General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion


    go back to ayy lmao magnus, this ones mine

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      Apoo have you ever considered trying to focus

      D the Superior
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          Nope I don't need focus

          D the Superior
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              Honestly I think I have tilted now, I can't seem to maintain PMA


                no i cant do that for u haffy,i cant use the pc + im 3.3k shittier anyway so my knowledge is limited

                the mistakes that i will point out to you will be mistakes that u can see on ur own

                also what are you doing in the offlane, get out of there, just cuz its the ezpz role for mmr means u should do it, ur just going for mmr now, and not trying to improve

                change roles after u reach a milestone, not so u could reach it, stick to what ur good at till 3k dude


                  Positive mental attitude , I think Ill just spectate games today, don't wanna loose more of my non existent mmr


                    what can u lose when u have nothing kappa


                      The little bit of pride I have left

                      D the Superior
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                        SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                          Playing offlane is everything about improvement wtf r u smoking


                            @magnus, mods are watching now, cant post any furry pics now
                            @kyle, Offlane Master Race

                            D the Superior
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                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                75% core - 71% offlane



                                  99%Supp 1%Core


                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    i got carried. feels so bad man

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      well i was pos 2 and he was pos 1 but still

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        feels so black


                                          Yo you cant say black in an open forum in 2016. Someone might get triggered

                                          Edit ( ✖ _ ✖ )

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                                            you didnt quite get what i was trying to say kyle...

                                            i DO agree that offlane is all about improvement and that is exactly what im trying to make haffy realize

                                            cmiiw haffy, but youre playing offlane to "get out of tilt" or something right?

                                            then that means he shouldnt be changing roles RIGHT NOW, cuz hes playing the role simply to get back "easy points" instead of trying to learn or improve on the role

                                            in short u cant rly improve at the same exact moment that ur tilted

                                            if he wasnt tilted or on a lose streak or something and hes trying to learn offlane for the sake of learning it, then thats fine


                                              in short u cant rly improve at the same exact moment that ur tilted


                                                ofc i could be wrong and haffy might actually wanna learn offlane, but i still stand by what i said that u cant learn/improve while ur tilted


                                                  I can improve the exact moment when I tilted
                                                  Because I pretty much only tilt because I failed to reach my expectation
                                                  Destroying the enemy ancient on a ranked match no matter how retarded my teammates are


                                                    renshin (what was his name again...?) changed his pic into... something... with fur...

                                                    gods be damned


                                                      honestly what is that

                                                      its like a bird-reptile with hair rofl


                                                        its a yinglet, yves

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                                                          Renshin = Karl Kelly
                                                          Call him Kelly
                                                          Or not, since the last guy who called me Weilson nearly got punched in the face

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                                                            Wtf is a yinglet?

                                                            D the Superior
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                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                lmao my most fave role is offlane but i dont play it in ranked since i felt that carry/mid/random has a stronger impact

                                                                D the Superior
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                                                                    With this new identity I shall show you true autism


                                                                      Then you're playing offlane wrong
                                                                      Or you're not, it's just I'm that good with void

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        oh my lord i wen 1-6 this day

                                                                        legt tilted/supar nub. yo yingshit, how did you get over your loss streaks?

                                                                        edit: oh my lorder lord i went 1-7

                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                          Pls dont I have had enough autism for now

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            bws, my consistent 5 man chronos were what carried our team to the finals of our local tourney



                                                                                If your opponents are actually retarded enough to stick as 5 asking to be wrecked by a purple time stopping bubble I'm suprised you can't win that shitfest local tournament


                                                                                  It's real guys
                                                                                  The default profile picture causes you to be more toxic
                                                                                  The curse is real


                                                                                    when i go on a lose streak i play timbersaw LUL

                                                                                    makes me feel ultra confident when i win, i think something like "rofl i can dumpster these trashcans without trying soooo eaaazyyy"


                                                                                      i just hope they wont nerf timbersaw again

                                                                                      D the Superior
                                                                                        Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                                          I am very good at landing 5 man chronos provided 4 out of the 5 mensioned are my own team kappa

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            wth is this new(?) fetish


                                                                                              pretty sure im maniacal

                                                                                                I think I should tryhard on ranked before memeing, I feel like I'm getting bad at this game

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  lmao gwn exhibitng the same signs i did

