Rubick is versatile in any lineup, he's a strong support inlane and has very good early ganking set ups. There will always be a few spells you can steal
From the enemy team in any given game, so first pick rubick is fine as a sup. But if he is played as a core then it's situational and should never be picked first
because none of you other fuckers would pick and at least if I play a support rubick I can have some fun supporting 4 whining cores.
Just win a game playing Rubick first pick.
Why not? You fear the other team to pick strong spells, more than a good support, infinite abilities...
Rubick is love, Rubick is life.
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So why to take Rubik with first pick if you do not know whether you can steal smth decent? And also he gets countered by some retarded slark or similar