General Discussion

General Discussionremake

remake in General Discussion

    I've gotten my picks, but for those interested in answering themselves the questions, they're quite simple but they can become really complicated if you make them;

    1. how does someone win/lose a game(what's the 1# reason someone wins/loses a game)

    2. it's 20 minutes into the game, you're some pos 1 carry on the radiant team and you're just respawning, you don't know where the enemy team is.

    which lane do you go to, and why? (pick 1 lane and give the reason)

    *wards don't matter, enemy just didn't show themselves (ex you can have wards but they didn't walk there, or you can have no wards, or you can have wards but they're smoked etc. aka vision don't matter)

    3. pick some Hero and create me a perfect game for that hero, considering that he's mechanically perfect(meaning if you say ok he's gonna go farm some item and then gank a lane, he actually gets that item and kill)

    4. pick some Y hero and create me a counter for that X hero, how do you coutner everything you've mentioned in question 3

    5. ok so now back to that X hero, you're playing against that Y hero who knows what you'd do and tries to make your life a hell by doing whatever he does in question 4. how do you counter that guy/ win that game with hero X

    try not to contradict yourselves

    Тази тема била редактирана

      lmao. cooky college entrance exam. i have 6 hours a day for 1 week only though lol. feelsbad

      yung griphook

        affinity doesn't mean what you think it means




            "a natural liking for and understanding of someone or something."

            no, it fits


              When's the next cancer stream cookie?


                what u mean, im online rite now


                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  SO YOURE STREAMING COOKIE??


                    Dick shine WUTFACE COOKIE

                    yung griphook

                      affinity doesn't have to do with knowledge, like in the context you used it fam. It has to do with a feeling of closeness.


                        high tech camera and mic and stream and internet xD

                        yung griphook

                          Also, how long is this offer for? Is it like you do this analysis sort of speak in a day or over time?


                            I'm goinng to have time in 3 weeks around x mas and new year, and this very weekend

                            2.5k lmao for real

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              Kitty rising mmr feelsgoodman

                              Kermit's dark side

                                Tbh cookie i just want to play against you. And my main is 2.4k I think.

                                Kermit's dark side

                                  Haven't signed in in awhile on it so I'm not too sure tho


                                    I'll be free after next Friday when my finals end. I'm definitely 1k, though I have a 70% winrate in ranked over the last 3 months.


                                      predik my memer?


                                        around 3.2k mmr :X and yes i have 150h past two weeks XD


                                          When I was a little kid, I fell into a cauldron full of skill.


                                            hi cookie i want to enter college

                                            im 3200 mmr and i CAN play 6 hours a day; i just choose not to

                                            Kermit's dark side

                                              Add me @ Lokieleven11
                                              Idk why intellect matters, but I am a sophomore in college, doesn't matter tho there are idiots everywhere.
                                              HMU broskie

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                What makes you think that you know all the right answers on your own questions? DOTA 2 is very complex game where everything can work... [echo] ~can work~... ~can work~...


                                                  Cookie stream gave me cancer. It started with his singing and escalated to me cutting of my ears after he played the narwhal song.I believe cookie is mentally disabled. PLEASE SEND HELP


                                                    Dude even mentally disabled people can have 5k
                                                    Why can't you


                                                      helo im 3645 years old and i wanna to join your study party
                                                      i can play 6+ hours a day
                                                      my friend id is : 164148112
                                                      tank you

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        2.8k, can play at least 4 hours a day.

                                                        Not Saske

                                                          SOLO MMR
                                                          PARTY MMR

                                                          i used to play 15 games a day, but i get a job now, so i just can play 3-4 games a day start 7pm-11pm or 00am sometimes

                                                          in sat-night i can play whole nighht til morning if i want to


                                                            Hi Cookie, can you analyze a game, tell me about my mistakes and give me some tips ?? Thanks !

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                            Johnny Rico

                                                              when you play 15 games in a day and still 1.3k solo lul

                                                              clueless clown

                                                                5 hrs a day
                                                                Should be rather easy to communicate with me


                                                                  Hi,i'm kinda new to this forum thingy and i'm attracted to post for first time ever.2.8k mmr playa


                                                                    the questions will be simple

                                                                    but your answers might make them hard. all you need is creativity


                                                                      i just want to answer your "questions" to see how you test "it".
                                                                      not interested in the whole thing though.

