General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone advice on not being bad

Someone advice on not being bad in General Discussion

    It's one thing that you lose because of that shitstain(s) in your team, but it's much more sorrowfull when I am that shitstain. How to not be shitstain and not feed?


      git gud

      clueless clown

        Git gud




            Get escape items. e.g. Shadow blade, blinkius daggerino, ghost scepter


              Buy ethereal blade


                buy dagon, lose 9/10 games, but in the 1 game you are beyond godlike


                  Play Abaddon support.


                    you must, do your best


                      simply dieing a lot of times doesn't necessarily mean you are the shitstain and lose your team the game.

                      maybe, like, you make uber smoke rotations as a support in the early game and "win" all lanes, enemy team recognises you as a threat and the enemy slark, legion commander, and other cores of the sort focus their attention entirely on you because they know your noob cores who afk farm and still have below 400 gpm can't do shit to the enemy team once you're dead, and on top of that - wont punish the enemy for going way out of position in order to kill you. and no, staying behind and putting sentry wards doesn't necessarily save you.

                      however if you are sure that you are the shit stain, just keep good map awareness. and buy vision, carry TP scrolls.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        My main problem is that I always go in for battles/skirmishes,duels (I dont mean LC duel) without estimating my enemy strength. Like "I can surely kill that bitch" when from somewhere his comrades appear and kill me instead. Nearly a year ago I improved my game by playing a lot of bot matches until I die for the first time. Restart a bot match as soon as I die. That helped me to learn to step lightly throughout the game. I guess I should repeat that