General Discussion

General Discussionis playing 4k games like training with weights?

is playing 4k games like training with weights? in General Discussion
casual gamer


    one syllable anglo-saxon

      excuse me sir?

      Riguma Borusu

        git gud you scrub



          < blank >

            ook ook aak

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                idk it gets my heartrate so pumped it might actually be endurance training

                Lester, Moe

                  i dropped from 5.3k to 4.4k in june 2016, and after i started playing ranked again the games were so fucking easy it was unbelievable, so pretty much

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    being4k in 2017 feels fuCKING BAdfMAN


                      playing in 4k is like training with training dummies


                        4k bracket exceeded my expectations.

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