General Discussion

General DiscussionForcestaff BS back?

Forcestaff BS back? in General Discussion

    eul? force staff? omg... u really buy eul to set up blood rite???? nice waste. maybe just try rupture and bloodrite? straight forward combo. and forcestaff -> a 2k gold item to amplify ur ulti dmg is like a dagon. in this case i just buy dagon.

    blood rite +75 is way better then the attack speed. get carry items or u are even more useless mid to lategame. 10 stats better then more rupture dmg. and low cd on blood rite ftw.


      U dont just buy euls for bloodrite u ignorant shit. U can cancel tp's, it gives mana regen, and sets up bloodrite, and does regular euls things like countering silence and dodging things and disabling someone. As for force staff its a mobility utility item that not only can save people or urself or be used to catch someone but can also be used to nuke someone. The fucking point is that these items are versatile and accomplish many things simultaneously whereas dagon just nukes. Not to mention we r just sort of theorycrafting an optimal utility bs similar to how jerax played him before 7.00.

      Giff me Wingman

        Calling others ignorant despite being sub1k....

        Also forcestaff BS is horrible.


          I am a super shit BS, so what do I know.
          Dropped the hero, cause I just don't feel him even at my garbage rating.

          Never saw a winning forcestaff BS though.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            It used to be a thing a long time ago. And my mmr makes me bad it doesnt make me ignorant to an argument on he statistics website called dotabuff.


              Why is it horrible on a pos 3-4 bs what makes it bad?

              Giff me Wingman

                if you werent ignorant then you woudln't be sub 1k after years of playing dota2. And you really want someone to explain to you why offlane or jungle bloodcyka is bad?

                Good lord have mercy.


                  Yes i do, wtf u just said im some 1k shitter, so explain to 1k shitter why forcestaff is bad on bs. Not why bs is bad. Why is forcestaff bad on bs? And fucks sake i havent even actively played dota for 1 full year, let alone years. Dumb ass.

                  Giff me Wingman

                    BS is a shitty jungler because 1 roaming support can shut him down and he'll be useless the whole game. BS is a hero that gets nuked insanely fast hence he needs HP and armor/bkb. Getting forcestaff will only make him useless in any teamfight and will make him a feeding racecar, not to mention he provides NOTHING to the laning phase, no stun, no slow nothing, so he will lose most duallane matchups, making pos 3 and pos 4 useless.

                    Nothing is worse than a BS that ults someone from a distance and tries to get closer because of forcestaff only to get stunned and nuked hence feeding the whole damn game doing absoloutely nothing in teamfights.


                      Yeh, i was thinking bkb as a second or third item, but cant a bs just keep healing in a hard lane?


                        his new talent tree seems imba as fuck. 75 pure damage extra to rite, amped by bloodrage
                        lvl 4 rupture
                        and spammable bloodrite
                        u can do exactly what the enemy bs did in that stupid game, go midas (force) agh aether and just spam out ur spells and rekt carries like ls and jug

                        This is what jd said abt it but i guess it doesnt tackle the idea of forcestaff on him.

                        Giff me Wingman

                          the moment BS puts Q on himself anyone with brain just nukes him down. It's not like people let BS farm when he basicially says " please hit me"


                            Ye. So ur saying bs shud only be played where he gets safe farm and snowball like a safelane carry. Because he doesnt work as a pos 3-4 right?

                            Giff me Wingman

                              No, I'm saying BS shouldn't be played at all.
                              If you happen to rerandom him and u're stuck with him then your best bet is safelane and try to snowball, other than that just prey for autism in enemy team.

                              Or just go for afk jungle and get dagon, U'll probably lose unless you're playing against faw invoker. You'll probably lose but at least game will be hilarious.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                if you theoretically had to, how wud u run a lower pos bs?

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  depends greatly on pos, enemy and your own lineup.

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    wat the actual fuck


                                      blood is shit hero
                                      good blood build would be phase cyclon blademail radi manta ac/shiva

                                        Този коментар е изтрит

                                          Cyclon? Lmao wtf item r u talking abt? Im not talking abt bs builds in general but the specifics of force on bs and its use in a more utility build.
                                          Btw what do u think abt that jerax game (i think it was in ti or manila or smth) before 7.00 where he went pos 4 bs jungle with aghs then dagon. I think he bought bkb but i dont remember.


                                            i rem that too thats very rare and situational
                                            do what u wsnt blood is shit hero and slow for mmr boost


                                              Spoderman. Can u speak in a way other human beings can undestand you?

                                              basement :)

                                                And tbh you can have a pos 3 bs jungle the offlane camps and rotate to lane to lh under tower and shit while a pos 4 saps xp and goes aggressive when you rotate in or something.

                                                This is bad because is practically jungling. It applies 0 pressure on the off lane, which allows the support to rotate and ruin other lanes. Also, he cannot go aggressive because being in the off lane only allows him to rotate to the middle lane, and they have no stuns to set up a Blood Rite. Secondly, practically every hero in the game can buy an Iron Talon and return to the tower once the creeps arrive, which may not happen if the safe lane core denies everything. This means Bloodseeker must be the best position 3 in the game to be worth picking, and he is not.

                                                Position 4 jungle BS is bad because he must afk farm until level 3 or 4 to start ganking. Other roaming supports, including, Chen can start at level 1 and some at level 2. Secondly, he can only gank the lane where the position 5 is because generally no-one else has stuns. This somewhat wrecks your middle laner. He also needs 3 heroes to kill someone, but practically any hero could replace him in a 3v1 and succeed. Some would do better because BS has 0 disables pre-6.

