General Discussion

General Discussionqwewqeqweqweqweqweqweqw

qwewqeqweqweqweqweqweqw in General Discussion
lm ao

    >My alt has swastika on its name
    >Gets banned

    >Other people have sickle-hammers on their names
    >Nobody gives a shit

    mentally handicapped


      disgusting weebs

        your point?


          Sickle-Hammer = Communism

          You may not agree with Communism, but there is no reason to ban someone for that. If I had Democracy on my name should I be banned?

          Swastika = Originally a sacred symbol for Hindues, but largely associated with Nazism since WWII.

          Nazis = Bad

          Bad = Banned

          Riguma Borusu

            I thought this was an invoker thread, then I realized there are no letters other than QWE in the title.

            lm ao

              How is Nazism objectively bad
              The moral implications of war are highly complicated and will never be untangled by the average sapient thinker.



                who was ur alt?

                Riguma Borusu

                  you can't decide something is objectively bad unless you have reasoning behind what objective is

                  if you say that it is bad in order for jews to be happy, well, yes, it is obviously objectively bad, but if you say "it is objectively bad" without saying what you mean, then you're not being objective, but vague


                    Nazism is objectively bad because it was a political movement based on segregating the population and identifying jew's as the scapegoat of Germany when in reality Germany was fucked up because of the treaty of Versailles after WWI.

                    "If we kill the jews we will be fine, it's their fault not us" That was the basic principle of Nazism.

                    I'm not sure if you are trolling or not, but where I live there is a huge Neo-Nazi movement, it's so fucked up.

                    Also, please dont tell me you think you are a above average sapient thinker, cause clearly you are not.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^that is still not objectively bad, because you have to specify a purpose


                        Rob Ross, you are talking about Morality (a societys conception of good or bad)

                        However i'm talkiing about Ethics (universally accepted good or bad)

                        Killing someone with no reason is Ethically wrong.

                        We are not having the Texas death sentence debate (that falls under Morality, cause it's a punishment for a specific offense)

                        If you didn't do anything, soldiers come into your house, beat you up, separate you from your family, sends each one to a different concentration camp and makes you work till you die of starvation (much cheaper than gas chambers they weren't actually used so much as people think) that is Ethically bad.

                        disgusting weebs

                          OP is a {F}ree thinker and doesn't let stupid soci{A}l stereotypes and "morality" affect him and dictate his worldview
                          he approaches everythin{G} from an objective point of view, using logic and his broad [theoretical] life experience


                          not arin

                            arent there like two swastikas, one clockwise and the other one counter-clockwise
                            one for the nazis and the other one for that hinduism thing

                            Pale Mannie

                              just because communism failed doesn't mean it's bad OP

                              Pale Mannie

                                why the fuck do i tell OP this when his name is obvious bait


                                  sickle-hammer is easily the soviet union symbol.

                                  and they = nazis