General Discussion

General Discussionbanned luckynumberxi this forum

banned luckynumberxi this forum in General Discussion
pls be patient very noob ...

    To many twitch stream spam this forum ULU MULU because. Nothing violating code of conductor? That idea ULU MULU post strim video his twitch but his post not ban of mods because. ! Now around 10k spam shity stream sink sonk better ... he post here for what ? Want money because money donating? Want famous ? Or for fun ? People attention prostitute help he went I talk about this but a real player post promotion twitch so annoying . Dotabuff become now twitch advertise because use he a forum. That idea luckynumberxi like a shameless I'd ....


      Banned dog this forum. To many Banned this forum this forum because him. Nothing violating code of conductor? That idea post spam video his dog but his post not ban of mods because. ! Now around shit post him better ... he post here for what ? Want money because shit post? 'Id

      Ok I got lazy

      pls be patient very noob ...

        ^banned jacked this forum. lazy very shitposting because i'd. Disappoint am I very. Fucker off you are 0/10


          Fucker off you are 'id