General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did Techies win rate go up 3%

Why did Techies win rate go up 3% in General Discussion
registered flex offender


    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Because he is useful now in lane and even more useful in teamfights than ever before.


        He was buffed pretty heavily tbh, 2 red mines basically kill the main meta carries early game rn, so their lane does trash, plus put a status inbetween and they can wait for their death. Also the e is now an aoe nuke+silence, which can deny techies and he launches himself, he's pretty imba rn


          Techies is really strong


            I thought techies was a joke hero but then I played a ranked game and it fucking carried me, haven't played against it in ranked but the aoe silence suicide seems absurdly strong, and as always mines are a great way to force your opponents to play minesweeper instead of Dota 2.

            BSJ. LGD

              techies's mid game only works vs morons imo


                Hero needs to be removed


                  I think the question still stands the jump in winrate is recent almost all of it over the last 5 days. What changed?

                  Optimus Drip

                    retards stopped playing him. people who spam techies kept playing him. that's my guess


                      Hero needs to be removed


                        But he is still kind of weird-risky to pick i bealive, many supports as me try hard wards and vision every game agaist him make him useless, so i do bealive he is strong only agaist bad supports which you cannot that simply estimated especially lower in mmr, but yeah hia laning is better now


                          Hero needs to be removed

                          basement :)

                            No-one is still buying a HoTD against Techies?

                            Optimus Drip

                              I dont know how this affects winrates too much, but lately ive been getting retards that bring sentries into lane agsnt techies and place them before im even 6. like read the patch notes

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                Best defensive hero that no need much farm.
                                After all this game is called Defence of the Ancient.
                                Pick 1 or 2 carry that good at ultra late game with techies and you'll win

                                Optimus Drip

                                  in addition, with the -60s respawn talent, you can basiclly just suicide racks over and over and over and splitpush with necrobook
                                  respawn timer even hyperlate never goes over 60. the highest i have ever seen it was 65 seconds with necro ult


                                    U can't just end the game late game no matter what u do he is defending hg with Instant statis traps and bombs.
                                    If some one says hod to counter i know its easy to say just try to seige then and ull know its still not easy.

                                    Optimus Drip

                                      hod is annoying to deal with though.... i could see two of those countering somewhat
                                      however thats 2 whole items to specifilly counter techies and not counting his team at all
                                      EDIT: also, thinking about this, if the enemy team did this i would just put two remotes to detonate speciflly for the hotd creeps
                                      they would have to specifficly get magic resistant ones., in which case even then u have force staff/ actually putting down stasis in teamfights anyway

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