General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play this game

How to play this game in General Discussion

    ok teach me, this is vhs, so if your under 4k don't reply with your stupid comment unless it's really valuable

    How would I win this match:

    to clarify, at 7 minutes all 5 of the enemies hero's came mid, and the game turned into brawl mode for mid, but SB and pugna really didn't do anything but feed.

    Maybe Aclhemist with BKB rush, they carried dust at all times and never broke being 5, they were at racks at 15 minutes with all t3's down

    Lina was mid. even if I got like say 7 kills before 10 minutes, I still feel like it would be hard to 1v5 with all that lock down.

    Président® Salted Butter

      Imo you probably should just splitpush and outfarm them, they can't take highground when you have gold and exp advantage, you don't want to brawl into that 5 man lineup until am gets his items, pugna and am should be pushing the other lanes while they 5 man mid


        i'd need to watch the game when i come home to see if those ganks on you at mid were avoidable/survivable/couqnterkillable

        but if 2 people just fed and then abandoned like that sub 20 min the game might actually not be winnable unless you're far above the avg skill/mmr or you can just micro those abandoners

        CApo del dota...

          With heroes with global passive they can not push you mid


            I definitely could have played better, I tried to snowball of kills but couldn't pull any, also the last game was high skill so I didn't expect this one was VHS, but even If I went like 5-0, as templar this really would still be hard to 1v5 this match with only 10-7 seconds of bkb.

            Ofc my goal was not to solely win this match, but to perform well, as you know winning doesn't matter for the hidden mmr.

            But in future games like this I need to understand a solid consistent strategy for 1v5ing a line up like that. maybe sven with really good early farm, can definitely pull 3 kills off with a perfect stun and blink pretty easy.