                                                As a reminder, Earth Spirit and Riki takes around 25 minutes to farm 2.2k gold and finish boots. It would be hard to get all these "treads/phase helm force euls/sb bkb".


                                                  Why would u pick safe lane blood. Just a situational hero w a game winning aghs upgrade


                                                    Earth spirit and riki farm slow but bs farms much faster. U r probably right but ur phrasing of the situation assumes so much shit like no stuns on mid or only one with stuns is the pos 5, which makes no sense. But yeah i get your/blunt's point, tho i wud say he could situationally be a greedy am counterpick who can get away with not contesting am cuz am is equally greedy and bs will start to fuck him up post 6. BUT I DONT KNOW BECAUSE IM JUST SOME FUCKING NA DUMBASS

                                                    basement :)

                                                      List the current popular middle laners and safe lane cores that have pre-6 stuns that last long enough for Blood Rite. Now, what is the percentage of those heroes?

                                                      I would probably only pick it against AM. Every hero is good in certain situations.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        Ember has one and he is rlly popular, and given the new patch idk who else is a meta mid. Ld entangle?

                                                        basement :)

                                                          It is basically just Ember and even then, the root is somewhat unreliable.


                                                            Root is actually really reliable now almost no one can escape it anymore. Sniper can also sorta set up. Mirana has arrow. Ta has psionic trap.

                                                            basement :)

                                                              It hit units randomly, so nearby creeps make it unreliable. Also, it is hard to get ranged heroes with it without Sleight of Hand. Sniper can set it up, but he is out of the meta. LD > Sniper. Mirana can solo kill if she hits them with a stun that long. BH would be completely unnecessary. Psionic trap is not pre-6.


                                                                Sniper isnt out of the meta, he is just the ld replacement if ld gets banned, or if the enemy picks him.

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  snipers a better luna counter than ld


                                                                    I think pos 3/4 bs is ok. You can control creep equilbrium in the offlane by bloodraging their ranged creep so the wave pushes, I know a guy at 6k who plays it quite a lot. Pos 4 is risky but if your opponents supports are something like Kotl+rubick that can't really do anything to your jungling it is a great counter to stuff like AM/weaver pos 1. Also as soon as you hit 6 you can leave the jungle and have a massive impact with your ganks.

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                    basement :)

                                                                      he is just the ld replacement if ld gets banned

                                                                      He is not the LD replacement. It is either LD or no LD. LD is op while Sniper is not. Anyway, the percentage of heroes that Bloodseeker can gank with in middle are minuscule.

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        Idk what ur talking abt. Sniper is better at def hg while ld imo is a better fighter.

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          You can control creep equilbrium in the offlane by bloodraging their ranged creep so the wave pushes

                                                                          i cant imagine a 6k not just immediately aggroing your melee creeps to the bloodraged range creep and neutralizing the lane

                                                                          you have to get pretty close to do that too

                                                                          i do think that the best way to play him is to jungle him when you know their supports will be stuck in the safelane/mid. fast levels means you can gank early and have a huge impact, then transition into stuff like midas/ward/agh/force or blademail sb echo basher type snowball items


                                                                            They both have their merits, but idk why u cant have sniper if u dont have ld that makes no sense.

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              def hg is how u win against luna. snipers better in the 35-60 min imo except lds busted respawn bullshit


                                                                                Im getting so many mixed messages, blunt says its shit, jd and cutnpaste say its ok. Lmao.

                                                                                basement :)

                                                                                  Anyway, the percentage of heroes that Bloodseeker can gank with in middle is minuscule.

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    just bs is an ok pick in pubs a lot of the time lol. it is slightly greedy but pays dividends in map control when played properly as early as min 4 onwards.

                                                                                    the whole force staff thing is a different can of worms but i think utility items on bs is going to be the only way the hero is good. hes too squishy w/ bloodrage to carry anything against non-lemmings but his talents make a caster build strong as far as i can see

                                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                      Danish is a shit and everyone knew it the question is why you even take in his shit are you the worse shit that listen to the shit that Danish shit's shit comments?

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        I mean i guess but not a lot of venge's i see buy aether. Idk.

                                                                                        venge aether is very strong and i will probably pick it up if i intend to go aghs. it cripples your ability to transition to right click though imo, but in a lot of games that transition is overrated and agh-aether will win u the game

                                                                                        only issue is getting 6k gold on venge but if im playing 4 its not impossible just difficult

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                          I mean danish has at least 5000 more mmr than i do so ill respect his thoughts over mine.


                                                                                            Isnt venge aghs bad against like a lot of a lockdown, such that when venge dies the illusion never gets a chance to do anything.


                                                                                              Well i mean ive carried games as bs mid going diffusal first item so my experience isnt rlly worth much in this discussion.

                                                                                              basement :)

                                                                                                the whole force staff thing is a different can of worms but i think utility items on bs is going to be the only way the hero is good. hes too squishy w/ bloodrage to carry anything against non-lemmings but his talents make a caster build strong as far as i can see

                                                                                                BS only gains those talents at 20 and 25, and his caster abilities are unspammable pre-25. Also, I thought he should be Bloodraging enemies during team fights since 5 people can damage? Try it in a real game if you really want to prove its effectiveness.

                                                                                                casual gamer


                                                                                                  i lost to it sir bs has good xp gain


                                                                                                    As carry bs ur doing the most dmg, and bloodraging someone in a fight can really really backfire sometimes, you only do it if its a guarenteed quick and easy kill. Otherwise u just bloodraged the enemy support lina but she gets glimmered the one shots you with laguna blade and fully heals. And the blood rite talent is 15 and rupture at 20, not 20 and 25.