General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out of low 4k mmr tier

How to get out of low 4k mmr tier in General Discussion

    Just how? Git gud isnt enough.. When u teamed up with smurfer.. So frustating. They never listen, pick core, 1 ward 2 tango, blame when lose/get killed, throw when some1 tell what he shld do..


      1 ward 2 tango putang in mo bobo 0:5 After 10 min Hardcore flame Incoming. Just dodge smurfs.
      I dodge everyone with less than 300 games.

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        just go at 3k. finally you already get out of 4k lol HAHAHAH


          dodge bro, its the only way. Or only play in morning or late at night
          based from my experience, lesser smurfs


            You have to git gudder m8

            Potato Marshal

              Pls help me too. Everybody just makes dumb dives alone and wants to get rampages. Hard carries wasting their bkb and just charging into the enemy team alone. Godawful sniper mids who get surprised that they can't freefarm when they're being ganked while playing as the most easily ganked hero in the game. People who afk jungle for nearly 20 minutes trying to farm a blink. Hard carries that try to push alone while we're gettinig our rax taken out.

              I hate 4k games so much.

              casual gamer

                positive mental attitude and putting 110% into every game even after ur completely sure u lost, plus picking appropriate heroes


                  Only other Chance to win with smurf is to pick roaming ck and dumbster enemy mid Hard enough to make 2 k trash smurf win. Rewrite the ending

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                  casual gamer

                    stop checking ur teammates if ur tilting urself lol

                    only if u see a page full of losses dodge


                      No matter the bracket, you gotta have a very "elastic" mentality.
                      Keep positive, forgive your team mates and don't remark them their mistakes since they have been already made.
                      Try to talk a lot (short sentences, clear messages, don't literally spam the audio chat).
                      After some time, if you are effective in your role, some ppl will follow you or cooperate with you better.
                      If someone makes a mistake and another guy tells him he did bad, tell them both "np guys, lets keep doing our best" etc. etc.

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                        old man yoshi giving solid advice

                        casual gamer

                          yeah being super positive does a lot for dota 2 players usually


                            how u dodge games ? leave in loading screen ?


                              Beeing super positive wont help if you 12 years old rtz fangay with 2k mmr on main Account feed enemy mid.
                              The only Solo games i lost lately was because. Medusa got countered or smurf Ruined. No kappa


                                I honestly seen many times ppl with win streak paired w ppl w lose streaks. Seems like a balancing mechanic. The guy who lost 10 games in a row might be able to play at a much higher level than the current mmr. So his chance of winning should actually be higher. Also the guy on a massive win streak might be playing higher than he deserves and is actually more likely to lose the game.


                                  The only games I lose is when I misplay myself or it gets ruined by some tilting 16 year old kid. I don't think I am encountering smurfs at all tbh. Maybe I am too focused on myself, which - in fact - everyone should be.


                                    I even won a game bc of keepin 3 of my m8s positive to winning while one fed himself and cor from min 1


                                      How supp player can change the game when the core are smurfer? right? most of my game i pick supp hero. and did my 100% effort on game. i cant pick core on solo ranked match, coz at low 4k all player i teamed somewhat only pick core.. its super sad. shld i give up at low 4k mmr solo ranked and tryin raise my party..


                                        Sup may not be able to change the game himself but he can make enemy lose
                                        Ask for carry to come with u hardlane to aggro lane and pick lich
                                        Or pick riki and harras the shit out of mid and fuck junglers and gank enemies so much they tilt and lose
                                        Also be thr one with the mental positivity and spread it to team especially when u got a flamer

                                        Ps. How to act against flamers?
                                        First see if they can listen to voice of reason if they dont, fuck em all to death insult them so much but say anything in all chat then mute him and tell team to mute him and tell them "we are good enough to win the game 4v6 fuck him guys mute him and even if he goes feeding and feeding cor just ignore him generally play your best tnx" then the flamer guy will feed till he sees that his team is actually winning fights and realises he's a fa99ot and comes back at it if not u tried ur best


                                          stay strong Xcell


                                            We built a wall in mid 4k, make dota great again

                                            A wall to keep out illegal aliens

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              a wall composed of delusional game throwing smurfs is a very effective wall

                                              perhaps too effective


                                                funny thing, I escaped low 4k around the time trump was officially president

                                                casual gamer

                                                  iv ehad games where i end up significantly outfarming my safelaner as void and carrying, if hes not taking whats on the map its urs


                                                    1 ward 2 tangoes still ganked and feed -_-