General Discussion

General Discussionmorph mid

morph mid in General Discussion

    does it really work against real mid heroes

    why is it so common?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Coz high dmg by morphing agi and kinda good aggresive escape hero
      He can use a bottle real nice coupled with tread switching
      But the hero is not the meta, with ember in this meta you might wanna forget about it but hey anything works if you're good with it


        How do you avoid getting completely bullied out of lane as that hero
        I always put enough agi lvl1 until ~500hp so I have enough damage, but the low health pool and bad range means I usually get bullied out hard by spells or right click

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Get salve or tango from courier then, last hit good for quicker bottle then you'll be OK, if you can't do that GG
          But since there's only one rune spawn at a time now you will most probably fail if there is rune contest
          Forget about Morph dude he's ded *sniffs sniffs*


            In some matchups you can wave over the creeps and into your enemy and simultaneously dodge their harass and do damage. QOP isn't as terrible a matchup as it seems on paper because of this trick. But overall you lose to most mid heroes, not really recommended unless you really know what you are doing.


              while you're here mr.6k may as well ask
              how does 4k in aus compare to 4k europe or 4k us


                4k europe is trash compared to 4k aus.

                basement :)

                  while you are here mr6k may as well ask
                  how does 4k in aus compare to 4k europe or 4k us

                  Wow, 3 Australian players in the same thread. Typically regions with less players and high average mmr have better players. 4k in a region with less players is higher percentile than one with more players. The top players also more often play with much lower mmr players due to the lack of players, raising the skill of lower players; however, that means the top players in regions with less players are worse than regions with more players, since there are less good players to practice with.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    Too many aussies for me in this thread. I think 4k is pretty much the same in all regions, it's only when you get to the pointy end of mmr that inflation starts to kick in a bit. I am not really sure about EU or US but I know plenty of aus 6ks play sea with 100+ ping and still gain mmr.

                    Player 345996680

                      hes awful pure 1v1 but if u have a support to secure first 2 wave he can crush lots of matchup