General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa in pro games

Medusa in pro games in General Discussion

    Every time i See Medusa in pro games they play her with the Same trash build. Zero dmg. Always linkens skadi manta. No matter who Player im looking at EE sumail or loda all Same build. How is it possible this shit works out? they have absolute zero dmg until min 30 or even 40 if game is not running to good.


      Nice 4ks telling people how to play. I'm sure I could play a better Dusa than you building dagon+eblade.


        Sir im asking how they make this builds work. Im Not saying they suck.


          its about being a siege tank not a glass cannon
          if they went for dmg they are just gonna die

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            ^ but if i compare dusa to other Ranged carries like drow or luna shes much more tanky even without 3 only defensive items. Only linkens or only skadi would be enough No?


              It just works well with her skill set, more mana more survivability more time to deal damage with split shot


                Standing there for 2 min dealing 150 dmg - 20% for splitshot and - enemy armor.. comeon even Zeus rightclick is more dangerous.

                Hatsune Miku

                  lol medusa is not the only one hitting people exxdEEEE

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    thing is, everytime you activate manta you are taking away your own ehp. manta for what? your dmg is absolutely shit. dispel? when silenced, how hard is it to keep shield up when siegeing anyway. even if you get focused on you are doing your job as a meat shield, dunno why you would want to stop doing your job

                    maybe if you need to dispel something like a mana leak that got through linkens, but if the enemy team has a lot of spammables during teamfight wouldnt bkb be a better choice?

                    like HartzFear said linkens and skadi should be enough if you want to be a tank, manta is just detrimental to your purpose of soaking damage

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      i hope someone posts that level 25 dusa with a skadi and a manta hitting a level something sb

                      Hatsune Miku

                        lvl 25 medusa with only manta skadi? your doing something wrong here

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          i meant there was a lobby which demonstrated the poorness of manta as an item choice

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            good shit


                              Correct me if I'm wrong, but Medusa would usually go a more tanky build because she is usually played mid, therefore not the main damage dealer. Also, I've seen her comboed with a draw a lot, so she gets a lot of her dps from precision aura.

                              LISAN AL GAIB

                                Manta is situational on her. Pro's dont go for that build all the time.
                                see this games by Sumail for a few examples
                                3 games 1 manta for that KOTL that was farmed as hell and the disables from ogre and Sven. Yes he had Lynkenz but the manta gave him more changes of dispelling the other teams disables.

                                M U R D E R

                                  Last i checked sumail didnt go for this build

                                  Also try switch treads to agi and turn off split shot before usong manta, braindead cuck

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                                  Dr. Banana

                                    Dunno how it's relevant for your question but might give you insight


                                      u all are ignoring medusa ultimate, wich amplifies dmg.. u all talk about medusa using only right click, is like say that sven hit poorly without using god strengh..

                                      also, naturally after the 3 stat items (manta, skadi and linken) always come rapier..


                                        A Medusa spammer who doesnt know how to play with it , Dotabuff a big source of fun and auto bullying.


                                          Medusa is more focused on tanking than damaging. Low damage, low atack speed and this is why they pick Drow with her in some games.
                                          If they want damage, Sven can do a better job with half of the gold...

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Cus medusa needs to build up her survivability before adding dmg. Dmg items are 3rd and 4th usually, though I agree manta is trash if you don't need to dispel anything. I don't love linkens rush in pubs but I won't flame it. I think phase, aquila, yasha or mask of madness should be the standard open, then skadi or linkens.

                                            LISAN AL GAIB

                                              As proven on the games I linked...Medusa doesn't necessarily need rapier...

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                benao v2.0

                                                Nick Gehr

                                                  I dunno what other folks play, but I think her item build should be something like: after phase, aquila and drum/dragon lance you go for 1 tankiness item then 1 damage item and so on. Last item should always be rapier. Dusa with rapier just barges into your base and there's not really much you can do about it unless you got mega disable.


                                                    I rarely play dusa but I liked maelstorm on her, eventho it doesnt sinergyze well with the ult I feel like it gives you a huge boost in dps and farms even faster. Not a fan of Manta on her (unless u need dispel obviously and then you can choose between manta, bkb or diffusal).

                                                    LISAN AL GAIB

                                                      Can't really say much apart from the games i linked, i hate her, imo she's damn boring to play...


                                                        @ Donald optimus
                                                        Thx for this viedos made me laugh Hard :D

                                                        I usually get the early mealstrom as well even b4 linkens or manta but thats something i never See in pro matches. Even though u Farm much faster with it.


