General Discussion

General Discussionwhen should i pick juggernaut? how should i play juggernaut?

when should i pick juggernaut? how should i play juggernaut? in General Discussion

    at high mmr the hero is often picket.. and they succed.. i simply cant..

    i know the spin is used to lane kill, to tp rat, never used to "gap closer to the enemy"
    i know the ward is used to early sieges or recover after a fight (op bla bla bla, not op to me)
    i know he hits during omnislash, so while more BAT is better.. also all atk modifiers apply to omni (clave, bash, chain lightning, slow, crit)

    id tried diff + manta/ battle fury/ scepter/ maeltrom + dominator/ even S&Y.. (i almost always buy dagger)

    i simply keep losing with the hero, maybe i am just a bad player, or it is bcuz my skill bracket (3k).. dont know

    any hint? partner match up (heroe combo), time to get items.. when to get which items..

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      i honestly dont know how i win with Jugg. Pick your fights, watch your map. As the Great Puppey once said, there is no perfect item build for a hero, you read the game and get what you need.

      Juggs attack animation is really good so CS with him is easy. Healing Ward is OP if you max it out. i usually go spin and crit then max spin and ward after that. also always carry a mango early to mid game and a tp.

      Jugg is really strong in fights and use his spin to dodge CC or to quickly get a kill on a slowed or stunned target.


        blink on him is good as well as phase boots. but get treads if you feel it will be better than the dmg and ms you get from PB. and remember to master tread switch. i have seen fights where RTZ tread switch over 20 times in a 15s fight to maximize dmg, hp % and mana. S&Y had a nice buff due to the Sange buff so it is more viable now. NEVER BUY SCEPTER ON JUGG. 4.2k item that carries way to much risk with it.

        People tend to forget about Echo Saber on Jugg for some reason. works well with his crit and the slow is really good (double hit then spin) when you come out of spin you will have another double hit (anyone says 4 crits?)

        im below 3k but manage to win wtih him. never blame your team. Always use a loss as a way to get better.


          i have good CS, i always watch the map, i always use the spin for easy kills.. id never build echo, i switch tread (not 20times in a fight of course).. i dont know.. we (as a team) always reach late game and we lose.. i normally are ahead in networth before 25 min mark, after that i get outfarmed


            Plz dont build treads just go phase boots. Get mael if you feel like you need more farm. Also at lv 25 go for the blade fury damage. You walk in the fight with bf so its very useful.


              Imo jugg is a type of hero that is not all about this item build or that skill build u need to know how to play about with the hero and how to react to things so u can adapt for evey game. and that just comes by playing alot and watching others play, both of these 2 are equally important.

              But reguardless of how important that is i also feel like u dont know why poeple buy helm or bf or s&y and etc, i might be wrong at this but u say i tried this build and this build and i get the impression that u find match and go pick jugg and say im gonna play this build today, if i'm wrong ignore this but if i'm right then mate thats not how dota and especially jugg works , i personally think if u watch couple of top watch games with jugg and look at jugg players' opponents and their allies and see their items and question their choice of items (for example eos with diff blade is more popular now but abbysal and blink is super effective against a hero like sven, see if they buy either of those items how that affects their game, and put yourself in their shoes and say what would have u bought there) and also paying attention to how they approaches in laning and fights and etc these helped me alot i hope it becomes use for u aswell


                Ive usually seen phase helm manta mjollnir luxury, but other items like diffusal and early basher etc may be necessary.


                  I love Juggernaut too. I don't want to comment bcoz I am a low MMR player. But, I guess as PsyFi said, there is no build and way to build him is according to the game. Never get a BF because, u can farm fast enough already with spin and a few right clicks. I always get different items acc to game, I get silver edge to when I need to break and stuff. Blink is almost situational, imo. To close gap and stuff. Get relevant items and engage in fight when u know u can get something out of it. I will go for a fight if I have my ult ready or sure kill. i will never waste time roaming, just farm farm farm. Correct me If I am wrong. I am new to this game.


                    For me , I will farm phase boots ,yasha and diffusal . After that try to build scadi .
                    So very simple to attack enemy with 1st skill spin and normal hit also slow them .
                    Easy kill man


                      Blink is a snowbally item. Jugg has a rather standard build but his late game is variable. Ive been considering ac to counter blademails as an armor option, otherwise butter is better. Skadi is good, abyssal is good, mkb, even bloodthorn maybe (big maybe), silver edge, he is very versatile in luxury. But dont buy echo sabre on jugg, its not that bad but his BAT is so low, and he doesnt want slow as much as movespeed from a yasha or some shit. If u think sny wud be a good item, then dont buy it and buy echo sabre, but dont think its a rlly good jugg item.


                        If yasha build manta


                          expainless idiot

                          Sugar Show

                            when normies gonna learn to jungle juggernaut?

                            ✪ Ben Dover

                              how do people play jug without bfury? i tried it once and i could barely jungle. had to use ward to survive, then no mana for fights :( never realised hes so dependent of bfury regen.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                              casual gamer

                                hotd manta blink basher mj/bfly abyssal

                                kill people -> siege with healing ward

                                healing ward micro is huge. against mostly melee heroes ward will win u the game


                                  Lmao u dont need to afk jungle with jugg, and even then u can use the helm creep to help u.

                                  casual gamer

                                    centaur gained 25 mmr for this fuck


                                      I think we know what aquilla does right?