General Discussion

General DiscussionMid ranged hero starting items

Mid ranged hero starting items in General Discussion

    Wraith band/null + faerie fire + branch
    Or wraith band/null + 2 branch
    I like the 2 branch build much more, since u can plant a tree and eat it with pooled tango.

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    casual gamer

      you can buy a salve with bounty money


        I hope supports give tangoes


          I sometimes buy it against heavy harassment, but most of the time, I much prefer rushing bottle.


            Right before getting bottle, the regen from 2 branch build feels just enough, but one branch one faerie fire build feels slightly lacking regen

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            yung griphook

              I like going circlet and not a full item on some heroes so i'm not committed to an item and can also buy a wand if I need it. I do this a lot on heroes like QoP and sometimes mirana. I also think if you die it's a lot less hurtful because your build was less greedy. (Normal skill LUL)

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              casual gamer

                mirana without WB = 8 creep denied by min 2

                yung griphook

                  yeah for sure. One of the worst parts about the hero is her terrible starting base dmg. But that's also why I said sometimes. If I'm going against like a dusa with drow aura I know i'm not gonna out cs her, so I try to focus more on arrowing creeps or ganking, in which case getting a earlier bottle or rain drops would help more


                    U should not gank as mid Mirana, farming a early agh's is much more valuable than getting 1 or 2 kills early game.

                    Freya 69

                      Unless you do 2 slippers and a quell. I know it sounds silly, but it is like 3 more damage, sooo yeah. My fan favorite for range is a casual basi. 7 dmg + 2 armor + 0.65 mana regen + you get to turn it on to push when needed. I'll say it: I hate Bottle, I hate going for runes if it detracts from my farm, I love an early Void Stone for int cores (Linkens is 100% my favorite sustain item on int cores) and I love QoP as a core OR a support mid. There, I've said it.

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                        Wtf does a support mid even mean? Thing is struggle is that faerie fire means ur safer than with 2 branch, cuz burst regen is more valuable than the extra tango regen. It makes u a tad harder to gank. Ranged mid hero item builds r usually not hard, melee ones throw me off. Usually its PMS, but sometimes PMS feels bad against certain heroes, like alch for example.

                        Freya 69

                          Oh its a forced role usually. I want to go core if I go mid but then... my team doesn't buy courier or doesn't upgrade it or doesn't buy wards against a 5 man gank line up. So I have to itemize more cheaply with things like Drum or Veil to compensate for the broken dreams of mid as well as supporting my 5 core team.


                            If you say mirana dont gank until she get agh its a mistake. With arrow and starstorm you can easily solokill pretty much everyone. If you want a support mid try out alchemist. You buy ward, cour, smoke,gem, dust and you still got 6slot by 40min. You can get a mek instead of armlet to help yoy team for early push.

                            Freya 69

                              Remember the era of Viper mid with a 10 minute Mek? I do. *shivers* Support mid translates to early game push mid I guess. You pick up a 10 minute team sustain item and then you push high ground at 20 with a team that you may actually come to care about. Or lose a couple team fights and the enemy team gets huge from those and all that turn around tower gold and then you lose pitifully. High risk, high reward, the way to go!

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