General Discussion

General Discussionanyone else with this problem?

anyone else with this problem? in General Discussion

    my riki is walking up mid because he didnt get lc jungle.
    has anyone else been getting random feeders in their game recently?


      Not really. Only once I met a feeder in my games. Usually it's me feeding


        Climbing up to higher MMR or not playing MMR at all is the only way to avoid getting those plebs


          I intentionally fed my first 9 games on my smurf to get super low hidden MMR tho


            im trying to climb but this riki made this game unwinnable. just fed up mid after someone took legion commander. He LITERALLY tried to put the blame on us too calling us "low lifes who steal heroes". Nice game :V


              It's only ONE game
              You don't get pure feeders every game


                its been 2 my past 3, just a little weird because its never happened before


                  Theoretically thay riki can be a space creator and you could've won the game singlehandedly if you're good enough
                  Ignore him and focus on your own gameplay on that match, and think, what you could've done better?
                  I take every loss seriously and I will always analyze my performance and find ways to do better next match, even after an easy win


                    There's nothing you can do about those kind of people, other than calming him down and hoping that he would snap out of it


                      i tried to calm him down at first but when he had 15 deaths and they were taking rax I just lost it and sold my items


                        Move on
                        Find what you could've done better
                        Try to play again when you're not tilted anymore
                        1800-2000 is cancerous, but if I can get through that bracket, I'm sure anyone else can do it too
                        Just don't do retarded shits and be disciplined


                          If arteezy Broke his items and fed in your games would you cry?