                                                                      gonna send this to your facebook so you know its me.

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        Yeah, those question are really intriguing. I would like to answer them, but I'm not interested in training. I have my own settled opinion on various DOTA 2 aspects and it will be hard to change.


                                                                          ok i put the question up in the OP

                                                                          the questions are made to burn your brain cells,

                                                                          i'd ask them 1 by 1

                                                                          the better answer they give, the harder it will be to answer the next question.

                                                                          i'd love to see you guys attempt to answer all of these

                                                                          there's no wrong answers as long as the answer is complete and doesn't contradict

                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                          BSJ. LGD

                                                                            1. how does someone win/lose a game(what's the 1# reason someone wins/loses a game)
                                                                            lmao obviously because their team is shit

                                                                            2. it's 20 minutes into the game, you're some pos 1 carry on the radiant team and you're just respawning, you don't know where the enemy team is.
                                                                            which lane do you go to, and why? (pick 1 lane and give the reason)
                                                                            obviously stay at base because ur supports didnt deward and ward the radiant secret shop and are probably afk at base as well

                                                                            *wards don't matter, enemy just didn't show themselves (ex you can have wards but they didn't walk there, or you can have no wards, or you can have wards but they're smoked etc. aka vision don't matter)

                                                                            3. pick some Hero and create me a perfect game for that hero, considering that he's mechanically perfect(meaning if you say ok he's gonna go farm some item and then gank a lane, he actually gets that item and kill)
                                                                            naga, get radiance, split push, wait for enemy to tilt, wait for enemy to throw, end.

                                                                            4. pick some Y hero and create me a counter for that X hero, how do you coutner everything you've mentioned in question 3
                                                                            lul end the game before naga even gets radiance by picking pugna

                                                                            5. ok so now back to that X hero, you're playing against that Y hero who knows what you'd do and tries to make your life a hell by doing whatever he does in question 4. how do you counter that guy/ win that game with hero X
                                                                            lul by doing the same thing and wait for pugna's team to fail for dat cumback gold


                                                                              I don't care about 4k(I don't think icxan get there FML)pls just help me get 1k cookie sensie
                                                                              I am harmless btw
                                                                              1) you didnt destroy their ancient that's why you lose
                                                                              2)Go to the offlane and push it out, they will expect you to farm the jungle or go md to push it out for the strategic advantage if you are pos1
                                                                              3)Pick juggernaut, get a slow or stun in ur lane preferably both,ez bladefury ez lyf.when ur ult is up invade their jungle and look for kills or gank mid.Get a few core items then start pushing and fighting with your team and end the game
                                                                              4)Get Ursa use overpower and finish him off through both spin and ward ez.If the jugg is being particularly pesky and going as soon as he sees u get a basher and hope for a lucky bash to cancer to
                                                                              5)IDK basically never stay alone?

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                1. skill at dotes

                                                                                2. depends on if the lanes are shoved in or not. depends on if ur ahead or behind + ur hero. if ur tb ur probably going to want to tp to the offlane t2 and start shoving that lane with illusions while you farm ancients. slarks a similar story in terms of wanting to be in the enemy jungle eventually. other carries like AM might want to tp to the safelane and push it while rotating through the whole jungle, then into the enemy ancients

                                                                                3. pick tb, avoid all fights, acquire 1000 gpm through pushing with illusions and getting every creep + all jungle camps + stacking in the early game. be impossible to kill because they cannot pin down your hero ever. end the game with 5 slots + aegis because all t2s have already been ratted, so you can kill their entire base in 50 seconds

                                                                                4. pick massive aoe and push AKA sand king + necro mid + drow safelane + omni + PHX. destroy TB's lane then end the game before he can recover

                                                                                5. win your lane as TB does a great deal to shut down aggressive strategies. as long as you ensure you are trading towers and not dying you will stay ahead of the enemy team in gold. then all it takes is one failed engagement by them (you can travels in) and you have a massive NW disparity + roshan, which leads to a won game

                                                                                question 2 depends so much on creep equilibrium in the different lanes that its basically meaningless. even ignoring the fact that your positioning on the map is going to vary based on the position of your team and whoever is showing on theirs, plus whether rosh is up or not

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                  1. how does someone win/lose a game(what's the 1# reason someone wins/loses a game)

                                                                                  psychology, imo. no winning metality therefore playing worse because of it.

