General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroCrafting

HeroCrafting in General Discussion

    So my initial thought for soruq the hunter (check bh lore) was something like this:
    Ranged Agi hero
    Stats are arbitrary im not valve they can be balanced to whatever is needed
    Q: Rapid Fire:
    Lowers BAT to 0.5 for the next 3/4/5/6 attacks
    Lowers damage by 15/10/5/0 percent for those attacks. The cooldown is reduced by 50% if an enemy hero is killed by you while the buff is active.
    Mana cost: 50
    Cooldown: 6
    W: Disabling Strike: There is a 20/25/30/35 percent chance to deal 15/20/25/30 bonus physical damage and root, disarm, and silence the enemy for 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8 seconds
    E: Flash Bang: area target nuke in a 100/150/200/250 radius at 500 range, dealing 80/160/240/320 magical damage, gives flying true sight in the aoe, silences for 2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds, and slows turn rate by 70 percent
    Mana Cost: 175/150/125/100
    Cooldown: 14
    R: Shuriken Flurry: Throws 3/4/5 auto-attack at every enemy in a 500 radius aoe, with 45/60/75 bonus attack speed, bashing the targets for 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds applying all orb effects and attack modifiers to the targets. These auto-attacks do not prevent Soruq from himself targeting enemies.
    Mana Cost: 200/220/240
    Cooldown: 60

    Talents tree:
    Lvl 10: 10 agility or 10% magic resist
    Lvl 15: 18% evasion or 20 attack speed
    Lvl 20: 35 movespeed or 10% cooldown reduction
    Lvl 25: Disabling Strike pierces Spell Immunity or Rapid Fire amplifies damage by 10%

    Aghanims Scepter Upgrade: The attacks from Shuriken Flurry have splash damage with radius 75/125/175

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    Cheap Laugh Guy

      It's like Ursa, Treant, Sky, Bounty in each skills


        you need to add meme


          Talent tree?


            I had too much time on my hands... (Based on Ursa, Alchemist, and Dragon Knight)

            Wolverine (Marvel Hero obviously) (Strength/Melee)
            Carry, Durable, Disabler, Escape, Durable, Nuker

            Movement Speed: 300
            Armor: 7.1
            Base Attack Time: 1.7
            Damage: 47

            Strength Gain: 22 +3.1
            Agility Gain: 19 +2.1
            Intelligence Gain: 19 +1.9

            Q: Berserker Barrage (Point Target) (Physical)
            Instantly charges at enemy for 600/650/700/750 range and (if reaches a enemy hero in 200 range) unleashes barrage of strikes in a time of 3 seconds. Lethal damage if Wolverine charges from at least half range with damage over time for 8 seconds. Every successful hit gives Wolverine extra damage for 12 seconds from 10% of his natural damage.
            > Damage: 6 strikes (150/200/275/350) / DoT (5/10/15/20)
            > Mana Cost: 60/70/80/90
            > Extra Damage Multiplier: 2 hits/3/4/5/6 => x.5/x.75/x1/x2/x4
            > Cooldown: 20/17/14/11

            W: Tornado Claw (Unit Target/Stun) (Magical)
            Wolverine traps 1 enemy in the air for a barrage of strikes with his adamantium claws in an X patterned AoE for 2 seconds. Enemy heroes (except the unit target) in the AoE is pushed back 200 range.
            > Damage: 100/150/200/300
            > Mana Cost: 90/110/130/150
            > AoE: 300
            > Cooldown: 15/12/9/6

            E: Adamantium Skeleton (Passive)
            Wolverine's healing factor heals him and when he is attacked it is halved, but his armor rises up and any attacks he receives from melee units/heroes has a 10% return damage from his tough adamantium buildup.
            > Health Regen 4/8/12/16 (halved if attacked)
            > Damage return (10% with 20% chance of return)
            > Armor bonus (when attacked) 3/6/9/12 (expires after 2.5 seconds of last attack received)

            R: Weapon X (No Target)
            Wolverine unleashes his Berserker rage and goes on a rampage for 16 seconds crushing everything in his path, everyone he attacks suffers a slow and damage over time.
            > Bonus Move Speed: +15/+20/+25
            > Bonus Damage increase: +30/+45/+60
            > Bonus Health Regen: +4/+10/+16
            > Base Attack Time: 1.3/1.1/0.9
            > Damage Over Time: 10/20/35
            > Slow (if attacks enemy heroes): -10/-15/-20 (for 2.5 seconds)
            Mana Cost: 95/150/200
            Cooldown: 60/50/40

            Talent Tree
            10 > +20 Movement Speed or +8 All Stats
            15 > +40 Attack Speed or +325 Health
            20 > +50 Damage or +8 Armor
            25 > +75 Damage on Structures or 25% cooldown on all abilities

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              Alright im thinking of talents ill update when i got eem.


                disabling strike is an on-hit RNG-based passive right?


                  i might try to herocraft more, this time for supports

                  i really like the idea of the thief i made the other day



                    I'm pretty sure we have Concussive something on Skywrath or some shit. Change it if you please.


                      can u think of a good name for the thief btw

                      i imagined a mini-lore for him

                      something like he was an aimless but confident thief, he just steals whatever he catches his eye on. apparently he stole important relics from a mysterious cult without knowing about it, and when the cult knew about it, they set him up for a trap. they made a fake artifact that would crush him in the space-time dimension. he managed to steal the artifact (his gloves) and got warped in space-time, but apparently he was of ancient (i mean those ancients, radiant tree dire throne) ancestry and managed to warp out of the space-time trap and awakened his true powers bla bla bla u know the rest


                        No sky is called concussive shot i thought. Ill change it tho.


                          Disable is a passive auto attack proc


                            man hero crafting is fun

                            im trying to either make a support that can literally predict the future or a mimic type of hero


                              Yo i added the talents


                                Rubick might be a good name for that new hero


                                  ^Kcibur is better imo.


                                    I think they should add Aghanim to the game though. Seeing as how MK interacts with MKB would be fun to see Aghanim's interaction to Agh's. Also Rubick's Dad would fill in the void created by Valve for cutting Magina's and Terrorblade's familial ties.


                                      Yo imma add an aghs to this fucker.


                                        Also i wud imagine soruq building phase > pike > mjollnir > bloodthorn/crits > skadi. Sb and silver edge or blink for mobility, mkb too, maybe even ac, butterfly, late game octarine, deso, bkb/linkens, etc.
                                        Run him mid with a drow strat or sumthing.


                                          Is Soruq melee or Ranged?


                                            That seems like a cancer hero OP :D


                                              Ranged forgot to say


                                                Daddy changed the goddamn ultimate. Looks too much like MK's and people will immediately think you are a rip off.


                                                  What? If its like anything its like embers slight of fist not mk ulti?


                                                    Alright i changed the ulti a bit cuz it was too much like sleight of fist


                                                      Thoughts on final product?