General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i play offlane 1v1

how do i play offlane 1v1 in General Discussion

    i dont have the xp lead anymore so what do i do

    especially in matchups like slardar vs luna/jugg/am where u cant win if u trade with them on equal exp. theres also a time where i lost a trading battle as underlord against jugg, he casted his Q after i cast my pit smh (forgot pit didnt pierce spell immune)

    do i just jungle and get as much bounty runes as i can and let them farm

    or is there a magic trick where i can actually trade hits with them


      Build Iron talon for fast farm in offlane jungle, get runes and don't be afraid to abuse offlane shrine if your solo screw your teammates if they complain if you use shrines yourself.

      You could also ping your teammates for help. The important thing as an offlaner is you get exp for your important skills and gank other lane to help your team especially mid so that your mid can snowball.


        I have no idea how a solo carry can threaten an offlaner.


          thats actually what im trying to avoid because if i do that im either letting the enemy farm or relying on something that isnt that reliable to begin with

          i think most 1v1's are winnable it just needs something that idk

          what do i do then

          honestly this is more of a "idk how to win in 1v1's in general" than "idk how to 1v1 off"

          i mean i DID lose in a 1v1 underlord vs jugg. granted it was a pt ranked game and the jugg was friggin 4.6k but still...

          is there some trick to it or is this part purely mechanical skill

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            You reallllly shouldn't have lost that match up basically you just played badly.


              thats what ive been saying in my past 2 posts so im asking what i couldve done better >.>

              if u couldve stated why it shouldnt have been lost then that would be way more helpful


                You don't need to worry about their safe lane carry getting farm you could actually not contest it that's in not your job and you can't do anything about it not unless your position 4 and 5 teammates ganks your lane and prevent the enemy safe lane carry from farming.

                As i have said your job is to get exp and levels so that you can get your important skills and then help out other lanes and gank, go mid secure a kill and help your mid laner to snowball, make space for your safe lane carry to farm freely and create space with the help of your other 4 members of your team.

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                Not Saske

                  stout shield , raindrop, bait them to waste their skills first before really trade, or make sure their skills on cooldown.


                    while i think thats a viable option that could work every game but i dont think its always the best honestly

                    ofc there'll be 1v1 lanes w/c is almost impossible to win, but other times there couldve been something i couldve done to annoy the fuck out of or even kill the enemy (like my *almost* 1v1 lane with a drow as cent hours ago)


                      COCKI I NEED ASNWER DEMMIT


                        IDK that's how I always played my offlanes, if I could contest then I will try to contest but I don't risk it the important thing to me is to get levels then gank mid or safe lane. I don't give a S**T if enemy safelane carry gets his farm not my job need the whole team or just 3 to do that.

                        I don't really have suggestions to you anymore I mean I'm just a 4k offlaner, ask very experienced offlaners that have high mmr.

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                          i had a test in college, dear gad be patient

                          here i'll quote myself for the 50000000000th time:

                          50 1v1 mid winstreak


                            basically what Dodong said...

                            also watch the best in the field and learn to understand what they are doing and why they are doing it. players such as Bulldog, Universe, Moonander and Moo. im not too familiar with the SEA and China offlaners other than Iceiceice, which is God btw, but watch them, its the best way to learn.

                            if you are 1v1 a carry and he is doing his job aka static laning, pulling big camp to keep equilibrium, pre-denying creeps, harassing you when you get close, then just leave the lane if you cannot contest the pulls or get the lane back to your tower. use what u can to get an iron talon and hit the jungle, the shrines and bounties make it much easier now for offlaners.

                            if u dont want to do that and have an annoying tanky offlaner such as Centard, clockwork, bristleback or timbersaw and are confident their carry will come to ur lane then a stout shield and 8 tangoes are your best friend. just be annoying as possible and trade becoz an AGI carry wont be able to compete with trading at a low level. force them to use their regen and miss cs and when u hit 6 and get your phase boots, u pick up a smoke and start ganking mid...push down towers and just be generally annoying...

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                              omg dude


                                Use the raining fire spell or something Alice I don't fkn know. Yer a noob offlaner. And there I am playing slardar offlaner against trilane of mid 3ks and high 4k and I still whooped ass


                                  ^why do u have so many single draft games? someone angry becoz they are in LP?

                                  and please provide us with a game where u whooped ass vs a trilane as a solo offlaner since you are so pro...


                                    3-4ks are terrible at laning, i could beat a quad lane XD


                                      they arent that bad haha they are just too passive in lane...

                                      watch the great SingSing-sama to learn how to be aggressive.



                                        they are THAT bad


                                          Lul single draft cuz I was toxic af bro. No regrets tho. I played no invis Riki and undying mid. And won. Bro you're just high skill scrub of course you won't understand how to beat a vhs trilane. Just look for that game in my recents its ez. You could learn a thing or two from a 1k.

                                          casual gamer

                                            man ur playing some kinda bizzaro offlane where you aren't at a permanent disadvantage and supports dont pop out of the goddamn woodwork to sodomize you


                                              this guy hahaha VHS in a stack vs Normal solo...dude it doesnt count and nobody really cares about it. and Riki with no diffusal blade yet u still managed to win even though u were feeding just means your opponents at ur level are retarded and have never heard of dust, gem or sentries...or even smoke ganks...but enough but this fool...