                                                          Also from my Personal expereance id like To mention that Most of the games (not all) where butterfly doesnt make you tanky as hell ( and also gives Huge dmg) i usually get bkb anyways cuz they have high magic dmg.

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            Medusa is not a good hero right now. Medusa is great inlane because you can just spam your spell over and over but late game can still be out carried easily

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Eh maelstrom is ok but you don't need it to farm, split shot already does that, and I'd rather have more +dmg for split shot. Let's assume core is boots, skadi, you will almost always want a 2nd tank item whether it's bkb, linkens, bloodstone, s&y. That leaves 3 spots for offense. Butterfly, bloodthorn and daedulus/mkb if they have dodge. I don't like mjollnir more than any of those.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                sny is not a tank item esp on dusa

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  both of those gif reek of playdota's particular brand of autism, the first one PMS blocks 90% of the damage and the second one is a level 11 dusa with no items besides manta

                                                                  not to mention the purpose of manta is mainly split farming and dispelling silences, it's nto an item you get to buff ur dps


                                                                    ^ THANKS


                                                                      my dusa build 1 phase 2 aquila 3 skadi 4 manta 5 butterfly 6 mkb/ dedalus (with still 2 minor items u should be winning with buying 6)

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        Then what is s&y? It's not a dps item cus if you want dps you go casual yasha, sell it for real dps item later. It has hp and maim proc combined with skadi is a shit ton of slow on your main target.

                                                                        Manta is also a defensive item, I could've listed it too. But manta is more like a utility defensive item, s&y upgrade is literally to mitigate more dmg with more hp, maim proc. The move speed bonus too but that's small.

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          im pretty sure ms/maim slow is 90% of why you buy it, dusa cant chase

                                                                          you get more ehp out of an energy booster xd

                                                                          LISAN AL GAIB

                                                                            In the end why would you want S & Y on Medusa, sure it gives you agility, surviability and the slow to chase enemies, but, Manta gives you much more dmg and attack speed plus almost the same strenght, a good anti disable ability and more mana pool...S & Y is a useless item on Medusa cause you weill get Skadi at some point...

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              I'm not saying you use maim to chase, you can use it to kite fuckers like sven and wk and naix in a fight and to reduce their attack speed a ton when stacked with Skadi.

                                                                              But you know what, I completely forgot in 6.87 they nerfed it for ranged from 32 to 26/13. So it's pretty shitty now.

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                Sny in general isnt that good on ranged heroes. Also considering that dusa farms so fast isnt it better to build into either mjollnir to supplement that or other big ticket items rather than sny. Also with this guy saying linkens manta skadi is the build every time ur retarded. Ive seen plenty of sumail games where he gets mjollnir in between or doesnt get manta or gets butterfly or crits or mkb before skadi after linkens. How many fucking competetive games have u watched? Cuz most heroes played by pros dont go the same items every game (obvious exception is am but not really cuz often times other items besides heart, abyssal, butterfly, bf, and manta r needed).

                                                                                Vem Comigo

                                                                                  The best build is tp boots, skadi, mom, bloodstone and 2 rapiers


                                                                                    @daddy maybe you talk about older games? Meta has changed and the last 10 Medusa games i have seen, played by different pros, the first 3 items was almost always linkens skadi dragonlance, and sometimes manta. The other items was Situational but theres No stuff like early mealstrom or even butterfly.


                                                                                      ok that GIF is painful. not only does sb have a PMS but the dusa makes manta and DOES NOT ATTACK.

                                                                                      notice how only the 2 illusions are attacking while the main hero does nothing?

                                                                                      manta is amazing on this hero, and im certain pro players know how to play her well.

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        i have a lot higher winrate going linkens first than some fighting build mom+maelstrom + point booster wand or whatever


                                                                                          Look at sumails build order depending on game k thx bye.


                                                                                            Dusa doesnt really need any dmg items anyway, as snake and ulti cover her for that in the mid to early game. After skadi or linkens or both, u can pick up a mjollnir or butterfly or crits or mkb to boost ur dmg.


                                                                                              Ever seen a dusa with skadi and rapier at 20 min auto win


                                                                                                I feel like Atos + Crystalis gives you more survivability and damage than Skadi at a smaller price, and the slow is better too

                                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                                  u want ur dusa to have an atos though? i doint

                                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                                    :thinking: no damage build :thinking:

                                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                      :D :D :D


                                                                                                        Drow aura + mjollnir thats not what im talking about.