                                                                                  2. it's 20 minutes into the game, you're some pos 1 carry on the radiant team and you're just respawning, you don't know where the enemy team is.
                                                                                  which lane do you go to, and why? (pick 1 lane and give the reason)
                                                                                  *wards don't matter, enemy just didn't show themselves (ex you can have wards but they didn't walk there, or you can have no wards, or you can have wards but they're smoked etc. aka vision don't matter)

                                                                                  either the most pushed in or bot so i can go to jungle

                                                                                  3. pick some Hero and create me a perfect game for that hero, considering that he's mechanically perfect(meaning if you say ok he's gonna go farm some item and then gank a lane, he actually gets that item and kill)

                                                                                  TA - gets two kills mid, ancients and jungle stacked for him blink + deso at minute 11. 5 man down mid. get rax at 15

                                                                                  4. pick some Y hero and create me a counter for that X hero, how do you coutner everything you've mentioned in question 3

                                                                                  venocancer - just focus ta, with your ult if possible and hope for the best. the goal is to buy time for your cores.

                                                                                  5. ok so now back to that X hero, you're playing against that Y hero who knows what you'd do and tries to make your life a hell by doing whatever he does in question 4. how do you counter that guy/ win that game with hero X

                                                                                  get bkb and watchout for veno. make sure to keep them locked in their base and keep their jungle under my control. kinda focus on hunting the enemy carries with daedalus (after min 22 I guess)

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    1. how does someone win/lose a game(what's the 1# reason someone wins/loses a game)
                                                                                    u win when u can push lane without dying, you lose when you cant push

                                                                                    2. it's 20 minutes into the game, you're some pos 1 carry on the radiant team and you're just respawning, you don't know where the enemy team is.
                                                                                    which lane do you go to, and why? (pick 1 lane and give the reason)
                                                                                    *wards don't matter, enemy just didn't show themselves (ex you can have wards but they didn't walk there, or you can have no wards, or you can have wards but they're smoked etc. aka vision don't matter)

                                                                                    guess mid because its much more safer

                                                                                    3. pick some Hero and create me a perfect game for that hero, considering that he's mechanically perfect(meaning if you say ok he's gonna go farm some item and then gank a lane, he actually gets that item and kill)

                                                                                    safelane sven with uncontested farm(offlaner go jungle), push and pull 53 and get 100++ cs 10 min , get domi 6 min or smth , stack ancient,tell support to ward around it, farm it , get pt domi echo blink dae bkb 20s min in, 2 shot everyone all the way to throne

                                                                                    4. pick some Y hero and create me a counter for that X hero, how do you coutner everything you've mentioned in question 3

                                                                                    ofc smth like dual offlane sk+1 + ward ancient

                                                                                    5. ok so now back to that X hero, you're playing against that Y hero who knows what you'd do and tries to make your life a hell by doing whatever he does in question 4. how do you counter that guy/ win that game with hero X

                                                                                    well first i would start with alot of regen mb 2 set tango salve shield branch , get lvl 2 and get skill 3 , starting from then keep trading hits with sk everytime skill 3 is up till he's low , you get some free creep , get helm of iron will , then decide hows the game is going . if there is alot of early presure , get early armlet , if no then u get HoTD. starting from that u can just start fighting alot or just farm like what i said earlier.
                                                                                    for the ancient block , buy 1 set of sent and 1 obs(in case there gonna be a contest by enemy)

                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                    Freya 69

                                                                                      Um I don't really want to be tutored or anything (I know many of the wrongs I do anyway and don't fix them knowing this :S) but can you maybe tell me if I'm going in the right direction with my answers? At least I think I'm sorta in the right territory...

                                                                                      1. Max efficient playing is how you win or lose. Its in everything you do from the way you farm, ward, position or interact with your team as well as items that may not be meta to force a win or which hero you pick to focus down first as well as constantly having sustain as well as applying pressure on one lane or another. Best way to achieve this is to mute your entire team at the start after the draft is complete and play with nothing but the game at hand on your mind. All things that I preach, but don't do.