                                                jacked is 5k actually


                                                  They tried bro they tried


                                                    5 - 4 = 1


                                                      yea they couldn't stop Riki because I kept them in lane fool

                                                      Wait I'm thinking about the wrong game sry

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                                                        Anyway you must be high bro. Why would they buy sentries if I didn't even skill invis retard lul


                                                          man ur playing some kinda bizzaro offlane where you aren't at a permanent disadvantage and supports dont pop out of the goddamn woodwork to sodomize you

                                                          this is the thing that im lucky i never face bcuz im friggin low skill player but for some reason i still find a way to lose in a 1v1 scenario smh



                                                            check this match out Alice. i know it is abit older than 7.00 but this is how i handled solo offlane vs Alch with a really annoying support lina that wouldnt let me anywhere near the Alch and we had a jungle veno.

                                                            as soon as i hit 6 i started ganking mid. an offlaner should never wait around looking for farm from creeps, rather get it from kills...

                                                            if the alch was alone i would have dominated him in the lane but hey, what much can you do when a 600 range hero is hitting u...


                                                              idk how you lose a 1v1, you should be used to outplaying opponents since your used to 3v1 scenarios, a 1v1 should be a lot easier imo
                                                              edit: i forgot, you dont even play mid alice, my bad

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                                                                Ayy I notice a lot of games ppl just leave the carry alone to 1v1 or even 1v 2. No one bothers trying to kill an offlaner


                                                                  offlaners have to be the playmakers Alice...they have to be able to out 1v1 any other hero and player. it all comes down to decision making.

                                                                  watch S4 and his recent games in 7.00...


                                                                    durr i win 2v1 lanes almost every game with zero effort i dont need that lol

                                                                    anyway problem solved i got my 4.4k friend play 1v1 offlane (i was off he was carry) with me and i fucking understand now what im doing wrong.


                                                                      Rofl psyfi. You're so bad kid. I would just rekt that Lina I Duno how u manage to lose that lane. Also stop posting fake vhs pub matches in South Africa server dude. U don't even play ranked. You'd be 3k at most


                                                                        what were u doing wrong?


                                                                          i lose to 1v1's because i dont have the exp lead and im rly bad at taking fights on neutral

                                                                          btw i now found out why im so fucking stupid at 1v1
                                                                          -i dont think about what my enemy wants to do to me
                                                                          -i dont think about when they can kill me
                                                                          -i dont click on them to check their fucking mana dsfghsdklgbgafsfgjad


                                                                            if u win 2v1 how do u lose 1v1? i understand Jugg, AM and even PA are a pain to 1v1 but how?


                                                                              pick better to avoid problems on lane, ask for sups you think will fits well with your hero or against enemy heroes
                                                                              just checked your last game on slardar, where you was useless (i bet useless on lane and useless in game) you playing as 5 premades and was hardly outpicked so..


                                                                                hahaha you have to make it a habit.

                                                                                you are never safe in offlane, if you need to buy a ward for your safety then do so. if someone is missing off the map then dont push in, hang back in xp range becoz that is all u need.

                                                                                and jugg can generally kill u wiht 1 point in crit and 3 in spin with boots and a orb of venom so maybe learn to understand your match up and the enemy hero. maybe that will help


                                                                                  ? because 2v1 scenarios in 3k are autowin scenarios because the support will just be there standing sapping exp from his carry while being useless meanwhile i get free exp and get lv 6 then kill them both because theyre friggin lv 4 and cant do anything about me


                                                                                    lul party games who cares about them i dont even try in those so im just memeing around without a care in the world


                                                                                      Because he is not used to mid (or 1v1) match ups where you're likely have equal xp but unequal lane due to fear of being ganked etc. in a 2v1 it is actually easy to outplay esp if the support is just fucking up and doesn't know what to do. He leaches his carrys xp and makes both of them under leveled. Accomplishes nothing. Then leaves a failed lane to let his carry to lane at a disadvantage. How hard is it to understand? You're just bad kek.


                                                                                        Alice you're taking advice from someone who's not even as good as you in the offlaner but he's asking useless rhetorical questions to make himself
                                                                                        Look good. Rofl


                                                                                          oh yeah forgot about those games hahaha support and offlane, best roles to play bcoz u are always active. no sitting in lane for 20mins farming and pushing towers...


                                                                                            "Oh yea forgot" lmao.


                                                                                              OH COME ON GUYS U ARE ACTUALLY TRIGGERING ME IM ASKING FOR 1V1 TIPS AND UR ALL JUST "HEY LOOK AT MY GAME I PLAY OFFLANE I REKT AGAINST 1V1119010101010101101010101001010101 BET U CANT DO THAT HAHA" AND BUNCH OF STUFF I OBV ALR KNOW

                                                                                              I DONT FRIGGING CARE ABOUT ANY OF THAT BECAUSE I FUCKING KNOW (AT A 3K LEVEL) HOW TO BEAT THESE SCRUBS 2V1 3V1 WHATEVER WITH SOLELY AN EXP LEAD

                                                                                              WHAT IM ASKING IS HOW DO I FUCKING DUMPSTER THIS SHITWADS WITHOUT THAT EXP LEAD NOW IF U CANT GIVE ANY 1V1 TIPS CAN U PLS PISS OFF


                                                                                                yea if u dont have exp lead it's basically like a mid matchup. play mid is your answer, like cookie said.


                                                                                                  hmm, really makes you think :thinking:
                                                                                                  tbh, just do what cookie suggested


                                                                                                    there should be a way to remove certain fools for threads...

                                                                                                    jacked when you reach a certain level you will see that supports are actually active during the early game when they are most useful...not like your level of Dota where they auto attack creeps and dont upgrade the courier @ 3mins


                                                                                                      yeah and i alr said i found the root of the problem and now know how to solve it, i just need shittons of practice

                                                                                                      BUT THESE PPL SEEM TO NOT KNOW HOW TO READ AND KEEP ON POSTING TYPICAL/BASIC OFFLANE STUFF LIKE THEYRE GOLDEN TIPS THAT MAGICALLY GET YOU T 8989898K MMR

