General Discussion

General DiscussionIs bulldog good?

Is bulldog good? in General Discussion

    Name one thing you learned from watching his stream, or any other high mmr streamer. I'm just curious what are the sort of things ppl pick up from watching a stream.

    And also I would be particularly interested to see what high mmr players on this forum pick up from watching streamers

    For me I watched a game where he was undying dual offlane and fed quite a lot. But he Said u shouldn't let a slark free farm and that they were gonna win because he was keeping 3 heroes in the lane. Slark indeed ended up snowballing and winning


      he's an entertainer

      he's good for himself.


        Yes he is funny guy. But u could still learn stuff from him yes?


          idk if ive ever learned anything from bulldog, but ive probably learned most stuff i know about dota from arteezy stream, which might explain my mmr


            usually i watch tournament replays to learn from rather than strims tbh, but artours strims are dank sick music/memes basically my spiritual mentor 4head


              Maybe, i learn brood from him though. I just learn the playstyle and item choice from him. Nothing special.


                Replays is like trying to learn on hard mode because u don't know what they are thinking. But they say what they think sometimes on stream. Rtz doesn't say shit although he is best player of all time


                  Only learnt some tricks on NP from Bulldog stream
                  Otherwise meh


                    i live for rtzs strim chat and donation msgs r0fl


                      you won't learn anything from him without actually analyising his games.

                      the thing is, you'll never learn anything from watching and laughing

                      CHINA = DOGS

                        Bulldog is love to play cheaply hero, then try to farming up and come fight the game like second carry in line up. It was oblivious Nature`s Prophet, LD, Broodmother. But he did it well !


                          Lul lanto did u use google translate or something


                            he did


                              He is google translate


                                bulldog won ti no shit hes good lol. he half asses his pubs but he maintains a respectable mmr regardless

                                arteezys the best player to learn from in terms of pubs. the way u have to look at things is "why is he x" for literally everything on his screen. for example, why is he always standing near trees when hes against a trilane, why does he pull at x, why is he wrapping around the tower at x time, why is he trading with the offlaner at x time. the more questions u ask urself and the more effort u put into answering them, the more ull learn. theres no "how to be the best dota player" guide so u have to learn for urself.

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                                  TI WIENER


                                    ^ have u ever watched his stream?

                                    Did u ever learn anything from his stream?


                                      u have to be a fuckign retard to not learn anything from his stream


                                        I'm more curious what others have picked up from his stream, Small or large things


                                          @KR I should explain its because I'm interested in how others learn or how other good players learn from other good players. More for my
                                          Behavioral psychology curiosity. I'm studying u guys like cage rats

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                                            watched him play duo off against a slark as qop, he said that if youre against slark you should try to trade as much as possible so that u can mlessen his impact or something like that

                                            but they still lost cuz fucking meepo players boy

                                            CHINA = DOGS

                                              @jacked , monkey : No, I just type from what I thought, not even use google translator. I knew already my english is bad. Sorry for that.

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