General Discussion

General Discussionanyone knows how to enable korean announcer/hero responses

anyone knows how to enable korean announcer/hero responses in General Discussion
analytical analizer

    old method doesnt work since source 2


      omg so gay



          because the voice acting is much better in my opinion

          i have 5 reports to use

            -language Korean in launch options

            analytical analizer

              doesnt work

              analytical analizer

                that was the old method

                i have 5 reports to use

                  Did u find out how


                    OP, how do the gameplay boosting and Dota psychology techniques work out for your 1 MMR teammates?

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      In steam:
                      Right click Dota 2
                      Properties > Language > Korean

                      Not Saske

                        change Language to korean, even tho not all heroes / announcer can speak korean.
                        i use korean since source 1, changing language sometimes help you win the game since, there is "something new" in game.

                        i get this tips when zai still in high end 5k, he use chinese language.

                        analytical analizer

                          it works for me now apparently, for some reason it didnt when i made the thread