                                                                                      2. The lane where the rest of your team is. Anything less is categorized as 'out of position' and if the enemy is at your level or higher and is willing to capitalize on it, its then called 'feeding'. Pos 1 takes priority farm, so if its a question of possibly feeding or taking another allies' farm, take the farm.

                                                                                      3. Slark 12 minute SB. Goes into enemy jungle and goes from left to right farming, looking for pick offs, denying the enemy carry jungle farm without risk of a Slark gank and putting pressure on furthest out tower while the rest of his team fights and applies pressure elsewhere.

                                                                                      4. Hero doesn't matter that much. Apply pressure as 5 with sentry wards. End the game before he has a real item. Ground detection and 5v5 at 20 makes Slark useless in actual confrontations.

                                                                                      But that's how you counter him as a team ofc. I don't know how to counter a max efficiency Slark 1v1 in that situation with how I mentally see it.

                                                                                      5. Sentry wards and push for higher net worth to counter Slark's team rather than Slark. Slark has no ability to actually team fight before he has items; he picks off heroes and he snowballs. He either does great or he sucks basically. Force the latter by controlling the flow of the game with your team.

                                                                                      Again that's how you counter him as a team. All I can do when I actually play is ping his SB, buy Sentry wards and ping the nearest tower to push before it goes late.

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        1. how does someone win/lose a game(what's the 1# reason someone wins/loses a game)

                                                                                        almost every game i know has the winner already decided in the first 20 mins. ao if you fuck up in the first 20 mins, youre screwed

                                                                                        2. it's 20 minutes into the game, you're some pos 1 carry on the radiant team and you're just respawning, you don't know where the enemy team is.
                                                                                        which lane do you go to, and why? (pick 1 lane and give the reason)
                                                                                        *wards don't matter, enemy just didn't show themselves (ex you can have wards but they didn't walk there, or you can have no wards, or you can have wards but they're smoked etc. aka vision don't matter)

                                                                                        i'd go to radiant offlane, but for dire it's a 50/50 split between our safelane or our offlane

                                                                                        i'd usually choose offlane since there's just 2 main locations they could be: towards our jungle or roshan. so if im radiant prob 4 of them smoked into our jungle or into roshan, while the other is farming their neuts, so i can safely just take half or more from their safelane

                                                                                        for dire its a bit trickier, since even if i go to offlane roshan is closer to me but even sp i still think i'd choose it because everyone from our bracket tend to forget about roshan unless theyre ursa

                                                                                        3. pick some Hero and create me a perfect game for that hero, considering that he's mechanically perfect(meaning if you say ok he's gonna go farm some item and then gank a lane, he actually gets that item and kill)

                                                                                        timbersaw goes offlane, goes up against a weak melee laner that cant zone him (spec + es) doesnt get killed until lv 3, murders their safelane, takes their jungle, gets 14-15 min bloodstone, denies HALF of their map because hes unkillable, and now the enemy is forced to fight because they cant farm becuas youre in their jungle, and you continue snowballing off them then you win

                                                                                        4. pick some Y hero and create me a counter for that X hero, how do you coutner everything you've mentioned in question 3

                                                                                        a good drow can really shut timber down. she hits hard so your reactive can be a nonfactor at low levels, her silence will make your positioning so bad and frost arrows make it the worst. also she can pretty much 5 man with her team and take your towers, forcing you to fight even wtih the item and spell advantage

                                                                                        5. ok so now back to that X hero, you're playing against that Y hero who knows what you'd do and tries to make your life a hell by doing whatever

                                                                                        well i cant counter her alone you know, i can probably ask my team to get a kill on her then once i get 6 i'll be roaming with our supports, that way i can be a global presence but even then its unreliable. the best thing i could be doing is picking off someone with my team before they can 5 man, preferably drow herself, than get our own map control

                                                                                        but really a good drow strat is so fucking hard to counter. i have no idea how to properly counter, so csn i also ask a question? how do you counter drow strats


                                                                                          you guys break down a lot and need your team to fix your mistakes :p

                                                                                          the job is how would YOU counter that counter, not pusy out and have your team play for you,

                                                                                          you made the scenario, now counter counter counter it

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                          Freya 69

                                                                                            4. Core: Pick Bloodseeker and buy Silver Edge to hard counter him and break everything he has and gank him to death.
                                                                                            Support: Disruptor. Glimpse, Ult and Kinetic Field. Rush Glimmer after Arcanes. Can I ask for team help to kill him if I play a pos 5 hard support?

