General Discussion

General Discussionweaver bottle?

weaver bottle? in General Discussion

    too good to skip if not buying linken?


      linken is situational (grabs popcorn)


        ofc linken is situationl but if you are NOT buying the casual perseverance to build into linken latr, you buy bottle every time then?


          sorry, i dont give advices about heroes that im not very good with like most people do here. Only advice i can give is, check accounts of commenters before trusting their advice coz everyone thinks they are the best in this community. Ignore the ones that has less than 100 games with the hero.

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          doc joferlyn simp

            So when you try to help other people as best as you can it suddenly makes you this kind of condescending asshole?

            This forum was made to be used by any kind of Dota player, for all things Dota. So what if the information you are giving is lacking depth? At least you are contributing something to ACTUAL discussion and adding to the conversation. If you want the advice of people who are the best in this community then go make your own website in which the only commenters to threads can only be the OP, ywn, and cutnpaste.


              bottle is waste of gold
              u need stats for last hit. with shrine u shouldnt have mana or hp issues

              Този коментар е бил редактиран
              casual gamer


                Catsys Rivers

                  I bestow upon thee a treasure map that leads to untold riches within the dreaming soul of all insect kind.


                    Just buy solar crest urn and be a man


                      idk i just noticed i have a lot of mana/hp issues at times whn i play weaver, and that i cant afford to just shrine up whenever im at like half hp/mana. then i remembered RTZ and other weavers buying bottle on the hero when they skip linken, decided to try it myself and when it felt good i made this thread.

                      lol solar crest and urn... weaver is what, a support? weavers a mobile attacking core who doesnt just afk farm one lane most of the time so he benefits from the runes extra. also i dont know if i should actually rush the bottle like if you were mid, or perhaps after ring of aquila and 2x band of elvenskin to later make into dragon lance.

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                        nice smurf. your weaver sucks

                        Catsys Rivers

                          Missing more than 2 creeps in lane is already not worth going to get a rune as a farming core. A bottle offers no real farm acceleration outside of regen and even in that, its not all that great. It also doesn't build into anything like a Linken's. The most important thing, however, is making sure your playing experience is as smooth as possible. If you like bottle, then go for it.

                          Tu tayta

                            Weaver can be played as a very mean bullying support though, one who doesn't have much troube surviving if making very bold moves even.

                            To me, Bottle doesn't feel too good. A bit clunky since you are not going to reliably get a good rune, plus it doesn't give stats of any king, which Weaver really wants. I feel that with proper positioning, movements and mana management you can both harras and get farm in lane without letting your mana pool get all dried up.

                            But I'll say continue experimenting. Aquila and MoC/Solar should be enough, seeing as I normally just build Aquila. Alternatively, convince your team to pick CM or Drow or both.


                              I still buy treads because I like to treadswitch haHAA


                                i dont see a point in gettinga linkens if the enemy doesnt have any single-target hard disables though, and since i play mostly offlane/roaming weaver (because i always 1st pick it) id probably lose more farm if i went to lane without full hp than as if i took a rune and went there after healing a bit.

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                                  I never black down when i play weaver dive t3 in 10min


                                    That's because weaver isn't black
                                    You dimwit


                                      I think a support weaver can pick it up situationally. Usually u just want to go aggressive and shrine with teammates after ganks. Idk i feel like wand, time lapse, raindrops, and medallion m regen shud cover you, BUT WHAT THE FUCK IM JUST AN AUTISTIC FUCK WITH 88 EXTRA CHROMOSOMES


                                        yes, yes you are

                                        u keep mentioning medallion, IM NOT BUYING MEDALLION

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          You don't even need to buy deso now. Go solar lance and maelstrom or whatever tf core weavers like to get


                                            Core weaver shudnt need bottle, weaver likes what bottle gives but he isnt desperate enough to sacrifice his early power for an item that gives no dmg, when there r alternatives like wand. BUT WHO CARES ABOUT WHAT I THINK BECAUSE IM A SHIT STAIN ON THE PLAIN WHITE PANTS OF THE MMR SYSTEM


                                              yea u need damage to farm and kill heroes and thats why i dont just go bottle every game and shit...

                                              but you need sustain too, weaver is squishy and if you arent at full health or low on mana you can easily die.

                                              Catsys Rivers

                                                Why are you not buying Medallion?



                                                    Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      Medallion IS A ITEM THAT NEED TO CLICK->SELECT ENEMIES TO CAST!


                                                        medallion is a support item. you buy it when you are not a priority target. and weaver is like number 1 target the enemy is going to focus down if its possible because he is squishy as fuck, hard to actually catch and deals tons of damage. i mean i could justify buying medallion if the enemy was pure magical but imagine you use medallion to kill a support early game and then BOOM one shot kill from a PA dagger. nice right?

