General Discussion



    usually by 16-18 mins i have pms treads vlads talon but i still dont know how can i be a huge impact after this, i tried helping my team but it kind of hurts my gpm + i have almost no damage outside of bashes so i cant get kills at all (but i think most of itvwas me and my team fucking up) but farming doesnt seem to better since with just a vlads treads, contesting farm against their carry is so hard (or is this just in select situations? my last loss with void was against sven so i couldnt do much to hinder his farm) and usually killling supports who defend when im splitpushing takes too long since all i have are right clicks so their friends comes to the rescue so in the end i grt my diffusal by 26 mins and at that point im already a nonfactor because either we alr won because my team is rekting or we alr lost because the enemy is rekting

    honestly i dont know whats wrong at this point, i know the hero is good but i cant seem to use his strengths. should i expect myself to be solo carrying games or is this hero kinda just a tidehunter with some good rclick later on? can someone give me an outline on what to generally do as void in the first 20 mins? every game i play as void im like, 0-2-1 or something retarded by 20 mins

    also i might just get silver edge more often than blink, diffusal-silver edge hurts a lot rofl

    casual gamer

      win fight with chrono, take a tower or rosh with vlads

      repeat every cd until the ancient is dead

      i actually just had the most cancer void game of my life

      if they do not have massive burst damage and chain stuns you will very rarely die, as long as you are very smart with managing your blink cd and positioning. combine this with your naturally high damage and decent hp pool and you will usually come out on top.

      it is crucial that you kill a hero inside chronosphere, make sure it isnt a tidehunter that has already ravaged or something and you will probably be fine

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      casual gamer

        its vital that you do not spend an inordinate amount of time trying to set up a pick with chrono. get in, kill the guy, go back to farming immediately.

        when you hit 6-7 you are as strong as you will probably be for a long while. killing the enemy mid or safelane with chrono is your top priority, with securing some safelaners against axe/whatever as also a good idea. killing anyone with chrono as a pick is usually great if nobody on ur team dies because it opens up more space for you to farm and restricts the enemy

        you cant just afk split push forever like a weaver, you want to be teamfighting/gank whenever you have chrono. you just have to make sure ur still farming and not just afk in trees waiting for invoker or whatever to walk into chrono range. its a lot better to buy a smoke and solo smoke than to wait 30 seconds for a pick


          so basically

          if i have treads vlads, i should be looking to fight with my team to take towers when my chrono is up, then just splitpush/rosh when no shit is happening or my chrono is down

          riki is actually cancerous omfg, smoke is such a retarded spell against timewalk and chrono

          casual gamer

            yes except for rosh only take without chrono if they have vital hero dead or u can take in 5s because you have slardar, TA type hero

            you go to another lane to chrono and then ping the tower when their hero dies, their buddies are much less likely to defend void + rubick + slark hitting a tower than just a solo void

            casual gamer

              looks like you die a LOT on void, shoot for very few deaths. remember that most negative buffs can be purged off, and blinking into fog/trees/over hills is going to save you from most stuff

              in a great void game ill usually have 0-3 deaths, in a shitty one ill have mb 6-9 max

              you have to know when not to commit to a kill after chrono ends, sometimes you just have to run away like a bitch or ur gonna die and do nothing when you could have huge impact chasing people down later


                dont be one of those people who has chrono off cd for 5 mins plz


                  The best part abt void (like tide) is that he is a high priority initiator that the enemy can't just kill without overcommiting and potentially losing the fight that way. Also don't waste time, a void with Vlad's can farm jungle indefinetley, so come out when u can do something with ur chrono or a pickoff is to be had. Push with team too, Vlad's aura helps a lot with that early.
                  I love void so much cuz his ulti can turn lost games into wins, and skill with chrono is such a huge factor. Universe is bae.
                  Gl keep practicing u r probably already better lol. I aim for Vlad's at 16 min, usually hitting 17 tho.


                    eyy imma hop into a ranked game now and see what i can do

                    wish me luck lads


                      go back to playing timber kappa


                        Gl Alice sama


                          Spam sand King

                          Livin' Real Good



                              wooo actually had impact but i landed 3 zero man chronos wtf

                              i need to spam this hero more to get the hang of him

                              i cant rly first pick timber + sometimes he's banned, im practicing void so i got myself a backup just in case

                              i wanted to play sk at first but that hero is much much harder to play rofl


                                SK aghs best skill lol combine with blink, aether lens and force staff literally global initiation

                                Story Time

                                  it is better to land a one man chrono and make a kill than 3 man chrono and no kill. I hate those voids that get the perfect chrono when no one around or never use chrono waitng for the chance (had 40 min game with void only 5 times chrono)

                                  PS Use chrono asap it is off the cd

                                  Story Time

                                    also void>pa>am


                                      the fact someone built vlads on TI doesnt mean u have to build it in pubs. U build MoM and and kill support everytime chrono is off-cooldown. Get aghanim and hasten the pattern. Void should spit on his teammates and kill people even if it means trapping your CM in the process. But if you trap your Invoker - damn you!!


                                        u have pms? pre marital sex? wtf