General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do they sort a game as ns, hs, or vhs?

How do they sort a game as ns, hs, or vhs? in General Discussion
4pos pudge/grim only

    i mean what are the factors being looked up? last hits and denies? gpm and xpm? map presence? kill death assists? hero dmg and heals? wards and sentries bought? and btw can someone look up my recent games and do u think a can be calibrated at least flat 2k? (i got 6 games to go before tbd end)


      1st pick slark with 20/0/20 and then you get vhs


        Be gud and ull get vhs
        Or be diox and make a thousand accs and fail finally ull have a vhs

        4pos pudge/grim only

          lul i hate playing as and against slark so i guessed im never gonna get vhs anytime soon. but sometimes there is time when one of my game randomly classed as a high skill in a sea of ns although it doesnt seem that good or any better compared to my other games. thats why im asking on how they sort this stuff coz idk that hs is just like a mistake or there is something i did in that particular game that differ from my typical games


            average mmr is the one-and-only factor


              you'll calibrate at the same rating as your previous calibration games in solo ranked were

              Този коментар е бил редактиран
              Bosnian Blade

                git gud vhs
                predict my mmr hs
                my team trash ns


                  i dono why, i just simply play and valve put me at vhs, sucks

                  4pos pudge/grim only

                    @triplesteal do u mean if i got matched up against and with some random high skilled player, suddenly that game get classed as a high skill? because sometime i played against some 3-4k player but the games just ns bracket games

                    @bobmarley wow why it is sucks playing at vhs? people at vhs bracket play more systematically aye? or no?


                      the rating for ranked matches you can display on your profile, and the hidden mmr used for normal matchmaking, are different to each other.
                      usually you get matched with people of your skill level, except for some extremely weird times when no one plays on this given server, or very high mmr.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                        dont u get tired of answering the same questions for 1 year +

                        4pos pudge/grim only

                          ah i see...seems that i really am a regular ns guy probably ._. brb gotta make some smurf


                            dotabuff just reads if off the replay file

                            valve has hidden unranked mmr, so to get NS, you just need an unranked game of average 0-3.2k unranked mmr

                            same with HS(3.2-3.7) and VHS(3.7-10)


                              if u kill 20 times and have 300 lasthits in 45 min valve gona put u in high skill from normal in matter of second
                              but if u cant do that in nornal skill u dont deserve high skill and ur so called ,,trash,,

                              4pos pudge/grim only

                                aww man dont call me a trash.. im trying to get good in both kills and last hits, but usually when my team started the killing spree, the game will snowballed so hard and we will winning objectives way too fast game ends before i could get even 200+ last hits. same goes to the enemy if they snowballed, we lost before i can even get my items. and in my bracket, game is so teamfight orientated that most of the time our gpm xpm hugely depends on kills, and not from farm. i guess that explains why my average last hits per game sucks so much


                                  This is what i call "the NS mexican standoff at midlane for 10 minutes"

                                  Instead of cores farming and pushing while supports gank and ward, both teams have a standoff at the middle where the luckier team wins the fight

                                  Sadly even if you win/lose the fight neither team takes a tower

                                  A map full of freefarm, and no one taking it

                                  Ye old "how tu git vhs, nub teammates suck"

                                  casual gamer

                                    yeah the normal skill deathball as 5 from 8 minutes onwards actually raises my blood pressure so much rofl

                                    casual gamer

                                      yuoR NOT DOING ANTYHGI N GO FARM IWITH A TP SCROLL FCUK


                                        It actually is true some 3k ppl have only the advantage of knowing they shouldn't group up as 5 the whole game others are just always stickin to each other void is so good for this reason in the bracket speakin from experience

                                        And not the meta build manta purge either u should go stupid builds like mom mjollnir daedalus tbh for the simple reason "it works bc everyone is so shit"

                                        casual gamer
