General Discussion

General Discussionwhy am i getting 8 min queues 3pm on sunday?

why am i getting 8 min queues 3pm on sunday? in General Discussion
casual gamer



      coz fuck you thats why

      casual gamer

        idk whether i should be happy someone didnt connect to a 5.2k avg game or irritated that im going to wait another 10 minutes for another 5.2k avg game


          coz fuck you thats why

          Because DotaPit I guess xD

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            all the matches i played today were +-35 for some reason, but my queue times were ok


              i had 11min que and i got 18 party mmr


                5.2k avg games are the worst man

                casual gamer

                  ok hahah never again


                    ye welcome to weekday mrning queues