General Discussion

General DiscussionSpamming alchemist to boost MMR

Spamming alchemist to boost MMR in General Discussion

    Is it better to spam alchemist in 3.5 to 4k MMR bracket?


      not really

      2k indog monkey

        ANY hero is fine to spam
        You can win games easier with some heroes compared to others tho

        doc joferlyn simp

          in mid to high 3k people know how to screw up an alchemist, they might not gank you 24/7 pre level 6 but they know that they cant let you take stacks without being punished

          and as an alchemist with no proper support (have to stack for yourself) you are actually reliant on your team to give you that edge over the enemies to boost your farm

          once you do though youre a fucking raidboss and can 1v5 the whole enemy team


            Spamming alch may be frustrating but its a solid pick. Requires good team coordination from enemies including good midder, support rotations, rune control, pushing whenever possible. I doubt 3ks are capable of doing this. Most of the time they will go back to farming while they have advantage and Alch is very ez to come back with.

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            Dire Wolf

              I think alch is bad in those brackets tbh but meta tab says otherwise, 50% win rat in 4k is his best. I think people in 3k know how to counter alch enough with AA picks and other aggressive picks so he doesn't farm.

              Plus you'll run into so much cancer on your side with people picking another afk farmer for safe lane, picking multiple mids etc cus people hate alch. Like AM plus alch same team = loss.


                Last pick alchemist.


                  Late game alch can give aghs to his teammates and then win the game.


                    Any X hero is fine to spam when youre an X hero player


                      Lol cookie


                        Too bad, I just played with AA spammer :D

                        clueless clown

                          Cookie. Ive deciphered ur words. X. Come on guys. Dont you see. U want to climb? Play god damn axe. U cheeky cookie


                            "X" is a variable

                            Riguma Borusu

                              I spammed legion from 1k to 3k, then spammed bs from 3k to 3.8k and most of it was jungle

                              bs and lc are dogshit heroes, but if you're moderately okay at the game you can still win most games, even though the pick itself loses a lot of them

                              I am also pretty sure cookie could boost me at least 500 MMR in a day even by playing bs jungle every game because 3k players are dogshit

                              so yeah spamming whatever is probably viable, even first picking it if you are confident enough, people spam and first pick shit even in 5k+ and still have ridiculous winrates so it probably boils down to how good you are (basically if you can play a hero on a level far above your curent MMR, you can afford to pick it into counters or bad lineup, where if you are just as bad/good as your opponents that is no longer an option if you want 50%+ winrate).

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