General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo 7.00

Meepo 7.00 in General Discussion
Nina Dobriv

    Yay or Nay ?

    Bill Cutting

      I just don't understand why they nerfed net, easy kills have become difficult now

      Nina Dobriv

        Meepo's net has its pros and cons. Like net now works like treant's root, nobody can't move even storm cant ulti but on the other side you can't cancel tp's anymore and cancel channeling skills. So i was wondering if meepo in the new patch is good or bad. I play meepo but cant decide of either it's good or bad.


          Meepo is better in this patch I'd consider spamming him if I was a carry player. Truthfully Visage intrigues me this patch more than anything though.

          casual gamer

            hes good but FUCK meepo seriously

            Nina Dobriv

              @Jack Attack What's with Visage? Was he buffed ? or something amazing with his talent tree?

              Nina Dobriv

                @JDF8 I really love meepo but when he's picked by the enemy like fuck I want to rage quit xD


                  This is a great patch for meepo meta wise. There r some buffs/nerfs but this patch allows him to gain xp even faster, and with the amount of camps he can just snowball even harder.


                    @Jack Attack

                    Meepo is better in this patch I'd consider spamming him if I was a carry player. Truthfully Visage intrigues me this patch more than anything though.

                    meepo is not a carry. You are 6 slotted in like 30 min so you have to end it before 40 min. Coz you cannot improve more but your enemies always can. And your carry capabilities are even worse after 7.00 patch but has better early game impact + Visage should've intrigued you more in 6.88 coz new 7.01 visage is nerfed version of 6.88 visage


                      You are a carry wtf. Ur not a good late game carry but meepo is still a carry. The same way pa isnt good late game but she is still a carry.


                        This is a fucking bad patch for meepo. See my last game . Even a pretty decent 6k Meepo picker could not make it. If it was the older patch, he could have won.


                          early - mid game stompers are called nukers not carrys

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Pretty sure carry = core - offlane. I think we r talking abt the same thing but using different words


                              "early - mid game stompers are called nukers not carrys"
                              meepo is a carry

                              Riguma Borusu

                                apparently luna is a nuker, not a carry

                                I've heard a lot of stupid shit today, but this takes the cake


                                  @nom i dont remember luna being better at early game than late game. Luna is a safe lane carry who needs farm to secure late game unless you are building nuker aghanim luna build.
                                  so this is not your avarage everyday stupid, this is.. advanced stupid.


                                  I think we r talking abt the same thing but using different words

                                  probably we are. But i hate when people think right click heroes = carrys.

                                  "they are the powerhouses of the late game, but they are relatively weak in the early game"

                                  And meepo (and broodmother) is one of the rarest heroes that has free solo kill potential at lvl 3 while most midders / nukers must level up to 6 to start getting kills. and meepo sucks at late game no denying that. Every meepo player knows that if game pasts 40 min, then it means there is something wrong and we tend to panic

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    Meepo has changed this patch. Pretty sure he is still cancerous is the right hands.


                                      only played it once but i never raped so muhc in my entire life

                                      >Easy Money.

                                        meepo is fuckin hella good. net got buffed overall--being able to kill storm/mirana/slark (to some degree) is huge, way better than cancelling TPs. Plus, all meepos can grab runes. . .take him mid : )

                                        >Easy Money.

                                          oh, lastly, u dont have to get that lame scepter any more--u can, but dragon lance is 100x better