                                                                                            5. Core: The worst he can do is tp out every time he's ruptured or attempt to counter gank Bloodseeker back with his Shadow Blade, in which case, rush Skullbasher after Silver Edge and carry tps yourself.
                                                                                            Support: Glimmer Cape and Sentry wards all day every day. Keep vision and detection nearby always. Stay in the back with a Sentry just outside of tower range. Do not get caught out of position, do not move forward to aid the push. You make the plays and I have no direct counter to countering a Slark with a hard support if he's a better player than me aside from your basic Glimmering and ground detection.

                                                                                            I truly don't know what else I can do as a support player mainly. I play for the win and that usually means playing for my team and correcting their mistakes.

                                                                                            I guess that's why I'm in 3k; I just don't pay attention to actual countering and stick closer to being a farm accelerator for my cores. I do buy Sentry wards nearly every game just to push towers, but I suppose that's about where I end with the counter thoughts.

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                            Putins Price Hike

                                                                                              these are the most 1k questions iv ever heard


                                                                                                1. how does someone win/lose a game(what's the 1# reason someone wins/loses a game)

                                                                                                Luck to get better team. (hidden pool?)

                                                                                                2. it's 20 minutes into the game, you're some pos 1 carry on the radiant team and you're just respawning, you don't know where the enemy team is.
                                                                                                which lane do you go to, and why? (pick 1 lane and give the reason)
                                                                                                *wards don't matter, enemy just didn't show themselves (ex you can have wards but they didn't walk there, or you can have no wards, or you can have wards but they're smoked etc. aka vision don't matter)

                                                                                                I don't play carry, but I think, safest option is to farm jungle near radiant secret shop and ancients (if possible), something will show when you finish that. Otherwise go for most farm closest to your towers.

                                                                                                3. pick some Hero and create me a perfect game for that hero, considering that he's mechanically perfect(meaning if you say ok he's gonna go farm some item and then gank a lane, he actually gets that item and kill)

                                                                                                - pick support Sniper;
                                                                                                - stack jungle;
                                                                                                - use Shrapnel to farm those stacks until you get lvl 7 and Arcane Boots;
                                                                                                - go to your hard lane or mid and spam lvl 4 Shrapnel and Assassinate on enemy cores to force them to leave their lanes or kill them if possible;
                                                                                                - buy wards, but save any extra gold for Midas;
                                                                                                - save Shrapnel for teamfights;
                                                                                                - buy Octarine Core;
                                                                                                - win game.

                                                                                                4. pick some Y hero and create me a counter for that X hero, how do you coutner everything you've mentioned in question 3

                                                                                                Early game: aggro trilane, Ring of Health. Later - Pipe, BKB, Linken.

                                                                                                5. ok so now back to that X hero, you're playing against that Y hero who knows what you'd do and tries to make your life a hell by doing whatever he does in question 4. how do you counter that guy/ win that game with hero X

                                                                                                If one hero countered me, I focus on others. If they all decided to move out of their normal picks/itembuilds to counter support Sniper... I accept defeat. (of course, I don't feed couriers or something like that, there is always a chance that my team will carry me out).

                                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                  As a support, it all depends on your first itemchoice and how fast you were able to get it. If you pick the right item to counter counter and get it fast enough - you saved, if not - you have no other option, but to "pusy out and have your team play for you". (well, technically there is standard "plan B" for all supports - just "do what must me done and hope for the best").

                                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                    rofl i didnt read the mechanically perfect part

                                                                                                    a mechanically perfect timber would just dodge silence and kill drow after it

                                                                                                    he'd deny as much ranged creep or even melee creeps to out-xp the drow then repeatedly kill her with the advantage

                                                                                                    basically since you have perfect mechanics and cant ever fail at anything you do all you have to is to get an advantage and roll with it


                                                                                                      then question 4 of what you said would contradict that alice, i said no contradictions

                                                                                                      then you can't go into question 5 if question 4 isn't finished


                                                                                                        xD so much contradiction imma just go back and edit it i think