General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible to calibrate 4999?

Is it possible to calibrate 4999? in General Discussion
Shadows Die Twice

    So i calibrated 4856 MMR and i think i played by the book, high hero dmg, core only and so on... went 8-2 which is 80% winrate in 10 matches...


      wp.whast ur main

      Player 404335202

        Its possible ! Wagamama calibrated at 5052 mmr on his smurf

        Shadows Die Twice

          This is my main.

          When? I'm talking is it possible now, i know it was possible few years back.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            how is this main if ur smurf dont tell me u u sjust started dota and allrdy got 5k xd
            new miracle

            doc joferlyn simp

              He calibrated low --> make 10 smurfs --> 1 smurf calibrated well, all others 3k/2k --> Highest MMR smurf is now main.

              Shadows Die Twice

                I'm dota 1 player...


                  That makes much more sense ty


                    Yes its possible but near impossible

                    Shadows Die Twice

                      Well this was one of my calibration games: If this is not enough, i don't know what is, this system sucks.


                        i dont belive ur first dota 2 acc is this since u calibratedf allmost max its pure bullshit
                        i belive ur dota 1 player but it dont make sense
                        ur fucking shit

                        Shadows Die Twice

                          Last time i calibrated 4818 MMR. So i decided to try once again since i know that 4999 is maximum... And i didn't manage to reach that. Again.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            ^u just envy with him. just like me


                              "last time"? how many time you've calibrating?

                              The Medic Guy

                                the highest smurf account's mmr is the main account


                                  lol. still no blue stars. sadface


                                    "ima just try to calibrate again by making a new account and spend at least 100 hours to get 100 more mmr which is pretty much 4 wins because i cant think like a normal human being"


                                      its totaly viable im proud


                                        @b w s, its more like its harder to win those 4 games in high mmr if your skill level is lower than your mmr than to spend 100 hours to make a new account and try to calibrate max mmr


                                          Why do ppl even wanna go through the torture of grinding a new acct just to go through 10 bullshit calibration matches?

                                          Player 404335202

                                            Waga calibrated it last year i guess

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              IT is possible to calibrate 5k but it's hard. You need to crush every game and you cannot have anyone doing well or abandon.


                                                theoretically possible


                                                  I'm pretty sure 5k calibration is legitimately impossible now, 4999 is the cap as far as I've seen. In fact for your very first game of ranked your TBD mmr can be above this cap, for my first ranked game on my smurf I got into a 5.1k average game as highest despite being TBD, however after that first game (which I stomped as well) the cap kicks in and drops your mmr down.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    So this means Valve made this not to let 3 k and 4k buy 6 k acc when they feel to

                                                    seems they done good job but 4k mmr is full of boosted

                                                    Player 404335202

                                                      @scy can u post link of ur first account ?



                                                        senpai fapppp me

                                                          HOW CAN YOU GET VHS IN YOUR FIRST GAME....


                                                            i thought it depended on how well your first few games of unranked matches go, apparently from your very first dota game to your tenth, determines your hidden mmr pool at which youll be getting +25 -25 for each match from then on and that the number directly correlates with your 1st ranked match mmr
                                                            then the next 9 games determine how well you do in that mmr pool in ranked, eg. you're easily in vhs and are gettin 5k averages for your calibration games but do poorly you'll get low 4ks


                                                              Its not exactly +25 -25 after the first 10 games
                                                              My hidden mmr on my smurf still goes up and down for 100ish at game 20 (not that I even care to try to recalibrate to 4k)


                                                                VERSATILY MATTERS!


                                                                  Versatility won't help much until you're 6k+
                                                                  Jack of all trades, master of none

                                                                  Andrei Vodolaz

                                                                    Can someone tell me wow many games are needed for calibration now?


                                                                      Waste of time


                                                                        130-150 depends

                                                                        Shadows Die Twice

                                                                 Some1 asked for my first account. Calibrated 4818.


                                                                            how do u have 200 games of dota 2 and have almost 5k even miracle had 4k mmr at beginning
                                                                            u want me to say ur next miracls ?

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              its very hard to get even 4.8, 4.9. the best way to do (as far as i know) it is to lose all games but have 700+ gpm, huge kda, low/no deaths, etc

                                                                              versatility is terrible i think

                                                                              Shadows Die Twice

                                                                                @AdaptiveVersatileCooperative As i said i played Dota 1...


                                                                                  lol please stay 4k.


                                                                                    I had my 1st ranked game 7k average (Ruined by some Dogshit MVP.R feeder) I went into calibration with like around an 80% Winrate or something stupid after your 1st game cap kicks in and you get slapped down to mid 4k think it kicked in harder for me as 1st game was a loss / I left after it was safe to leave which seemed to tank my MMR super fucking hard.
                                                                                    Also pretty sure calibrating 4999 is technically possible just very difficult with the current cap in place, you would have to go into ranked with a high unranked MMR and win all 10 calibration games. After your 1st calibration game im pretty sure it works as a +/- 100 MMR for winning each game.

                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                    Shadows Die Twice

                                                                                      Well it was fun to me to try to calibrate as high mmr as possible... But i gave up that sh*t, 4850 is good enough i guess. And yeah, i also noticed that first calibration match is the most important one, it can change as much as +-500 mmr...


                                                                                        Hahah my first calibration match changed -2000 mmr but as I said thats as the 5k cap came in XD

                                                                                        Shadows Die Twice

                                                                                          Wow 2k change is a lot...


                                                                                            Yup my 1st ranked game: Went on to calibrate like 4.7 or smth

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                            Shadows Die Twice

                                                                                              You are really abusing this new hero to rise mmr

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                Not really I just enjoy there hero Right now he isn't particularly imbalanced sub 50% win rate in all brackets XD

                                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                Player 404335202

                                                                                                  @scy u are really good at this game ! Got blue star so fast lol
                                                                                                  Good luck for 6k

                                                                                                  Shadows Die Twice



                                                                                                      What if frank actually trashtalks people to motivate them :thinking: