General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you play spectre

How do you play spectre in General Discussion

    idk how to itemize her tbh

    M U R D E R

      Considering youre probably not gonna have the easiest time in lane you can go for min 6-7 brown boots+vanguard and then decide either phase yasha diffusal or radiance yasha bots something something.

      Blademail is amazing if you know youre gonna get focused a lot, manta is a must imo, abyssal is amazing as well.

      Hetting phase before vg might be really good but i am not sure it depends

      Just dont die and use haunt at the right time to win clashes as you're consistently farming the map.
      Save mana for dagger always if you need to escape gank.

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      M U R D E R

        Btw this hero is so fun to play

        Just make sure to haunt whenever possible if it is beneficial, spectre is an active carry not somehing like antimage who just farms for 30 mins.

        Този коментар е бил редактиран
        Pale Mannie

          when you get ganked in lane, throw dagger deep into the trees and tp away unless you get stunlocked

          M U R D E R

            Btw haunt is AMAZING for high ground defence or push.


              the only hero who can just farm when the whole team is pushing and still be more effective than anything on map (thanks to Haunt) . just keep in mind that he's hard carry but not in an attacking way. He is well balanced between defense and offense. Oh and I love how after haunt everyone runs away XD

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                U can make many items and builds work with her, for example phase vanguard, pms phase, urn treads bm etc.

                If i get uncontested free farm i like to go pms->treads->urn->radiance->diffusal(optional)->manta->butter->other late game items.

                Tho with vang upgradeable into abyssal going vang rush isnt bad at all either, but i feel it delays rad timings


                  Talon, poor mans sheild

                  M U R D E R

                    @santana i agree that it delays your rad by a significant amount of time, but its still nice if you don't know 100% that you can afford to go for the radi in the 1st place (which happens in pubs like if you are 1v1 in lane agains like a sandking its unlikely that youll get to the radi in the 1st place if you keep losing lane and not able to farm as safely as you can with lets say vang and phase/pt


                      I'll split the items up to 2 category (other than mandatory shits like manta and HoT), be creative
                      Early game and fight oriented = urn, phase boots, magic stick, PMS, drums, diffusal
                      Lategame/farm oriented = power treads, radi
                      Against teamfighting lineup? Get raw HP
                      Against ineup that can be picked off easily? Get ganking items, attack speed, or stack agi
                      Against globally mobile lineup? (Io, NP, potlord, etc) refresher, but this case rarely happens


                        Usually I go PMS, boots of choice (pt or phase) into urn, talon, radi, manta, situational stuffs
                        On bad games where I think I can't get radi before 27 min I usually go badman build (stick, diffu, urn, you know la)
                        Don't like VG especially rushed, doesn't help you that much imo


                          Skadi is sick against kiteable heroes btw, I'm suprised nobody mentioned it


                            is HoT really a mandatory item?

                            I love skadi but its a super lategame item so it isnt as impactful to this discussion


                              HoT is pretty much mandatory unless you're playing rambo manfighting spectre
                              Get in, spread out dispersion damage while clicking people, get out, do it all over again
                              Also it helps her to become not squishy, which is NOT how she wants to be, some heroes can kill enemy heroes so quick that they won't even need some HP, but spec isn't one of them
                              She excels in prolonged fights by getting in and out, shitting out dispersion and proccing desolates


                                But ofc don't rush HoT that's fucking retarded


                                  hmm i kinda like fighting spectre though like abyssal skadi diffusal manta treads and some last item like butter or perhaps casual blademail until have gold for a big item or moonshard maybe ac or something

                                  but the hot regen is amazing that is true *-*

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    HoT doesn't fit that well on fighting spectre build that's for sure
                                    Also blademail sucks ass, it's definitely on last hope category where you're like 20k net worth behind and has no tier 2 towers left 30 minutes in, the only other case I wouls think of is against tinker with 5 blademail meme strat, and that's it
                                    No sane person would even focus spectre in a teamfight in the first place, let alone spectre with blademail on, congrats you just spent 2000 gold for some extra damage and little armor on a hero that doesn't even have good right clicking in the first place


                                      how do i get 3k mmr




                                          vg boots talon treads wand raindrops rad


                                            can include urn too if ur team is winning


                                              Why on winning position exactly?


                                                Helm of the dominator is the new drum for spec. And it offers so much more utility, you should buy it every game, 8 health regen, 20 attack speed, 6 all stats for 1800 gold, that is insane.

                                                M U R D E R

                                                  But like say you are vs a gyro, and youre behind. You go on him head on like a retard and he drops his ulti and q for a free kill on the dumpsrered spec and boom hes dead :D but yeah its a meme thing and only probably works in normal skill or against massive aoe lineups so you can guatanteed reflect damage

                                                  M U R D E R

                                                    Sadly hotd doesnt have any upgrade ao you just sell it, imo its better on midgame carries like jugg or something

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      you buy rad and hp items and then shit out crazy amounts of damage if they try to kill you, and burn them all to death if they dont

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        hotd has to compete with vanguard which has great synergy with dispersion, but im sure hotd is still at least viable the item is crazy good and amps ur farming speed 1000x more than vang


                                                          Try to build urn & aquila after pt or phase but before radiance.


                                                            BEST TIP EU :

                                                            get your starting items according to the lane. + start building a headress for a minor hp regen on the start.

                                                            then follow it up with boots and hotd and just control an alpha wolf after laning stage. (helps u farm faster) then get radiance or whatever you go for. and just build items you need from there, each game is not the same :)


                                                              hotd is quitegood

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                when do i get phase or treads?


                                                                  Treads for farming
                                                                  Phase for fighting
                                                                  Both equally good on their own aspect

                                                                  The Medic Guy

                                                                    play like a ninja, haunt and spam reality, the reality sounds actually triggering enemies team, and make them confuse and not focusing on what they do.


                                                                      Dodging stuns with reality? Sounds sick
                                                                      Never played against retards who actually tries to stun spectre during haunt tho lmao
                                                                      Multiple reality is cool

                                                                      The Medic Guy

                                                                        i do that once, when i am low, most people just reality once, then die with other hero.

                                                                        i spam reality and they just be like WTF, and they just dancing around try to find my real one, end up they lose the war.


                                                                          But why did you haunt when you're low in the first place hmmmm
                                                                          Seriously, I also do that sometimes to dodge ganks or avoid death while to turn around the teamfight

                                                                          The Medic Guy

                                                                            lol my story so absurd.
                                                                            i mean they gank me while i am in jungle, and my hp on low


                                                                              Watch pro gamer playin spectre..and do practice. Its ez +25 mmr using spectre IMHO.

                                                                              Super Speed Snail

                                                                                Spectre, huh?

                                                                                Its simple. I get this from a guy who spamm her to 5k.

                                                                                when you have diffusal and manta, you can kill anything.

                                                                                When you have manta and HoT, nothing can kill you.

                                                                                Those three items are good to keep you alive because you can slow your chaser and debuff yourself.

                                                                                Those three items also good at killing people. HoT are damaging item on spectre thx to her dispersion.

                                                                                The problem are just, how to get those stuff fast enough?

                                                                                Higher mmr you are, the faster you can get those stuff. That is where the player skill comes to play. I still have hillariously slow speed to get them.

                                                                                Radiance help so much. 20-23 minutes radiance are the norm. Sometime with luck you get it faster. Though, for me, in low rank mmr where match often goes to 50 minutes, its still worth to get radiance even if its already 30 minutes. Its increasing your farm so much you will get diffu, manta, and HoT faster. Not to mention it blinds people.

                                                                                If its already 40 minutes and you still cant get that relic, better go to yasha so you could be a better use for your team. You also must manage your mid items well. When to decide to make vanguard or yasha. Depending on present situation.

                                                                                I'd rather tread because it gives str and made you bit bulkier early. Though i'll sell it for travel boots later so i can split push.

                                                                                Then, if you had those stuff you can chose one more item to be 6 slotted killing machine. You are in winning position anyway, this last item just a coup de grace.

                                                                                One thing you need to know, spec isnt right click carry like juggernaut, sven, or AM. She kills using her desolate and dispersion, coupled with radiance burn and diffusal mana burn. Raw ATK and ASPD does some stuff, but not as much as health or move speed items.

                                                                                Dont underestimate gem as late game item against invi teams. Its primary uses are revealing stuff. By that alone you could rack up some kills you wont be able to get otherwise. Its secondary use are taunter. It compells people to focus on you first. Which is a fatal decision if we talked about spectre.

                                                                                At normal times I prefer go 2nd HoT or Abyssal depending on my enemy carry situation. Some people likes to go butterfly, nice evasion and nasty chasing item. I never built one, but I hear your illusion also can slow enemies using skadi.

                                                                                But the best laning item for her is ward and tp scroll. It lets you know if enemy prepares an ambush and run away from them. Any enemy with brain knows to pressure spectre early because they dont want her to be full slotted. Ward and tp scroll keep you alive in those pressure. Buy ward yourself if no one else did.

                                                                                Oh and one last tip, retreat once and wait that slark debuff other hero first with its silver edge. Spectre just an oversized creeps without her passives.

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                The Medic Guy

                                                                                  One thing you need to know, spec isnt right click carry like juggernaut, sven, or AM. She kills using her desolate and dispersion, coupled with radiance burn and diffusal mana burn. ASPD does some stuff, but not as much as health or move speed items.

                                                                                  so she is not a right click hero indeed :thinking:

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    Attack speed "does some stuffs"
                                                                                    Not exactly
                                                                                    It's your main DPS increase on solo pickoffs
                                                                                    But yea most of the time nobody is retarded enough to wander around solo against a fucking spectre
                                                                                    Illusions can't slow with skadi
                                                                                    But raw 100% damage translation from stats, tankiness, kiting ability with your main hero, and raw mana is why people get skadi

                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                      farm divine
                                                                                      and done

                                                                                      Super Speed Snail

                                                                                        Well yeah, you use right click for sure. But unlike right click carries, the most damage isnt comes from her ATK stat.

                                                                                        Though you could try to make right click items such divine, daedalus, mjolnir, moonshard and other stuff on her and let me know the result. I may learn one or two stuff from that.

                                                                                        It was like ember isnt right click carry. You didnt blindly right click heroes with him despite he has daedalus as a core.

                                                                                        Yeah, aspd still does some stuff. Picking a lonewolf or slow response support at far behind. That is why I write it still does some stuff. Not as much as health or MS. So many pro build manta first before butterfly because of it. Though both of them indeed useful on spectre.

                                                                                        Hmm, i think using manta isnt a good example. How about tread. People often use STR on her instead AGI in battle. Isnt that means people need the health more than the aspd and atk?

                                                                                        Yeah, tread is better example in this case.

                                                                                        About skadi, people said illu now after patch 7.00 can slow because no longer an orb effect. Never try to confirm it, though. Is that true?

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                        The Medic Guy

                                                                                          About skadi, people said illu now after patch 7.00 can slow because no longer an orb effect.

                                                                                          Super Speed Snail

                                                                                            So that is not true?

                                                                                            Yeah, i guess I read it wrong when I googling about skadi patch.

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                            The Medic Guy

                                                                                              The particle effects of these attack modifiers appear and their sounds play, but their effects are not applied.
                                                                                              ofc not, it will be over power if skadi works on illusion

                                                                                              Super Speed Snail

                                                                                                I see, so that is where the confusion comes from.


                                                                                                  Yap. Exactly. Its not work. Especially illusions that created by sd will be op if that work.

                                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                                    dominators actually so fucking good lmfao

                                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                                      the stats on this item are retarded. and the active is even better xaxaxaxaxax


                                                                                                        I might get back to being a dirty spectre spammer once I get the chance to play again, I'll definitely try out hotd