General Discussion

General Discussion115 games, 1450 exp.trophy. How long untill RANKED?

115 games, 1450 exp.trophy. How long untill RANKED? in General Discussion

    I am lvl 15, played 115 games, 1450 experience trophy(lvl45)
    Someone said that at 1500 exp.trophy i will be eligible for ranked

    THAT TRUE?If yes, how many 4ucking games untill then?

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    2k indog monkey

      4ucking0 games probably

      2k indog monkey

        Maybe less
        40 is just a wild guess

        Soul Eater

          ye you need like 15 more games and you should be good to go.


            average 150-160 games to lvl 20


              someone said that every 3 games grant 10 trophy points...that really means 15 games left....sounds to good to be true

              so i guess you and him are right..

              i am glad and tired of bad picks,bad players, no counterpicking..etc

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                <Fyyq>...oh come in the end is it 120-130 or 150-160? FFS...

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                  once u get ur thropy to 50 lvl u will get boosted to 20profile lvl asap so aim for that 50lvl


                    But it doesn't add up..
                    Exp.Trophy Lvl 50=2000pts
                    I am lvl 45 with 1450pts....If every 3 games grant 10pts, this means i have to play another ~150


                      There must be, as someone said, a MEGA BOOST of points AFTER ONE GAME somewhere


                        last smurf i calibrated and sold 2 months ago was like 14-15 lvl and when i reached 50 lvl thropy i had a boost to 20 lvl instantly

                        approx 145 games for me

                        the smurf before this^ had the same result 145-150 games to reach 20lvl go play more dotes and tell me how it goes


                          just be patient, you probably need 10-15 more games to play rank,
                          the longer the games goes, the more exp it gives fyi


                            mhmmm....i understand..


                              Thanks 4 the replies

                              Chinese sausage

                                hey Road to 3.8k, we're having the same issue, does your dota2 account gaining exp after you level 45 with 1450 trophy? mine is not. i dont know why.

                                Chinese sausage

                                  I have 136 matches already.

                                  ☪ Burnajew ☭

                                    136 games here, lvl 16, 1490exp Trophy(lvl 49)

                                    just play, don't count your games. you'll reach lvl 20 in the near future

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                                    Chinese sausage

                                      yea, but im wondering why it doesn't add any trophy level anymore ??

                                      M U R D E R

                                        There is no fixed amount of games needed, it depends on the game length. But on average you need 3 games to gain 1 level of experience trophy. You are now 45 and ranked is unlocked at 50. Ez.

                                        Chinese sausage

                                          you dont get me, i am level 45 3 days ago when i already have 112 matches. and now i have 36 matches but no exp gained anywhere.


                                            very soon my friend very soon


                                     some point, you will have a boost of 2-3 lvl-ups from 1 shot...

                                              I remember i had one boost from lvl 9 to 12-13 after a game

                                              So it seems the next boost will be this one...maybe from 45 to 50...the final one towards ranked step :)

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                Every 3 games offer 10 T.Points
                                                If you have 1450 T.Pts and you need to reach 2000 T.Pts for ranked, it means 550pts left ----> 165 more games to be played which means a total of ~300games for ranked ----> NOT CORRECT

                                                There must be a mega boost somewhere

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                Chinese sausage

                                                  The problem is i already got 140 games and the exp is still 1450 i dont know why.


                                                    that's strange...didnt happen before

                                                    But here's something interesting.Things are moving just 1 day i moved from exp.trophy lvl 45 to 47, although i am profile level 15. Every 3 games grant me 1 after 9 more games some boost will occur when i reach lvl50

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                                                      Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                        I AM LVL 18 EXP TROPHY 40. NEED AROUND FEW MORE GAMES, AROUND 30 TO REACH EXP TROPHY 50. AM I RIGHT??

                                                        Chinese sausage

                                                          well guys you are not getting my point lol. look, i dont mind if my dota2 level is still 15. the problem is, trophy level is not moving like still level 45 with 1450 exp since last week and it really sucks coz i already got 140 games


                                                            You: lvl18, exp trophy 40
                                                            While me: lvl 15, exp trophy 48...

                                                            See? It depends on game length and exp obtained on en every game


                                                              Yeah, you with the 1450 trophy have a strange problem there

                                                              Just keep playing

                                                              For example, i just finished a 80mins game and went from 47 to 48 right away

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                just play and u will calibrate chill retards thx bye