General Discussion

General Discussionclimbing solo mmr in 2k SEA

climbing solo mmr in 2k SEA in General Discussion

    its so hard especially with the new region lock im always with pinoys now who refuses to cooperate and insists they will solo carry the game so I just pick support and hope they will actually carry the game but most of the time, they don't. I can't pick carry because everyone is already carry and everyone will fight for farm. You will be lucky to be with a 3 man party who always brings 1 supp player. Hell, my party MMR became higher than my solo MMR even when I party with a 1.8k guy because we have communication and teamwork. pls help


      git gud


        LAMAW XD

        Този коментар е бил редактиран
        Use chatwhell=mute

          Spam luna like high winrate heroes in ur mmr bracket

          Use chatwhell=mute

            I raised mmr by axe drow od. 3 mouths ago. Jungling is still nice in ur bracket

            basement :)

              Just pick the harder carry then?


                Lul can't pick carry. Can't win as support. Sad life bro


                  Sup brah just spam hero dont be so versatile. Love your ember


                    I'm still triggered by people who say "i play in x server btw haHAA" in their threads

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      Go jungle don't care about them all,farm out 1v5 u think I need team when I solo rank below 4K?!?

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        FARM --> FAT --> WIN

                        The only creed 2k players must cherish.


                          But then again why are you still 2k


                            2.9k already but you aren't wrong FeelsBadMan


                              What do you mean by a l r e a d y
                              You're stuck at 2900 for a month at least
                              Well relatively I'm stuck too FeelsBadMan
                              This 4k race is going nowhere


                                Kyle stop advertising that acc


                                  what region lock?

                                  did i miss something?


                                    ^ ^ ^ not region lock but if you are in a certain country you would get stacked up with them more than random nationality like thai,indo,malaysian and any other more

                                    TELL ME

                                      Um, pick LC and jungle blyat.


                                        Probably the best thing to do is pick out of the hero pool with +50 Winrate, if you have to first pick take roaming heroes that scale well into late game. Otherwise counterpick the opponents which in the best case, is a carry, farm distribution i.e. position 1-5 barely matters in pubs, most prominently in "low mmr" matches because people can't finish games early even though they may have an advantage.

                                        Other aspects that have a high impact on your success; keep a positive mental attitude, always take the lead of your team because nobody else does most of the time and PLAY AN AWFUL LOT OF GAMES. Sooner or later you will eventually gain MMR with all those things combined.

                                        Bare in mind, I am a 3k pleb and in no position to assure you this will work, but those are the things people with much higher MMR keep saying on reddit,joindota and other sites.

                                        I try to do this myself every time but eventually I give up because a lot of my solo Q games are simply not fun at all, not necessarily because I lose but because it seems like the MatchMaking algorithm is selecting my teammates randomly. I don't expect my Invoker to hit every sunstrike, and I don't expect my Enigma to get 5 man black holes every teamfight, but when my Viper loses Mid to a solo Zeus and he has no Magic Stick or that one guy last picks juggernaut, goes solo offlane, dies 6 times then proceeds to buy Phase Boots and farm Battle Fury, I just have to wonder "Is this a joke ?".

                                        So, instead of try-harding in ranked I recommend playing unranked and try out funny builds or just play a couple games of Yolothrow in the arcade with some friends, in this case, I CAN assure you, you are going to have fun ! :)