General Discussion

General DiscussionDark moon event

Dark moon event in General Discussion

    Anyone know how to get past the tide knukka wave?


      Yeah. Built Crimson Guard and Heart on Underlord before it and tanked all the damage. Tho couldn't get past the next wave. Meepo wave I think. I use a 1070 and there are FPS issues with that many Meepos on the screen.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран
      Vem Comigo

        Dusa build dmg - Phoenix Auras, DS and Underlord - tanks, and techis for defense

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          Sugar Show

            I crash at meepo.

            Vem Comigo

              I cant play cause i have low prio :(

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Yeah lost that round too
                Anyways FREEEEE PRIZES WOOO


                  i cant get past three. and never seem to get enough gold for items


                    Can anyone give general gameplay to this? Like who is good who is not.

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Phoenix was shit starting from Tide and Kunkka wave because lots of mini stuns and shit
                      Treant was tanky, need a good damage dealer behind

                      Player 345068850

                        Anyone wanna party to play the dark moon event?
                        I think its better to play as a party than random ppl.


                          does anyone know what are the prizes when you reached 35,000 point?

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            Free arcana


                              i got to invoker, couldn't beat him

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                I hear no one has beaten the invoker round. We died in the end, got him to half health. 'Nado spam insane.

                                Rektdalf the White

                                  @quiet gaming once you get 35k points you spin the wheel and hope for the best, you can get treasures, announcers, etc lot of stuff. Also if you dont like your prize you can redeem it for 20k points.


                                    800 dmg tornadoes everywhere idk how to beat uber voker we got him maybe 1/2 hp im sure someone has beat it though, our lineup was shit.


                                      I see sumail trying to kill invo with techies ult. Came pretty close though item bloodstone veil eblade octa aetheelens

                                      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                        how to beat alche?


                                          Has anyone tried this reddit thing with tank PA? Goin' full evasion?


                                            The monsters give gold depending on damage tics rather than the damage itself

                                            So ember with mael/bfury flame guard AND winter wyvern's 1st ability will make you like 10k+during rosh wave

                                            Pa bfury + butter + hot and some lifesteal is pretty much unkillable and does a shit ton of damage

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                              i dont rly understand the point system, sometimes i get like 20k in one and sometimes i almost get nothing

                                              why is this


                                                Does playing this gives trophy points? or it just considered as custom map?


                                                  First game in a day gives 20k+ 6*points

                                                  Rest give normal up to 2k~ish

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    Somebody killed the invo from 70 hp with techies


                                                      bought morbid mask on pa and it seems it gives no lifesteal. Maybe you need to upgrade to vlads before it gives any lifesteal?

                                                      Player 345068850

                                                        My first game game me like 37k doe


                                                          whats the ember item build


                                                            Bf to mael. Just got 2 level 9 and almost won


                                                              lvl 9 isnt almost won... the hardest waves are after 10..


                                                                how to beat invoker??


                                                                  By picking storm spirit


                                                                    I am asking about that really big invoker


                                                                      Best team we found has been Zeus, sniper, ember, Medusa and Wyvern / Disruptor. As long as you can get ember though the early waves and he gets battlefury + maelstrom he is super strong. For the money waves (5 / 10) AOE dots are super good, Shrapnel, flame guard and disruptor + ember are great for controlling the chicken on wave 5.
                                                                      Noteable waves are thee catapulting meepo wave (9?). Sniper should ult the catapults pretty much asap and ember with battlefury + team can deal with the creeps.
                                                                      BLOODTHORN (MULTIPLE ON TEAM) is amazing later on. If you just silence the alchs and beat them down when they stun themselves combined with dmg from bloodthorn they go down super easy.
                                                                      WAVE 15: Use bloodthorns on mini vokers to kill them, shouldnt be too hard. Final boss invoker we managed to get to about 50% HP before being killed. In theory mass BKBs popped at the correct time would be good. As a note bloodthorn / silence does nothing vs this boss in terms of stopping spells.
                                                                      NOTE: TREE AGHS DOES WORK 100%. The AOE is MUCH smaller as its reduced in this gamemode. It 100% does dmg in a small AOE around the trees (Iron brach ult ftw)


                                                                        We got to the same place the guy above me, about half health on the last invoker. Got there with a pa, ember, ww, underlord, sniper. Sniper with aghs is great vs all the warlocks and cattipults. pa and ember both with bf did a number on the trash mobs, ww was great for the tide/kunka round as they couldnt use abiliteds while attacking and were much easier to nuke down. as for the last invoker, no idea what we coulda done different with our line up. We probably should have kited him around more. I find tiny great for that. maybe if we got him to the end the stuns would have been enough.


                                                                          ive been reduced invoker health around 70% then he spam meteor that very hurt an make my teammates died. i think the way to defeat him i use techie ulti near the magus spot then reduced his health to 50 % . then use that ulti . possibly he will dead

                                                                          »ĴĐĂ« »The Boosted Chooch«

                                                                            Got boss invoker to 20%, then its literally fucking impossible. God bless

                                                                            edit for comp

                                                                            Sniper / Underlord / Dark Seer / Medusa / Disruptor

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              after you win at round 15 will you given a darkmoon emoticon? kinda confuse

                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                is centaur good there? (i am not playing but just curious)


                                                                                  there's no centaur


                                                                                    my lineup was good in my lvl15 game too but the tornados are insane the only way to win seems to be selling ur bloodthorns and getting bkb satanic instead on attackers and having sheepstick on dis/ww or others who dont deal much physical damage (the invo did get hexed and i think it's not like silence that doesnt matter he wont attack MAYBE does the spells tho

                                                                                    we got him like 70%

                                                                                    Bosnian Blade

                                                                                      lvl 15 round
                                                                                      invoker has 3 stages
                                                                                      till 50% spirits and cold feet (att him and stay in group near shrine )
                                                                                      50%-25% tornado phade (just a evade tornados) some basic awarnes skill
                                                                                      less than 25 % fun starts here
                                                                                      keep moving until ss and meatballs stop
                                                                                      u haveabout 10-15 sec until he att u again with ss and meatballs
                                                                                      srry for bad eng (eas bad at school)

                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                        I am pro
                                                                                        I won it.