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          also medallion doesnt actually give you any damage or stats so like wtf who even buys medallion on an agility core smh

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            med doesnt sound terrible just not what i want because its in the same tier of item as aquila/dlance and weaver needs stats to survive burst damage

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              weaver bottle is at least viable. i personally dont buy it


                                                                urn actually seems nice but usually someone else on my team has it. its also more expensive and provides arguably less damage as well as weaker mana sustain on top of being not as reliable.

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                  thanks to all the skilled players commenting here

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    urns a big fuck you to heroes like slardar and axe who are a big problem for weaver. i might try replacing aquila with this but i dont think its op new meta


                                                                      If you roam a lot , bottle is good. Esp if played on offlane role. But I find myself never needing it. Maybe just manage your mana.


                                                                        Medallion is core on support weaver i dont think core weaver rlly needs regen that much. At least not a bottle's worth.


                                                                          Something like urn Aquila is really good if u refuse to buy medallion. I Duno why more ppl don't buy urn on weaver.


                                                                            Catsys Rivers

                                                                              imagine you use medallion to kill a support early game and then BOOM one shot kill from a PA dagger. nice right?

                                                                              ... This has happened to you before... hasn't it?

                                                                              also medallion doesnt actually give you any damage

                                                                              Well you're not wrong, but it does increase overall dps, which goes hand in hand with damage. Its like saying Medallion doesn't do anything for your mana because it doesn't have INT stat to give a fixed amount of mana. The statement itself isn't wrong, just incomplete, as it does give mana regeneration.

                                                                              Going from 0-5 armor increases your physical damage resistance to about 24%

                                                                              Going from 5-10 armor increases your physical damage resistance to about 38%

                                                                              Going from 10-15 armor increases your physical damage resistance to about 47%

                                                                              A Medallion costs 1175 and can reduce 7 armor. Going from 15 armor to 8 is something like 47% to 32%. That's a 15% dps increase for physical damage. I don't know if other items at the same price can increase your dps, given Germinite and Swarm as is, by that amount on Weaver, but I'm fairly certain there aren't more than you can count on your hand that also give you mana regeneration and build into one of the best tank / armor reducing items in the game. Because for that 1450 extra piece, the damage resistance goes down to 15%. And that's a 32% physical damage increase for 2.6k gold. Top tier players in this forum might still be able to show me an item, at the same price, that can increase dps even more than that, but they'd probably have to stop and do some serious math just to check it.

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                nope, but something like that happened to my teammate (which was basically th reason we lost), he uses medallion to kill a hero as weaver, gets orchided by a clinkz and dies in 4 arrows.

                                                                                medallions a good DPS item, but it is 1st of all limited to 1 target every 7 seconds (when you can kill squishies in like 3 seconds, so its a waste), and it gives you nothing other than that. items like dragon lance, aquila offer considerably more, and even the hurricane pike upgrade as well as the maelstrom offer you more in terms of splitpush/farm speed, survivability, reliable dps, and so on.

                                                                                pretty sure that when you are playing a core weaver, you want to avoid any deaths possible (you splitpush, play aggresively, etc.. and are squishy), and medallion doesnt really help with that.

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                Catsys Rivers

                                                                                  Well, I can't argue that. It was always a situational pick up in any case for a core Weaver. I won't say its not nice if you can get a Medallion on him in under 5 minutes, however, as the ability to destroy with this mini deso mixed with 1 level in Swarm is a nightmare to behold. But yeah, its selling point is basically the same as Tranquils. Good, but unreliable to a fault.


                                                                                    well youre right at that, im not saying medallion is an unconditionally bad item or anything like that.


                                                                                      u dont need bottle or linken on wvr just go aquila stick and ur fine for the entire game


                                                                                        @murder you get what i mean now?


                                                                                          i more or less do xD


                                                                                            bottle > linken


                                                                                              one day, medallion was retarded item for weaver. Then Lil played medallion roam weaver in major. The next day, every weaver i see bought medallion and played as roam. Dota players love copying pro player's tournament builds in pub matches for some reason. IMO, Medallion is good for 3 type of heroes
                                                                                              1: heroes that are trying to boost their creeps damage like beastmaster, visage, lycan
                                                                                              2: supports that wants to help their team deal more damage like venge, slardar, dazzle
                                                                                              3: heroes that has physical damage skills benefit from armor reduction like slardar, dazzle, beastmaster and maybe tuskar

                                                                                              i dont think weaver fits in any of them

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                ^ swarm?


                                                                                                  so? is too short (minimum is 6 characters)




                                                                                                      What I really wanna know is why ppl stop building deso on weaver


                                                                                                        i think you are trying to say it fits the second type. Well, It can be done, as it did work in Major by lil. But there are other heroes that can do the job better like slardar venge and dazzle. And Weaver is better at carrying than all of them combined. Lil picked weaver for this job coz it fit their lineup and needed its ulti