General Discussion

General Discussionqop is back with blademail?

qop is back with blademail? in General Discussion
Use chatwhell=mute



      all you need is lvl 25

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        You throw all your skills blinking in and you're useless afterwards, people don't mind to hit you at all. But anything works the same on that shitty hero now.

        Use chatwhell=mute

          Still kills some1 1vs1

          Freya 69

            32 damage, 120 mana, 6 armor for 2.2k gold. With the way she blinks in, ults, screams and then usually gets gang banged by everyone, this has actually been a thing on Qop for a few months now. Just not a popular one.


              Or u cud go shivas or ac both of which are superior.


                She is so squishy that at the end of the day she wudnt even end up reflecting that much dmg

                Freya 69

                  I 100% agree on Shivas for Qop nowadays. Did an experiment with Qop a few months back with BM builds; it was alright with items like Aghs, Linken's, Scythe, Skadi and Octarine to supplement it. Could hold your own even against super farmed cores because they would have to destroy themselves to tear down that kind of Qop, but! That is honestly like a 400 lh kind of approach, which even back then, wasn't that viable on Qop. 7.00 is auto -25 mmr.

                  As far as I'm concerned, that's my standard playing serious type Qop. I don't play core Qop anymore, but if I was going to, that's how I do it. Don't need a bottle, don't need Basi and I don't need a Raindrop. Tanky Qop > Utility Orchid Qop imo. The only place I would ever put the Blademail at this point is where Shivas sits and only then to obliterate something like a Huskar or Tinker. I am a HUGE fan of how her talent tree is situated because, like I said, I'm a HUGE fan of tanky Qop. So there, that's out in the open. No more closets for this Qop player!

                  yung griphook

                    feel like bloodthorne is too good to skip unless youre behind (norm skill)


                      Qop cud use atos she has no disable. Orchid is good on her too. I think with the new right click talents and lower BAT u shud transition into items like mjollnir or ac to help with right clicking, and then upgrade orchid and u can hit rlly hard actually. Honestly considering skipping aghs and just going for an item that makes her do better with right clicks.


                        Qop can never be tanky without an obscene amount of farm, but dmg scales well enough that u will still die. Going for disable so u can kill the enemies while they cant is almost like making u tankier in a sense. While they r hexed they cant dmg u. Either that or a linkens so u can just escape, i wud rather supplement escape and provide disable than buy durability.


                          The way i would play her is jump to the back line rape everyone and die because qop queen of pain

                          Riguma Borusu

                            how about not picking this shit hero


                              Ye she reminds me of a riki in a way. I wud just blink rape support, shivas slow or linkens so they cant immediately shit on me, then blink away.


                                whatever sumail buys on the hero is good and whatever has been sad in this thread thus far is bad


                                  Qop is black with bm


                                    You mean the VoD build, right?


                                      Veil seems so trash, sumail (and a lot of other people) are experimenting cuz everything is trash because she is trash.


                                        my friend just played vs sumail (hes the omniknight) and the blademail lifesteal is super retarded.


                                          First stime I've seen a QOP manfight successfully vs a Meepo tbh.


                                            Blademail on qop just doesnt make sense for the reason that she is so squishy that she doesnt even reflect dmg. Im sure u will spook ur friendly ns players who r too retarded to understand they can kill her and not die from bm.


                                              The +5 str from level 10 helps I guess. Building tanky so you can throw in more daggers and screams during a fight doesn't seem bad at all. Right click items have 0 synergy with the skillset.

                                              The DarKNovA

                                                You don't understand Daddy, it makes sense because with an Octarine Core, chances are they can burst out 50k dmg at you and you still survive if you have blademail on.

                                                Freya 69

                                                  When I did experiment with Qop Blademail builds, it was something like 4-5 months ago; it was an era of Manta, Diffusal, BKBs and Blademails. Orchid/Bloodthorn wasn't an option because everyone who mattered was either buying a 15 minute counter item, or was playing a hero with an in built counter. Qop's most lacking feature by that point was that she didn't have a hard disable and that she couldn't survive anything. Okay, so I worked with that. Build like a kamikaze infighting Qop was my first attempt. Blink in, ult, scream and then make them do extra damage by killing me with Blademail on. Wasn't about tanking it, was about doing 10% extra damage by 20 minutes because I was dead anyway. No Tide or Earthshaker to initate, I'll use my teams' greed factor to my advantage. Do damage, die, let my team clean it up. And that's how the initial era of Blademail went for me on Qop.

                                                  Eventually this turned into items that synchronized with this version of Blademail core Qop. That being items that had Ultimate Orbs in them. Linken's, Scythe and Skadi were the primary, with the occasional testing of SE and Manta. It moved onto Octarine, as everything Qop is by that point, was amplified solely by that item.

                                                  But eventually I dropped the Blademail as a core item as it did require some very specific items to be effective. It switched to Linken's into Aghs for sustain and for mid game team fighting. I used to think Aghs was bad on her, but that was until I felt the full effect of not having ult for clutch team fights. Make that a 40 second cool down and then you have a Qop willing to roam with her team instead of afk farming until her ult is off cool down again. This is my version of a true mid game winning position 2 Qop that can effectively help her team. But that's just me.


                                                    That's pretty good no kappa.


                                                      im sure everyone hree knows how to play qop better than the best qop int he world


                                                        normal skill player calling best mid player in the worlds build garbage

                                                        whats new here.


                                                          its not like u buy a first item fuckign blademail u have like 1800 hp when u buy it after veil/linken


                                                            best mid in the world?


                                                              that woudlb e sumail


                                                                or you might just not blink in a middle of a fight like a retard but sure your way works too