General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I get better

How do I get better in General Discussion
Feminist Bruce Lee

    Hello everyone! I am a casual 2.5k MMR player playing DOTA2. I love the game,I have been playing it for a while on my first account and got calibrated to 1.5k MMR (my very first games were exceptional Omni feeding because I was always put in position to play support with my friends).Currently I can surely tell that I massively improved,but there is a problem.It's climbing to the higher MMR.I seem to be stuck on this account(2.5k).I was actually 300 mmr higher at one point,but then I got tilted and was only ruining(won't do that again,its not fun at all).What I am trying to figure out is how to get to the 3k mmr.

    I am playing support possibly 70% of the time with various combinations of offlane heroes such as Slardar,Shaker,Nyx,Axe,Dark Seer,SAND KING(as my fav hero *insert OSfrog meme*) and few others,too lazy to list them now.And sometimes mid Mirana(nice hero for ganking and has quite good pushing and cleaning,and I am not so bad at last hitting in laning stage either and I win a lot of games with her).

    The problem I seem to face is when I play for example 10 matches. I will win 5 and lose 5.I won't comment on wins,those are wins after all everyone gave their best and achieved win.)I want to talk about losses.

    My losses are usually coming from people playing core heroes,not understand strenghts of their heroes and the possiblity of making solo plays.People tend often to make solo play rather then stick to the creeps and farm as hard carry should do.Instead,they push their hero to the limits,not thinking about reserve plan and BOOM,dead.

    Now you can blame me as support for not being there,but why playing YOLO if you see your support rotating mid to create kill chance right there.

    I tend to lose A lot of games from people that throw them in the mudpool.They make reckless decisions and no matter how much you scream it ends up the same.Loss.Over and over again.I tend to make mistakes as support as well(less and less troughout the early game,I am also rarely feeding as support starting strong usually)but they are not game changing,PACE changing,like for example PA diving Rubick on top lane trying to kill him solo and then dying to 4 man gank,while whole team is pinging not to do so,and then we lose racks and can hardly come back.

    I do a lot of hardwork,watch videos of supports,multiple heroes,try to practice them and do the same things,try to level up my game(which I did) and try to be as humble as possible(especially during pick phase),but still no upper movement.

    The thing I want to know is? What am I doing wrong,how do I get better?How do I avoid so repetitive situatinons?Should I just created new account,farm shit out of myself and then play 10 ranked games as support and re-calibrate?I don't know really. Help!

    Strongmind I can help you, interested?

      < blank >

        Can you get any better, Michael Jordan?


          I could coach u over the next weekend for free

          Feminist Bruce Lee

            +Strongmind ne trosi mi se novac na coaching,bez obzira sto si i ovako izuzetan igrac(bravo sto ne igras Invokera xD).Hvala u svakom slucaju!

            Feminist Bruce Lee

              +Aimstrong #kawaii I dont know man,I am trying my best.It feels like I am doing something wrong.

              Feminist Bruce Lee

                +VP.Lanya❤ Does it really help that much?


                  coaching uvijek pomaze mnogo, al ja nisam neki profesionalni coach, tako da XD

                  maybe u should try watching more replays, if u have a higher mmr friend just download one of his games and watch from his perspective, also play more solo q than party games and play more in general

                  Feminist Bruce Lee

                    Hahahha okej,mislim da cu to da pocnem da radim mnogo cesce.Imam druga koji je 5k mmr roamer,a to mi je jedna od omiljenih pozicija.
                    U svakom slucaju hvala ti puno,nadam se da cu moci da te nadjem nekako za kasnije ako odlucim da mi treba pomoc neka,za sad cu sam. :D


                      Is everyone here a fucking pinoy? How tf do u know when theyre just speakinf english wut. Also u cant really change what other people do wrong so focus on what u need to improve on and work on that. If someone is really fucking up, kindle remind em, but dont push it or u may earn a report.


                        And that's why you don't have reports for ACTUAL FUCKIGN RUINERS LIKE THE REDDIT TRASH CIRCLEJERK (YES, I JUST SAID THAT YOU'RE TRASH TOO)

                        Feminist Bruce Lee

                          Daddy you are being utterly disrespective to anyone as it seems who doesnt have english as their first language.I am not a fucking pinoy,I literally started playing DOTA a year ago and I didnt play it so frequently or in-depth and I didnt even bother to fix my mistake,now I do!


                            There's a lot of resources on reddit and YouTube. Learning support u may be more aware when ur cores are out of position and tend to blame them. But u need to understand there's a lot a support can do to maximize your cores chances. Preemptive ward the area so ur core can see ppl coming. Don't just be passive and then Afk and blame your cores for trying to create pressure. That's the noobest mentality in the world.


                              Sure u aren't dying. But are your cores dying as a result of ur passive af defensive playing when you should be aggressive?

                              Don't judge a persons ability based on whether they live or die. Judge based on the possibilities of their plays. U may be right that diving into 4 is bad. But if ur mentality is to always be on the other side of the map away from the enemy team maybe u should be playing some pu55y split pusher instead of support.

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                                  You pick gyro and gun those fools all down no kappa

                                  Use chatwhell=mute

                                    Hello. Im 3.8 peak last year. And this is my 1st acc which calibrated 2k 2years ago.
                                    I started boost this account since august now its 3.2. It was 2k but i dropped to 1.8 but however i managed to get this mmr.
                                    I noticed some of my mistakes hat might help u to gain mmr.
                                    1st thing is 2k players dont focus main objectives like towers rosh and farm that helps u win the game. They only focus kills ganks.
                                    2nd thing is they arent really shit. Some of their skills are equal to like 5k players. But as i said they dont focus winning. So i mean communication is really good thing. Some of them are really good some are them are really shit. U just understand the main things i think

                                    Use chatwhell=mute

                                      And i think u need to spam 1 hero. Cuz it really helps understand and keep keeps spamming heroes will notice u something. Just fotget the versality. Choose the hero is meta hero like od, drow axe etc