook corned beef
                                                          Runs out of gas

                                                          johnny cage era

                                                            Wants to cook corned beef
                                                            Runs out of gas

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              Clemont you're pathetic.

                                                              Eat it raw. After that eat the can as well, like a true man.

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                People have the attention span of a sparrow, just trying to watch that 6 minute video led me to open 5 new tabs and write a biography about myself




                                                                    Dead club


                                                                      you know whats not dead?
                                                                      the 5k meme dream

                                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                                        ok now i know why am i losing (besides tilt)

                                                                        whenever i lose on a certain playstyle i never try to determine what the mistakes r and how to fix them

                                                                        instead i try to switch to an entirely new playstyle because LUL UNPLAYABLE GAME LOSE STREAK WITH SB? UNPLAYABLE HERO RETARD TEAM CANT USE SPACE LOLOLOLOLOLOL

                                                                        so in the end i actually never learn anything like a retard

                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                          the only reason u cook corned beef is so that u can eat potatoes along with it


                                                                            You spotted your weakness that I have fixed myself since the stone age


                                                                              Zero is still cucked up at 5.5 lul

                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                remember what i said where "it makes me wonder if i did make space in the first place"

                                                                                i watched every single fucking sb game i had where i lost but pulled of "good ganks" and guess what

                                                                                the reason im losing is that i can only bring 1 teammate to the top

                                                                                networth/xp difference goes like this: our mid/safelane is top 1, the enemy's 3-4 cores are top 2-4/5, and im bottom networth

                                                                                so basically if our most farmed player dies, huge gold swings to the enemy EVEN THO WE DONT HAVE THE LEAD

                                                                                basically im setting my teammates up to lose

                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                  im still not sure whats the 100% way to fix this

                                                                                  so for now im going to polish my rotations

                                                                                  i went 3-1 today after actively thinking that i have to bring ALL my cores to the top

                                                                                  in my last game i failed to do it for some reason so im going to take a look at it

                                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                                    You spotted your weakness that I have fixed myself since the stone age

                                                                                    i spotted this only now because im spamming a non meta but really good pub hero

                                                                                    when i was spamming centaur i never really thought about this even when i got to a losing streak, all i thought was "oh hey got nerfed and his global winrate also dropped too, so it makes sense that im losing now"


                                                                                      That's why you don't play meta heroes if you want to git gud


                                                                                        spam timber again alice, still a strong hero


                                                                                          Renshin is back!!!!! Nerf timber but cant nerf R god!!!!! Counter me????? Timber lotus orb new meta!!!!!1
                                                                                          1080p60 gameplay!!!!!


                                                                                            Rgod gone timber! 4kmmr game plays! Sick

                                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                              I finally only play 1 game (and semi tap out to watch manga) on weekend