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Look at zai's Pudge. U shud play more as a pos 4 roamer, cuz an early hook, or the huge slow on rot lvl 1 means fb with almost any other teammate.
by rework i mean his hook. hitbox is fucking fucked you shitstains. go play him. but no for you rework means fucking nerf everything. just fucking retarded playerbase.
also please shut down this 1.3k shitter.
how is this even possible to suck so much cock at a fucking video game. you have to be irradiated from chernobyl explosion or something.
Lol take rot lvl 1, its one of the strongest lvl 1 slows. With one partner it nearly guarantees fb. Landing hooks isn't everything, u see pro pudges miss some hooks, what matters is ur early game effect on the enemy heroes. Just make sure there isn't anything in ur way and go for it. Play with a rubick or other heroes who can set up a hook. Not too hard.
its a toss up,
pudge can either rekt havoc early
leading his team to victory,
or he fails miserably and deserves low priority
idk why does pudge have 52% winrate and nearly 50% pick rate in 5k+ if hes balanced. that doesn't seem fucking right man
also every pudge game i spectated in the summit 6 and northern arena tournament, the pudge won.
it's because dipshits don't know how to use wards
also fuck your honeypot "tournaments"
1. you are not 5k player
2. i don't like sucking cock of 5k players who told you what to think and how to act
3. i refer to my bracket which without a doubt is one of the most populated.
Dunningi-Krugeri efekt on kognitiivne moonutus ehk kognitiivne nihe (inglise cognitive bias), kus "inimesed jõuavad ekslikele järeldustele ja teevad sobimatuid valikuid, kuid nende ebakompetentsus jätab nad ilma metakognitiivsest võimest seda mõista"[1]. Seetõttu kogevad oskusteta inimesed illusoorset üleolekut, hinnates enda võimeid keskmisest kõrgemaks, mis on palju kõrgem tegelikkusest. Samas suurte oskustega inimesed kannatavad illusoorse alaväärsuse all ja seetõttu alahindavad oma võimeid. See viib ebaloomuliku tulemuseni, kus vähem kompetentsemad inimesed hindavad oma võimekust kõrgemalt kui rohkem kompetentsemad inimesed. See seletab samuti, miks tegelik kompetentsus võib nõrgendada eneseusaldust, kuna kompetentsed inimesed eeldavad vääralt, et teised omavad võrdväärset arusaama. "Niisiis ebakompetentsete väär kalibreerumine tuleneb veast enda suhtes, samas kui kõrge kompetentsusega isikutel tuleneb väär kalibreerumine veast teiste suhtes."
yeah im not 5k but im not complaining about pudge cause i lose to him either.
im just saying that pudge probably can get nerfed next patch since he has epic winrate and epic pick rate in very high mmr, as well as winning almost all his pro matches.
as in, pudge is among top 10 most successful heroes, as well as being the most picked one. he has more than double pick rate of any hero that is in top 25 highest winrate so yeh this means something.
i guess they might nerf his stats not his skill set
such small things like lower his MS, reduce attributes, rescale dismemberment damage. you get what i mean, they dont have to nerf slow or hook to nerf pudge.
like drow aura is so op, that icefrog nerfs her strength and she is easier killed early on in the game and her winrate drops
from statistical point of view you are right, but in noraml skill pub game, where push is disorganized, nerfing pudge will be absolute death of him.
also fix the damned hook hitbox. and i am not even talking about that i missed a hook, somtimes it's like "holy shit how was that allowed to land". it's fucked when you try to hook someone on different ground level.
like fuck, if you want to nerf pudge you might as well nerf omni.
my point is nerfing heroes is wrong direction to go. instead of nerfing heroes buff their counters, hell make reworks like it happened to riki, void and bs.
game will get fucking stale if they keep on nerfing heroes.
if valve nerfs pudge, they have wrong approach, mark my words.
Lol pudge is unquestionably the most op hero in normal skill. Same as LC.
Also they did nerf omni if you hadnt noticed.
i knew something was different when i played him. tbh i like lower cast range for better cast point, especialliy in laning phase.
seems like aether lens encouragement.
pudge kinda one the most bullshit hero thou
with minimal farm , hook , rot , dismember combo can kill your carry solo or ez set up kill even your carry is farmed
hook enemy to high ground = fucking game changer
Pudge kinda too powerfull at some point , because u stomp or not , deleting one hero from the start of teamfight is always strong
The hit box is a bit fucked, there's no denying...
How does it actually work when pudge/target are at different heights? Should you target where they would be if they were at the same height as you or where they appear on the screen?
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now that he's shitstomping competitive games too not only pubs